
The Edit widget provides editing capabilities using an editable layer in a feature service. It combines the TemplatePicker, AttachmentEditor, AttributeInspector, and GeometryService to provide feature and attribute editing.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Edit widget.



An object of ArcGIS API for JavaScript. See the parameters of the Editor constructor in the Constructor details documentation.

  • layerInfos—Object. Refers to the feature layer information. There is no default.
    • featureLayer—Object. Reference to the feature layer. There is no default.
    • id—String. The ID of an editable layer in a web map. The layer is ignored if the ID does not exist in the web map. There is no default.
  • TableInfos—Object. Refers to the feature table information. There is no default.
    • featureLayer—Object. Reference to the feature table. There is no default.
    • id—String. The ID of an editable table in a web map. The table is ignored if the ID does not exist in the web map. There is no default.
  • useFilterEdit—Boolean. Enables TemplatePicker to filter templates.
  • autoApplyEditWhenGeometryIsMoved—Boolean. Applies the edit automatically when the geometry is moved.
  • snappingTolerance—Number. Sets the snapping tolerance in pixels.
  • popupTolerance—Number. Sets the tolerance of attribute editing in a pop-up in pixels.
  • stickyMoveTolerance—Number. Sets the sticky move tolerance in pixels.


  "editor": {
    "enableUndoRedo": true,
    "toolbarVisible": true,
    "toolbarOptions": {
      "mergeVisible": true,
      "cutVisible": true,
      "reshapeVisible": true
    "layerInfos": [{
      "featureLayer": {
      "disableGeometryUpdate": true,
      "fieldInfos": [{
        "fieldName": "rotation",
        "isEditable": false
      }, {
        "fieldName": "description",
        "isEditable": true
      }, {
        "fieldName": "eventdate",
        "label": "Event Date",
        "isEditable": false
      }, {
        "fieldName": "eventtype",
        "label": "Event Type",
        "isEditable": false
    }, {
      "featureLayer": {
      "disableGeometryUpdate": true,
      "fieldInfos": [{
        "fieldName": "symbolid",
        "isEditable": false
      }, {
        "fieldName": "description",
        "isEditable": true
    "tableInfos": [],
    "useFilterEdit": false,
    "autoApplyEditWhenGeometryIsMoved": false,
    "snappingTolerance": 15,
    "popupTolerance": 5,
    "stickyMoveTolerance": 0
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