The Coordinate widget displays xy coordinates dynamically when the pointer is moved around the map. By default, the coordinate values are based on the spatial reference of the first basemap.
Configurable attributes
The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Coordinate widget.
Attribute | Description |
spatialReferences | Object[]. There is no default. Shows a pop-up menu containing all configured spatial references when you hover the pointer over the widget.
decimalPlaces | Number. The numeric precision of the coordinates. |
addSeparator | Boolean. The default is false. Indicates whether to display thousand separators. |
addSeparator: true,
decimalPlaces: 3,
"spatialReferences": [{
"wkid": 3857,
"label": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",
"transformForward": false,
"transformationLabel": "",
"transformationWkid": "",
"options": {
"defaultUnit": "Meter",
"isGeographicCS": false,
"isGeographicUnit": false,
"isProjectUnit": true,
"isProjectedCS": true,
"sameSRWithMap": true,
"spheroidCS": 4326,
"unitRate": 1
"outputUnit": "Meter"
"wkid": 2285,
"label": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet",
"transformForward": true,
"transformationLabel": "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983",
"transformationWkid": 108190,
"options": {
"defaultUnit": "Foot_US",
"isGeographicCS": false,
"isGeographicUnit": false,
"isProjectUnit": true,
"isProjectedCS": true,
"sameSRWithMap": false,
"spheroidCS": 4269,
"unitRate": 0.00018939431818257576
"outputUnit": "MILES"
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