
The Coordinate widget displays xy coordinates dynamically when the pointer is moved around the map. By default, the coordinate values are based on the spatial reference of the first basemap.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Coordinate widget.



Object[]. There is no default. Shows a pop-up menu containing all configured spatial references when you hover the pointer over the widget.

  • wkid—Number. There is no default. Well-known ID (WKID). See Coordinate system IDs for details..
  • label—String. There is no default. A label for the specified WKID.
  • transformationWkid—Number. There is no default. The WKID {wkid:number} for the datum transformation to apply to projected geometries.
  • transformationLabel—String. There is no default. The well-known text {wkt:string} for the datum transformation to apply to projected geometries.
  • options—Object. There is no default. The auxiliary information of spatial reference. It has the following properties:
    • defaultUnit—String. There is no default. The unit of spatial reference.
    • isGeographicCS—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not the spatial reference is a geographic coordinate system.
    • isGeographicUnit—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not the output unit is a geographic coordinate unit.
    • isProjectedCS—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not the spatial reference is a projected coordinate system.
    • isProjectUnit—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not the output unit is a projected coordinate unit.
    • sameSRWithMap—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not the output WKID is the same as the map.
    • spheroidCS—Number. There is no default. The WKID of the reference ellipsoid.
    • unitRate—Number. There is no default. The rate from default unit to output unit.
  • transformForward—Boolean. There is no default. Indicates whether or not to transform forward. The forward or reverse direction of transformation is implied in the name of the transformation.
  • outputunit—String. Valid values are Default, INCHES, FOOT, YARDS, MILES, NAUTICAL_MILES, MILLIMETERS, CENTIMETERS, METER, KILOMETERS, DECIMETERS, DECIMAL_DEGREES, DEGREE_MINUTE_SECONDS, MGRS, and USNG. The default value is an empty string, which means using the default unit of wkid.


Number. The numeric precision of the coordinates.


Boolean. The default is false. Indicates whether to display thousand separators.


  addSeparator: true,
  decimalPlaces: 3,
  "spatialReferences": [{
    "wkid": 3857,
    "label": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",
    "transformForward": false,
    "transformationLabel": "",
    "transformationWkid": "",
    "options": {
      "defaultUnit": "Meter",
      "isGeographicCS": false,
      "isGeographicUnit": false,
      "isProjectUnit": true,
      "isProjectedCS": true,
      "sameSRWithMap": true,
      "spheroidCS": 4326,
      "unitRate": 1
    "outputUnit": "Meter"
    "wkid": 2285,
    "label": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601_Feet",
    "transformForward": true,
    "transformationLabel": "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983",
    "transformationWkid": 108190,
    "options": {
      "defaultUnit": "Foot_US",
      "isGeographicCS": false,
      "isGeographicUnit": false,
      "isProjectUnit": true,
      "isProjectedCS": true,
      "sameSRWithMap": false,
      "spheroidCS": 4269,
      "unitRate": 0.00018939431818257576
    "outputUnit": "MILES"
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