
The Share widget provides tools that generate a short link so you can share your app with others. When the short link is accessed, the Share widget can restore the extent or query a feature depending on your settings.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Share widget.



Object. It has the following properties:

  • email—Boolean. The default is true. Determines whether the email icon is displayed. If true, it generates an email template to share.
  • facebook—Boolean. The default is true. Determines whether the Facebook icon is displayed. If true, it generates a Facebook template to share and redirects to this URL.
  • twitter—Boolean. The default is true. Determines whether the Twitter icon is displayed. If true, it generates a Twitter template to share and redirects to this URL.
  • googlePlus—Boolean. The default is true. Determines whether the Google+ icon is displayed. If true, it generates a Google Plus template to share and redirects to this URL.


"socialMedias": {
    "email": true,
    "facebook": true,
    "twitter": true,
    "googlePlus": true
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