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ArcGIS Developer

FilterManager class

The FilterManager class manages the filters to avoid filter conflict between widgets.

AMD Module Require

require(["jimu/FilterManager"], function(FilterManager) { /* code goes here */ });


FilterManager has no constructor. Use FilterManager.getInstance() to get the FilterManager instance.


require(["jimu/dijit/FilterManager"], function(FilterManager){
          var filterManager = FilterManager.getInstance();


applyWidgetFilter (layerId, widgetId, expression)

Applies a filter to a layer.

Return type: Undefined.


  • <String> layerId—Required. The ID of the layer where the filter is to be applied.
  • <String> widgetId—Required. The ID of the widget where the filter is to be applied.
  • <String> expression—Required. The filter expression.

getFilterExp (layerId, excludeWidgetId)

Gets the filter expressions that have been applied to a layer from all widgets unless excluded.

Return type: The filter expressions string.


  • <String> layerId—Required. The ID of the layer where the filter is from.
  • <String> excludeWidgetId—Optional. The ID of the widget to exclude from forming the filter expressions.

getWidgetFilter (layerId, widgetId)

Gets the filter expression that a widget has applied to a layer.

Return type: The filter expression string.


  • <String> layerId—Required. The ID of the layer where the filter is from.
  • <String> widgetId—Required. The ID of the widget where the filter is from.