SnapShot class
The SnapShot class allows you to create a web map and feature collection layers from one or more graphic arrays. Each new layer can inherit properties from a source layer such as its pop-up, rendering, and scale range.
AMD Module Require
require(["jimu/dijit/SnapShot"], function(SnapShot) { /* code goes here */ });
new SnapShot(params) Creates a new SnapShot dijit. Parameters: <Object> params—Required. Parameters for the SnapShot dijit. params properties: <Object> appConfig—Required. The applicaton configuration from the parent Web AppBuilder application. <Object> map—Required. The map instance from the parent Web AppBuilder application. Example:
createSnapShots(options) Creates a feature collection for each graphics array and adds it to a new web map. All items are created in a new folder under the current user's content and can be shared with the appropriate groups, organization, or the public. Parameters: <Object> options—Required. The user-defined properties and data used to create the snapshot. params properties: <Array> data—Required. Array of data objects that describe the feature collections to create. <String> name—Optional. Default name value. Default: <Default>
<Object> shareWith—Optional. Expected to follow Share item (as item owner) properties. Default: <Default>
<Object> folderOptions—Optional. Applicable item Common Parameters for a CreateFolder call. Default: <Default>
<String> mapTitle—Optional. User-provided map title. Default: <Default>
<Object> mapExtent—Optional. User-provided extent object. Default: <Default>
Option Object
Data Object
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