
The Bookmark widget is available for 2D and 3D maps. For 2D maps, it stores a collection of map view extents. For 3D maps, it stores a collection of camera arrays. It also enables end users to add and delete their own bookmarks. Web map bookmarks are automatically used if available.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Bookmark widget.


bookmarks 2D

Object[]. There is no default—The 2D map bookmarks. It has the following properties:

  • name—String. There is no default. The bookmark name.
  • extent—Object. There is no default. The map extent. The object is the same as the object returned by the Extent.toJson() method in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. See Extent for details.
  • thumbnail— String. The default is images/thumbnail_default.png. It is recommended that you put all images in the images folder.

bookmarks 3D

Object[]. There is no default—The 3D map bookmarks. It has the following properties:

  • name—String. There is no default. The bookmark name.
  • camera—Number[]. There is no default. The camera is an array with a length of 5 or 6. The first five are x,y,z, heading, and tilt. The sixth is the WKID and is optional. If not set, the default WKID is 4326.
  • thumbnail—String. The default is images/thumbnail_default.png. It is recommended that you put all of the images in the images folder.


Object[]—The display mode of the bookmarks. It has the following properties:

  • cards—Boolean. The default is true. If true, the bookmarks display in the Cards view (Grid view).
  • list—Boolean. The default is false. If true, the bookmarks display in the List view.
  • defaultMode—String. The default is cards. It determines which mode to display when both cards and list parameters are set to true.


Boolean. The default is true—Determines whether end users can add bookmarks when the app starts.


Object[]—The synchronization mode of the bookmarks. It has the following properties:

  • webmap—Boolean. The default is true. If true, the bookmarks from the map are displayed after the widget opens.
  • custom—Boolean. The default is true. If true, the custom bookmarks are displayed from the setting page.

In this topic
  1. Configurable attributes
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