Layer List

The Layer List widget displays operational layers on the map and provides basic functionalities, such as turning the layer on and off, zooming to items, showing transparency items, moving up and down, opening with an attribute table, and showing the description or item details.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Layer List widget.



Boolean. Indicates whether to display the legend. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Zoom To item in the layer context menu. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Transparency item in the layer context menu. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Enable or Disable Pop-up item in the layer context menu. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Move up or Move down item in the layer context menu. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Open Attribute Table item in the layer context menu. The default is true.


Boolean. Indicates whether to display the Description or Show Item Details or Download item in the layer context menu. The default is true.

In this topic
  1. Configurable attributes
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