
The Query widget enables you to query information from a map service, a feature service, or an image service by executing a predefined query. It is performed on a single layer.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Query widget.



Array of query task. Each element has the following child attributes:

  • name—String. The name of the query task. There is no default.
  • url—String. A feature layer or an image service URL for the layer you want to query. There is no default.
  • icon—String. The icon of the query task. It is a Base64 string. If empty, the default icon is applied.
  • filter—Object. The expr attribute of filter takes the form of a basic SQL statement and uses it to filter features. There is no default.
  • showSQL—Boolean. If true, the Query widget will display an SQL expression for end users. There is no default.
  • spatialFilter—Object. There is no default. This object has the following four attributes:
    • currentMapExtent—Returns features within current map extent
    • drawing—Returns features that intersect the shape drawn on the map
    • useFeatures—Returns features that have a spatial relationship with features in another layer
    • fullLayerExtent—Returns features within the full extent of the map
  • popupInfo—Object. This object is used for PopupTemplate. If the subattribute readFromWebMap is true, the Query widget will use the pop-up defined in the web map. There is no default. See Format Popup Content for more information.
  • useLayerSymbol—Boolean. If true, resultsSymbol is ignored and the renderer defined by the REST service is used as the symbol of query results. There is no default.
  • resultsSymbol—Object. This is the symbol of query results. There is no default.
  • enableExport—Boolean. If true, query results can be exported as CSV, FeatureCollection, and GeoJSON files. There is no default.
  • singleResultLayer—Boolean. If true, only one result layer is created regardless of the number of times the query task executes. If false, the Query widget creates a new result layer each time the query task executes. There is no default.
  • webMapLayerId—String. If the query layer exists in the web map, webMapLayerId is the layer ID. If the query layer doesn’t exist in the web map, webMapLayerId is empty. There is no default.
  • orderByFields—String array. Use one or more field names to order the query results. There is no default.


  "queries": [
      "url": "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/SampleWorldCities/MapServer/0",
      "name": "SampleWorldCities - Cities",
      "icon": "",
      "filter": {
        "logicalOperator": "AND",
        "parts": [
            "fieldObj": {
              "name": "POP_CLASS",
              "label": "POP_CLASS",
              "shortType": "string",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
            "operator": "stringOperatorIs",
            "valueObj": {
              "isValid": true,
              "type": "unique",
              "value": "250,000 to 499,999"
            "interactiveObj": "",
            "caseSensitive": false,
            "expr": "POP_CLASS = '250,000 to 499,999'"
        "expr": "POP_CLASS = '250,000 to 499,999'"
      "showSQL": true,
      "spatialFilter": {
        "currentMapExtent": {
          "default": true
        "drawing": {
          "default": false,
          "geometryTypes": [
          "buffer": {
            "defaultDistance": 100,
            "defaultUnit": "MILES"
        "useFeatures": {
          "default": false,
          "relationships": [
              "relationship": "SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS",
              "label": "intersect"
              "relationship": "SPATIAL_REL_WITHIN",
              "label": "contain"
              "relationship": "SPATIAL_REL_CONTAINS",
              "label": "within"
          "buffer": {
            "defaultDistance": 100,
            "defaultUnit": "MILES"
        "fullLayerExtent": {
          "default": false
      "popupInfo": {
        "readFromWebMap": true
      "orderByFields": [],
      "useLayerSymbol": false,
      "resultsSymbol": {
        "color": [
        "size": 18,
        "angle": 0,
        "xoffset": 0,
        "yoffset": 0,
        "type": "esriSMS",
        "style": "esriSMSCircle",
        "outline": {
          "color": [
          "width": 0.75,
          "type": "esriSLS",
          "style": "esriSLSSolid"
      "keepResultsOnMapAfterCloseWidget": false,
      "enableExport": true,
      "singleResultLayer": true,
      "webMapLayerId": "SampleWorldCities_3008"
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