Reviewer Dashboard

The Reviewer Dashboard widget displays data quality result statistics as infographics—pie and bar charts—to summarize data quality issues identified in your GIS data. The statistics represent total counts of results summarized by a field that allows you to understand the number and type of results present in your data.

Configurable attributes

The following table describes the configurable attributes of the Reviewer Dashboard widget.



String. The URL to the Data Reviewer service.


Boolean. Whether to include filtering by polygon layer. The default is true.


Number. Defines the total number of slices or bars in the pie and bar chart. The default value is 5.


String. If includeGeographicFilter is true, enter the URL of the polygon map service for filtering.


String. If includeGeographicFilter is true, enter the map service URL for filtering.


String. If includeGeographicFilter is true, enter the geometry service URL for filtering option.


Object[]. Default value is empty. The properties of the array item are as follows:

  • dashboardFieldName—String. Dashboard field name.
  • alias—String. Alias name that will appear on the widget.
  • isVisible—Boolean. Indicates whether the field will be shown in the widget.
  • isDefault—Boolean. Indicates whether the field is default


  "drsSOEURL": "",
  "includeGeographicFilter": "true",
  "numberChartSections": 5,
  "selectUrl": "",
  "selectMapUrl": "",
  "geometryServiceURL": "",
  "dashboardFieldNames": [
      "dashboardFieldName": "CHECKTITLE",
      "alias": "CHECKTITLE",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": false
      "dashboardFieldName": "FEATUREOBJECTCLASS",
      "alias": "FEATUREOBJECTCLASS",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": false
      "dashboardFieldName": "LIFECYCLESTATUS",
      "alias": "LIFECYCLESTATUS",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": false
      "dashboardFieldName": "SESSIONID",
      "alias": "SESSIONID",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": false
      "dashboardFieldName": "SEVERITY",
      "alias": "SEVERITY",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": true
      "dashboardFieldName": "SUBTYPE",
      "alias": "SUBTYPE",
      "isVisible": true,
      "isDefault": false
      "dashboardFieldName": "LIFECYCLEPHASE",
      "alias": "LIFECYCLEPHASE",
      "isVisible": false,
      "isDefault": false
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