

The data source info which provides status, count, selected ids, widget queries and more.



This property applies only to FeatureLayerDataSource . The gdbVersion applies to the gdb version used when querying/adding/updating a feature layer. For additional information, please see:Query (Feature Service/Layer) Version Management Service

The DataSourceInfo instanceStatus property indicates the create status of the data source. The instanceStatusis of type DataSourceStatus enum.


This property applies only to a QueriableDataSource . For static data, the data does not need refresh. For auto refresh data, the data requires a refresh on arrival of the refresh interval.

If widgets select records by dataSource.selectRecords , the data source will save the original select options here. The data source will use selectOptions to query records and save IDs of the query result to selectedIds . So if widgets only need to highlight the selected records, please just watch changes of selectedIds .


An immutable array of selected DataSource ids.


Whenever the source of data source is changed, the sourceVersion is incremented +1. The sourceVersion is 1 when the data is loaded for the first time.


Whenever a data source is changed on the client side, the version is incremented +1. The version is 1 when the data is loaded for the first time.


The query parameters widgets applied to the DataSource . The query does not have page info.


Interface Property
gdbVersion: string

This property applies only to FeatureLayerDataSource . The gdbVersion applies to the gdb version used when querying/adding/updating a feature layer. For additional information, please see:Query (Feature Service/Layer) Version Management Service


Interface Property
instanceStatus: DataSourceStatus

The DataSourceInfo instanceStatus property indicates the create status of the data source. The instanceStatusis of type DataSourceStatus enum.


Interface Property
needRefresh: boolean

This property applies only to a QueriableDataSource . For static data, the data does not need refresh. For auto refresh data, the data requires a refresh on arrival of the refresh interval.


Interface Property
selectOptions: SelectOptions

If widgets select records by dataSource.selectRecords , the data source will save the original select options here. The data source will use selectOptions to query records and save IDs of the query result to selectedIds . So if widgets only need to highlight the selected records, please just watch changes of selectedIds .


Interface Property
selectedIds: string[]

An immutable array of selected DataSource ids.


Interface Property
sourceVersion: number

Whenever the source of data source is changed, the sourceVersion is incremented +1. The sourceVersion is 1 when the data is loaded for the first time.


Interface Property
version: number

Whenever a data source is changed on the client side, the version is incremented +1. The version is 1 when the data is loaded for the first time.


Interface Property
widgetQueries: {}

The query parameters widgets applied to the DataSource . The query does not have page info.

Type declaration

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