

The ExpressionResolverComponent component props.


ReactNode | ResolverRenderFunction

If one of children components' rendering depends on the resolved result, you can choose to use this render function.

Expressions that need to be resolved.

Whether or not the expression is resolved successfully, the function will be called.


If included, it will use these records to resolve the expression. If not, it will use useDataSources to create the data source instances, then use these data sources to resolve the expression.


Widget's useDataSources , the data sources that the widget is using. If the data source of one expression part is not in the array, this part will not be resolved.


Id of the widget.


Interface Property
children: ReactNode | ResolverRenderFunction

If one of children components' rendering depends on the resolved result, you can choose to use this render function.


Interface Property
expression: IMExpression | IMExpressionMap

Expressions that need to be resolved.


Interface Property
onChange: (resolvedResultsMultipleExpressionResolveResults | SingleExpressionResolveResult) => void

Whether or not the expression is resolved successfully, the function will be called.

Type declaration


Interface Property
records: {}

If included, it will use these records to resolve the expression. If not, it will use useDataSources to create the data source instances, then use these data sources to resolve the expression.

Must pass in one of useDataSources and records .

Type declaration


    Interface Property
    useDataSources: ImmutableArray<UseDataSource>

    Widget's useDataSources , the data sources that the widget is using. If the data source of one expression part is not in the array, this part will not be resolved.

    Must pass in one of useDataSources and records .


    Interface Property
    widgetId: string

    Id of the widget.

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