

The base interface for both widgets and themes.

Subclasses: WidgetManifest



A widget may only support certain framework versions due to breaking API changes, so this property allows the widget/theme to define the framework version that it supports. This version check is not currently enforced, but will be enforced in the future.


You don't need to add this property in your code, this property is added at runtime.


This should be same as the _widgetLabel value in translation/default.ts


The name must be unique and same as folder name.


The widget/theme version. The format of the version must follow this pattern: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, see semver for details.


Interface Property
exbVersion: string

A widget may only support certain framework versions due to breaking API changes, so this property allows the widget/theme to define the framework version that it supports. This version check is not currently enforced, but will be enforced in the future.


Interface Property
i18nMessages: any

You don't need to add this property in your code, this property is added at runtime.

Save the current locale only, but not the default locale. The default string should be written in manifest. There are some conventional keys: _widgetLabel: the widget label.action<action name>_label: the action label.ext<extension name>_label: the extension label.layout<layout name>_label: the layout label.


Interface Property
label: string

This should be same as the _widgetLabel value in translation/default.ts


Interface Property
name: string

The name must be unique and same as folder name.


Interface Property
version: string

The widget/theme version. The format of the version must follow this pattern: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, see semver for details.

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