

Type alias
WidgetInjectedProps<T>: Omit<IMWidgetJson"config" | keyofImmutableObjectMixin<any>> & RuntimeInfo & { appI18nMessages: any; builderSupportModules?: BuilderSupportModules; config: T; dispatch: any; i18nMessages: any; intl: IntlShape; locale: string; mutableStateProps: any; mutableStatePropsVersion: MutableStatePropsVersion; portalSelf?: any; portalUrl?: string; repeatedDataSource: RepeatedDataSource | RepeatedDataSource[]; savedConfig: Partial<T>; stateProps: any; theme: IMThemeVariables; theme2?: IMThemeVariables; user?: IMUser }

The Widget component props injected by framework. Included in AllWidgetProps.

Type Parameters
  • T

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