Install GeoAnalytics Engine on Databricks

The Databricks Lakehouse Platform provides a unified set of tools for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data solutions at scale. Databricks integrates with cloud storage and security in your cloud account, and manages and deploys cloud infrastructure on your behalf. The Databricks Runtime releases include both open source technologies like Apache Spark, as well as a number of proprietary tools that integrate and expand these technologies to add optimized performance and ease of use.

GeoAnalytics Engine can be installed on Databricks in Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud Platform to add spatial data science and analysis capabilities to your Databricks Lakehouse. After installing GeoAnalytics Engine, you will be able to run spatial SQL functions and analysis tools using a Spark cluster managed by Databricks. Because GeoAnalytics Engine extends PySpark, you can spatially-enable your data wherever it lives and seamlessly execute spatial analysis workflows alongside other data science and machine learning technologies in a Databricks notebook.

The table below summarizes the Databricks Runtime releases supported by each version of GeoAnalytics Engine. Both the Databricks Runtime and Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning are supported.

GeoAnalytics EngineDatabricks Runtimes

To learn more about using GeoAnalytics Engine with the Databricks Lakehouse Platform, see the install guides for each cloud provider:

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