Spatial binning functions (spatial aggregation) give you a way to summarize spatial data for visualization and analysis. Summarizing spatial data is useful for both visualization of large datasets, and analysis. Many GeoAnalytics Engine tools use binning functionality as a core component of analysis, such as Summarize Within and Aggregate Points. In this tutorial you will learn how to use spatial binning functions such as ST_SquareBin, ST_SquareBins, ST_HexBin, ST_HexBins, ST_H3Bin, ST_H3Bins, ST_BinCenter and ST_BinGeometry, and Spark SQL aggregate functions to recreate and customize the workflow of many GeoAnalytics Engine aggregation tools.
Setup modules and data
and Spark SQL functions and read in the LA Ozone dataset.Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy # Imports import geoanalytics from geoanalytics.sql import functions as ST from pyspark.sql import functions as F import requests, zipfile, io, tempfile geoanalytics.auth(username="user1", password="p@ssword")
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy # Download Ozone data from a URL zip_file_url = "" r = requests.get(zip_file_url) z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) z.extractall(tempfile.gettempdir()) ozone_data_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'laozone') # View the files in the unzipped folder os.listdir(ozone_data_path)
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy ['.DS_Store', 'laozone.dat', 'laozone.html', 'oz96_utm.csv', 'oz96_utm.dbf', 'oz96_utm.geojson', 'oz96_utm.gpkg', 'oz96_utm.html', 'oz96_utm.mid', 'oz96_utm.mif', 'oz96_utm.shp', 'oz96_utm.shx', 'oz96_utm.sqlite', 'oz96_utm.xlsx', 'trendsurface.dat', 'trendsurface.html']
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy # Load in dataset from local path as a Spark DataFrame and create point geometry column la_ozone="csv") \ .option("inferSchema", "true") \ .option("header", "true") \ .load(os.path.join(ozone_data_path, 'oz96_utm.csv')) \ .withColumn("point", ST.srid(ST.point("X_COORD","Y_COORD"), 26711)) # Check spatial reference of the geometry column"point")).show(1)
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +-------------+ |ST_Srid(point)| +-------------+ | 26711| +-------------+ only showing top 1 row
Read in the US census data and create a DataFrame that is filtered to only show LA county.
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy # Download county level demographic data from a URL zip_file_url = "" r = requests.get(zip_file_url) z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) z.extractall(tempfile.gettempdir()) ca_data_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'income_diversity') # view files in the unzipped folder os.listdir(ca_data_path)
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy ['income_diversity.dbf', 'income_diversity.geojson', 'income_diversity.prj', 'income_diversity.shp', 'income_diversity.shx']
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy # Load in dataset from local path as a Spark DataFrame # Filter the dataframe to obtain records only relevant to Los Angeles County la_pop ="shapefile") \ .load(ca_data_path) \ .where("countyname == 'Los Angeles County, California'") \ .where("cartodb_id == 60") \ .withColumn("polygon", ST.transform("geometry", 26711)) \ .drop("geometry") # Check spatial reference of the created geometry column"polygon")).show()
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +---------------+ |ST_Srid(polygon)| +---------------+ | 26711| +---------------+
Count the points within bins
It's common to use binning functions with Spark groupBy expressions to statistics such as the count of points within each bin. The example below shows
how to count points within bins using the square
Bin the point geometry column of Ozone data with the specified bin size and aggregate the count of points by bin ID.
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy bin_size = 80000 # meters la_ozone_bin = la_ozone.withColumn("bin", ST.square_bin("point", bin_size)) \ .groupBy("bin").agg(F.count("point").alias("count_point"))\ .select(ST.bin_geometry("bin").alias("bin_geometry"), "count_point") la_ozone_bin.sort("count_point", ascending=False).show(truncate=False)
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ |bin_geometry |count_point| +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ |{"rings":[[[400000,3760000],[400000,3840000],[480000,3840000],[480000,3760000],[400000,3760000]]]}|10 | |{"rings":[[[400000,3680000],[400000,3760000],[480000,3760000],[480000,3680000],[400000,3680000]]]}|7 | |{"rings":[[[320000,3760000],[320000,3840000],[400000,3840000],[400000,3760000],[320000,3760000]]]}|7 | |{"rings":[[[320000,3680000],[320000,3760000],[400000,3760000],[400000,3680000],[320000,3680000]]]}|3 | |{"rings":[[[480000,3760000],[480000,3840000],[560000,3840000],[560000,3760000],[480000,3760000]]]}|2 | |{"rings":[[[480000,3680000],[480000,3760000],[560000,3760000],[560000,3680000],[480000,3680000]]]}|2 | |{"rings":[[[560000,3680000],[560000,3760000],[640000,3760000],[640000,3680000],[560000,3680000]]]}|1 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+
Calculate summary statistics for bins
Binning functions also can leverage the aggregate functions in Spark, and perform additional statistics and summarize by bin area. The example below shows how to calculate basic statistics on the attribute columns for each bin area.
Specify the
based on your data and use a_size group
expression to add statistics in the resulting DataFrame.By Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy bin_size = 80000 # meters bin_stats = la_ozone.withColumn("bin", ST.square_bin("point", bin_size)) \ .groupBy("bin").agg( F.mean("AV8TOP").alias('mean_ozone8hr'), F.max("AV8TOP").alias('max_ozone8hr'), F.min("AV8TOP").alias('min_ozone8hr'), F.stddev('AV8TOP').alias('stddev_ozone8hr'), F.count('STATION').alias('count_station') )\ .select(ST.bin_geometry("bin").alias("bin_geometry"), "max_ozone8hr","min_ozone8hr","mean_ozone8hr", \ "stddev_ozone8hr","count_station") bin_stats.sort("count_station", ascending=False).show()
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +--------------------+------------+------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+ | bin_geometry|max_ozone8hr|min_ozone8hr| mean_ozone8hr| stddev_ozone8hr|count_station| +--------------------+------------+------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+ |{"rings":[[[40000...| 11.649194| 5.201613| 8.241532399999999|1.8259996996262502| 10| |{"rings":[[[40000...| 9.762097| 4.100806| 6.331221142857144|2.4185747833065814| 7| |{"rings":[[[32000...| 7.540323| 4.717742| 6.289746714285714|1.1511642808915554| 7| |{"rings":[[[32000...| 4.149194| 3.157258| 3.786445666666667|0.5470161750664536| 3| |{"rings":[[[48000...| 10.274194| 4.447917| 7.3610555| 4.119799975771214| 2| |{"rings":[[[48000...| 8.241935| 7.16129|7.7016124999999995|0.7641314075553364| 2| |{"rings":[[[56000...| 8.133065| 8.133065| 8.133065| null| 1| +--------------------+------------+------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+
Summarize nearby records using bin centers
In addition to generating summary statistics within bins, you can calculate statistics on neighboring bins, or bins withing a specified distance of another bin's centroid. Below is an example of calculating statistics on nearby bins. The example below calculates summary bins within a distance of 35.5 degrees from the bin centroid.
Calculate the bin centroids of the bins that cover California.
Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy bin_size = 1 # meter la_pop_bin = la_pop.withColumn("bin_id", ST.square_bin("polygon", bin_size)) # Get the point location for bin center of the LA county la_pop_bin_center = la_pop_bin \ .withColumn("bin_geom", ST.bin_geometry("bin_id")) \ .select("polygon","bin_id","bin_geom") \ .withColumn("bin_center", ST.bin_center("bin_id")) # Check if result looks right"bin_center").show(5, truncate=False)"polygon", facecolor="white", edgecolor="blue", basemap="streets", figsize=(10, 10))"bin_center", ax=ax)
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +----------------------------+ |bin_center | +----------------------------+ |{"x":388160.5,"y":3802369.5}| +----------------------------+
Use a specified distance and bin center to filter the bin geometries that are within the distance to the centroid of the California bins. Then use Spark functions such as
to generate basic summary statistics on the attribute columns of the bins nearby.Python Python Scala Use dark colors for code blocks Copy distance = 50000 # meters bin_center ="bin_center").alias("bin_center_text")) bin_center_str = [str(row["bin_center_text"]) for row in bin_center.collect()][0] geom_near = la_ozone \ .withColumn("bin_center_text", F.lit(bin_center_str)) \ .withColumn("bin_center", ST.point_from_text("bin_center_text")) \ .withColumn("geom_near_center", ST.dwithin("bin_center", "point", distance)) \ .where("geom_near_center == 'true'")"STATION","AV8TOP","MAXDAY","MONITOR").describe().show()
ResultUse dark colors for code blocks Copy +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ |summary| STATION| AV8TOP| MAXDAY| MONITOR| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+ | count| 11| 11| 11| 11| | mean|128.54545454545453| 6.168621727272727|13.090909090909092| 70128.54545454546| | stddev|153.74222818494835|1.5321050204499749|2.9139164522870398|153.74222818494746| | min| 60| 3.157258| 8| 70060| | max| 591| 8.241935| 18| 70591| +-------+------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------+
Visualize bins results
Visualizing bins results provides a quick representation of how your data is distributed spatially. You can visualize bins overlaid with geometry records to identify spatial patterns or attribute characteristics. You can also visualize with basemaps to put the bin results in geographical context.
on the DataFrame containing the bins column.PythonUse dark colors for code blocks Copy # Plot square bins of ozone point data"bin_geometry",facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="white", basemap="streets", figsize=(10, 10))
Overlay the point geometry with the bins to better visualize the spatial relationships.
PythonUse dark colors for code blocks Copy # Plot Ozone station data overlay with bins bin_ax ="bin_geometry",facecolor="lightgrey", edgecolor="white", basemap="streets", figsize=(10, 10)) ozone_points =
To learn more about visualization, see the tutorial on visualizing results using st.plot().
Add a color ramp to the plotted bins to represent the count values.
PythonUse dark colors for code blocks Copy bin_ax ="bin_geometry", cmap_values="count_station", cmap="Greys", edgecolor="black", basemap="streets", figsize=(10, 10)) ozone_points =, cmap='Reds', cmap_values="AV8TOP")
Close out the temp directories created at the beginning of the tutorial.
PythonUse dark colors for code blocks Copy import shutil if os.path.exists(ca_data_path): shutil.rmtree(ca_data_path) if os.path.exists(ozone_data_path): shutil.rmtree(ozone_data_path)