esriLocatingError Constants

Error codes for locating operations.

Constant Value Description
LOCATING_​OK 0 Locating was successful.
LOCATING_​E_​INVALIDRID 1 The route location's route ID is invalid (NULL, empty or invalid value).
LOCATING_​E_​INVALIDMEASURE 2 At least one of the route location's measure values is invalid.
LOCATING_​E_​CANT_​FIND_​ROUTE 3 The route does not exist.
LOCATING_​E_​ROUTE_​SHAPE_​EMPTY 4 The route does not have a shape or the shape is empty.
LOCATING_​E_​CANT_​FIND_​LOCATION 5 Could not find route location's shape (the route has no M's or the route location's measures don't exist on the route).
LOCATING_​E_​CANT_​FIND_​EXTENT 6 Could not find route location's shape, the from-measure and the to-measure are outside of the route measures.
LOCATING_​E_​FROM_​PARTIAL_​MATCH 7 Could not find the entire route location's shape, the from-measure was outside of the route measure range.
LOCATING_​E_​TO_​PARTIAL_​MATCH 8 Could not find the entire route location's shape, the to-measure was outside of the route measure range.
LOCATING_​E_​ROUTE_​MS_​NULL 9 The route does not have Ms or Ms are null.
LOCATING_​E_​ROUTE_​NOT_​MAWARE 10 The route is not a polyline M aware.
LOCATING_​E_​FROM_​TO_​PARTIAL_​MATCH 11 Could not find the entire route location's shape, the from-measure and the to-measure were outside of the route measure range.
LOCATING_​E_​MULTIPLE_​LOCATION 12 More than one point location were found. Measures are probably not unique along the routes.
LOCATING_​E_​NULL_​EXTENT 13 The from-measure is equal to the to-measure.

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Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
