esriWorkspacePropertyType Constants

Workspace Properties.

Constant Value Description
esriWorkspacePropCanExecuteSQL 0 Whether the ExecuteSQL function works or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropCanEdit 1 Whether the Workspace is editable or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropIsReadonly 2 Whether the Workspace is read-only or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsQualifiedNames 3 Whether the Workspace can qualify names (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsMetadata 4 Whether the Workspace supports metadata or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropCanAnalyze 5 Whether the Workspace can analyze tables or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropCanGetConfigurationKeywords 6 Whether the Workspace can return a list of configuration keywords (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropIsGeoDatabase 7 Whether the Workspace is a GeoDatabase or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropMaxWhereClauseLength 8 The maximum length of the where clause used in queries.
esriWorkspacePropHasPrivateEditSession 9 Workspace edit sessions are privately managed by another application.
esriWorkspacePropSupportsHighPrecisionStorage 10 Whether the Workspace supports the high-precision storage model or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsExtensionDatasets 11 Whether the Workspace supports extension datasets or not (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropLastCompressDate 12 Date of the last compression operation (VT_​DATE).
esriWorkspacePropLastCompressStatus 13 Status of the last compression operation (VT_​BSTR).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsArchiving 14 Whether the Workspace supports archiving (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsMoveEditsToBase 15 Whether the Workspace supports move-edits-to-base registration (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsUndoRedo 16 Whether the Workspace supports undo/redo in an edit session (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsQueryPagination 17 Whether the Workspace supports pagination of queries (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropDBMSReleaseNumber 18 The DBMS release number of the database that the Workspace is connected to.
esriWorkspacePropCloudDataWarehouse 19 Whether the Workspace is a Cloud Data Warehouse platform (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsBigObjectID 20 Whether the Workspace supports 64-bit object ID (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsBigInteger 21 Whether the Workspace supports 64-bit integers (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsTimeOnly 22 Whether the Workspace supports timeOnly (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsDateOnly 23 Whether the Workspace supports dateOnly (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropSupportsTimestampOffset 24 Whether the Workspace supports timestampOffset (VT_​BOOL).
esriWorkspacePropDBMSReleaseString 25 The DBMS release string of the database that the Workspace is connected to (VT_​BSTR).

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