esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType Constants

Adjustment type to be applied to the value of a network attribute.

Constant Value Description
esriNAATScale 0 Indicates a multiplicative adjustment to the value of a network attribute.
esriNAATAdd 1 Indicates an additive adjustment to the value of a network attribute.
esriNAATReplace 2 Indicates a replacement of the value of a network attribute.


Adjustments for unique network elements can be made based on the following protocols:

  • esriNAATReplace can be used to replace values for any attribute type (i.e., cost, restriction, descriptor, or hierarchy attribute values)

  • esriNAATReplace can only be used to replace attribute values for an entire element. A replace adjustment may only be made to an edge when fromPosition = 0.0 and toPosition = 1.0.

  • esriNAATScale and esriNAATAdd can be used to adjust cost attribute values. Restriction, descriptor, and hierarchy attribute values cannot be added to or scaled.

  • esriNAATScale and esriNAATAdd can adjust cost attribute values for partial subspans of edges based on the following validation rules:

    • esriNAATScale adjustments may only be specified for a 1-dimensional subspan (a line portion) along the edge (i.e., fromPosition < toPosition)
    • esriNAATAdd adjustments may only be specified for a 0-dimensional subspan (a single point) along the edge (i.e., fromPosition = toPosition)
  • When multiple attribute adjustments are applied to the same network element, the following resolution rules apply:

    • For all network element types, an attribute adjustment of type esriNAATReplace will completely replace the original attribute value (for that particular attribute) before any other adjustments currently associated with the element are applied

    • For multiple esriNAATScale and or esriNAATAdd adjustments on the same element, the following resolution rules apply:

      • If two or more esriNAATAdd adjustments are applied to the same element, at the same position along the edge, their adjustment values are added together as a single, additive adjustment.
      • If two or more esriNAATScale adjustments are applied to the same element, overlapping somewhere along the edge, their adjustment values are multiplied together as a single, multiplicative adjustment at the overlapping subspans.
      • If both esriNAATScale and esriNAATAdd adjustments are applied to the same element, the overall adjusted value is equal to the scaled cost plus the additive cost (i.e., scaled cost is calculated first and then added cost is included)

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