esriTinError Constants

Esri TIN's error codes.

Constant Value Description
E_​TIN_​WORKSPACE_​EXISTS -2147200000 TIN workspace already exists.
E_​TIN_​WORKSPACE_​NOT_​CONNECTED -2147199999 TIN workspace not connected.
E_​TIN_​WORKSPACE_​ALREADY_​CONNECTED -2147199998 TIN workspace already connected.
E_​TIN_​EMPTY_​OBJECT -2147199997 Attempt to access an empty object.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​DATASET_​TYPE -2147199996 The specified dataset type can not be recognized.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​TOPOLOGY -2147199995 The TIN dataset is corrupted.
E_​TIN_​NUMERIC_​LIMIT -2147199994 A process has encounted a numeric problem, it may not be complete.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​OPEN -2147199993 Can't open the specified TIN.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​SAVE -2147199992 Can't save the TIN dataset.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​COPY -2147199991 Can't copy the TIN dataset.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​RENAME -2147199990 Can't rename the TIN dataset or workspace.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​DELETE -2147199989 Can't delete the TIN dataset.
E_​TIN_​FILE_​EXISTS -2147199988 The specified file or dataset already exists.
E_​TIN_​OPERATION_​NOT_​SUPPORTED -2147199987 The specified operation/method is not supported.
E_​TIN_​OUT_​OF_​MEMORY -2147199986 Out of memory.
E_​TIN_​IN_​EDIT_​MODE -2147199985 TIN is in edit mode.
E_​TIN_​NOT_​IN_​EDIT_​MODE -2147199984 TIN is not in edit mode.
E_​TIN_​CANNOT_​CREATE_​GEOMETRY -2147199983 Failed to create a geometry object, or a geometric process failed.
E_​TIN_​POLYGON_​NOT_​DEFINED -2147199982 Cannot define polygon.
E_​TIN_​POLYLINE_​NOT_​DEFINED -2147199981 Cannot define polyline.
E_​TIN_​HAS_​VOID_​Z -2147199980 The input point(s) contains Void Z.
E_​TIN_​HAS_​NO_​VALUE -2147199979 The specified TIN element type does not have tag values.
E_​TIN_​NODE_​UNDELETABL -2147199978 The specified node has void Z, or is shared by other poly objects, or the polygon has only three vertices.
E_​TIN_​FIELD_​ALREADY_​EXISTS -2147199977 The specified field name already exists.
E_​TIN_​OBJECT_​NOT_​EMPTY -2147199976 The input feature class/raster is not empty.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​FIELD_​TYPE -2147199975 The type of the specified field is not adequate.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​GEOMETRY_​TYPE -2147199974 The geometry type of the input shape, or feature class, is not adequate.
E_​TIN_​NEED_​VALUE -2147199973 Require to specify non-zero node/edge/triangle value(s) from input.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​OVER_​WRITE -2147199972 Failed to over write the TIN.
E_​TIN_​ZERO_​VALUE -2147199971 The input value of 'zero' is not allowed here.
E_​TIN_​INDEX_​OUT_​OF_​RANGE -2147199970 The specified index is out of range.
E_​TIN_​INVALID_​NAME -2147199969 The specified name is invalid.
E_​TIN_​ALREADY_​INITIALIZED -2147199968 The object has already been initialized.
E_​TIN_​MEMORY_​TIN -2147199967 The specied operation cannot be applied to a non-persisted TIN.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​SWAP -2147199966 Failed to swap edges.
E_​TIN_​NAN -2147199965 The input (value) is/contains a NAN (not a number).
E_​TIN_​SUPER_​NODE -2147199964 Invalid operation on a super node.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​CREATE_​FILE -2147199963 Failed to create file.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​OPEN_​FILE -2147199962 Failed to open file.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​TO_​DELETE_​FILE -2147199961 Failed to delete file.
E_​TIN_​GEOMETRY_​HAS_​NO_​Z -2147199960 The input geometry does not contain Z.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​VARIANT_​TYPE -2147199959 The input VARIANT's type is not adequate for the operation.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​SURFACE_​TYPE -2147199958 The input data type does not permit the specified surface type.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​ELEMENT_​TYPE -2147199957 The input TIN element's type is not adequate.
E_​TIN_​DIFFERENT_​TIN -2147199956 The input TIN element does not belong to this TIN.
E_​TIN_​FIELD_​ERROR -2147199955 An error occurs while accessing/writing to a field.
E_​TIN_​NEED_​TRIANGLE_​SEED -2147199954 This operation requires a triangle seed.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​SEED_​TYPE -2147199953 The operation requires a triangle or edge seed.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​GEN_​SEED -2147199952 Seed is not a proper for this operation.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​UPDATE_​SEED -2147199951 Failed to update the seed.
E_​TIN_​NODE_​SHARED -2147199950 The specified node is shared by other poly object(s).
E_​TIN_​INTERNAL_​ERROR -2147199949 Encountered an internal process error.
E_​TIN_​FILTER_​REQUIRED -2147199948 A filter is required for this operation.
E_​TIN_​NO_​SPATIALREF_​INFO -2147199947 Spatial reference information is missing, or insufficient, for the operation.
E_​TIN_​NOT_​PROJECTED_​SYSTEM -2147199946 A projected coordinate system is required.
E_​TIN_​METADATA_​ERROR -2147199945 Failed to handle metadata.
E_​TIN_​CANNOT_​CREATE_​OBJ -2147199944 Failed to to create an object.
E_​TIN_​UPDATE_​ERROR -2147199943 An error occured while updating the TIN.
E_​TIN_​BAD_​CLASS_​BREAKS -2147199942 Class-breaks is not defined or empty.
E_​TIN_​BAD_​CLASS_​CODES -2147199941 Class-break-codes does not match class-breaks.
E_​TIN_​UNSUPPORTED_​SPATIAL_​REFERENCE -2147199940 Unsupported spatial reference. The spatial reference cannot be exported as a projection (PRJ) file.
E_​TIN_​LICENSE_​NOT_​AVAILABLE -2147199939 3D License not available.
E_​TIN_​EXTENSION_​DISABLED -2147199938 3D Extension not enabled.
E_​TIN_​BELOW_​V8 -2147199937 The operation is supported only for TINs with version 8 or above.
E_​TIN_​IN_​MEMORY_​EDIT -2147199936 The operation cannot be conducted when TIN is in memory-edit mode.
E_​TIN_​WRONG_​EDGE_​TYPE -2147199935 The specified edge type is not adequate for the operation.
E_​TIN_​BAD_​VALUE -2147199934 The function call contains inadequate argument value.
E_​TIN_​FATAL -2147199933 A general function failure has occured during the specified operation.
E_​TIN_​FDS_​FATAL -2147199932 A TIN memory-management general function failure has occured during the specified operation.
E_​TIN_​CANCELLED -2147199931 Process is cancelled by the user.
E_​TIN_​MUST_​BE_​DELAUNAY -2147199930 The process cannot be applied on a non-Delaunay TIN.
E_​TIN_​XML_​CORRUPTED -2147199929 The XML file is corrupted.
E_​TIN_​INVALID_​LANDXML_​FILE -2147199928 Invalid LandXML file.
E_​TIN_​FAILED_​RESET_​EXTENT -2147199927 Unable to reset extent. TIN contains data.
E_​TIN_​NULL_​FIELD_​VALUE -2147199926 One or more input features contain NULL Shape or field value.
E_​TIN_​UNHANDLED_​EXCEPTION -2147199925 An unhandled exception has occured during the process.
E_​TIN_​TOO_​MANY_​NODES -2147199924 TIN node count exceeds limit.

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