Learn how to find the elevation of a point in Kaneohe, Hawaii with the Elevation service.
The Elevation service is a location service that returns elevation values for a single location or multiple locations. Elevation coverage is provided for both topography (land elevations) and bathymetry (water depths) and takes location inputs as longitude and latitude coordinates.
In this tutorial, you call the Elevation service to display the elevation of a single location on a map. You can toggle between viewing elevation values relative to mean sea level or above ground level.
An ArcGIS Location Platform account.
Get the starter app
Select a type of authentication below and follow the steps to create a new application.
Set up authentication
Create developer credentials in your portal for the type of authentication you selected.
Set developer credentials
Use the API key or OAuth developer credentials so your application can access location services.
Add script references
Reference the ArcGIS REST JS request
and elevation
packages to access the Elevation service. You also reference the Calcite Design System library to create the user interface.
Reference the
packages from ArcGIS REST JS. s<!-- Load Leaflet from CDN --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.9.4/dist/leaflet.css" crossorigin="" /> <script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.9.4/dist/leaflet.js" crossorigin=""></script> <!-- Load Esri Leaflet from CDN --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/esri-leaflet@3.0.14/dist/esri-leaflet.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/esri-leaflet-vector@4.2.8/dist/esri-leaflet-vector.js"></script> <!-- Load ArcGIS REST JS --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-request@4/dist/bundled/request.umd.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-elevation@1/dist/bundled/elevation.umd.js"></script>
Reference the Calcite Design System library.
<!-- Load Leaflet from CDN --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.9.4/dist/leaflet.css" crossorigin="" /> <script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.9.4/dist/leaflet.js" crossorigin=""></script> <!-- Load Esri Leaflet from CDN --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/esri-leaflet@3.0.14/dist/esri-leaflet.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/esri-leaflet-vector@4.2.8/dist/esri-leaflet-vector.js"></script> <!-- Load ArcGIS REST JS --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-request@4/dist/bundled/request.umd.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esri/arcgis-rest-elevation@1/dist/bundled/elevation.umd.js"></script> <!-- Calcite components --> <script type="module" src="https://js.arcgis.com/calcite-components/2.12.1/calcite.esm.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://js.arcgis.com/calcite-components/2.12.1/calcite.css" />
Create a toggle switch
In this step, you use Calcite to add a toggle switch. The switch will allow users to toggle between elevation values relative to mean sea level and ground level.
, create a> div
container for the toggle control. Usecalcite-switch
to create a toggle switch.<div id="control"> <label> <span>Show elevation relative to mean sea level</span> <calcite-switch id="elevationControl" checked></calcite-switch> </label> </div> <div id="map"></div>
Add CSS to position the toggle switch on top of the map.
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 0; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; z-index: 1; cursor: default; } #control { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; z-index: 2; padding: 10px; background: #fff; }
Update the map
In this step, you update the map by changing the basemap and setting the viewpoint to focus on Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Set the basemap to
.const basemapEnum = "arcgis/topographic";
To focus on Kaneohe, Hawaii, update the map's viewpoint to
21.410, -157.750
and set the zoom level to12
.const map = L.map("map", { minZoom: 2 }).setView([21.410, -157.750], 12);
Get elevation data
In this step, you use the Elevation service to return the elevation data at the clicked point on the map.
Create a variable called
to store the default elevation reference (datum), which will beMeasure mean
.Sea Level /* Use for API key authentication */ const accessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; // or /* Use for user authentication */ // const session = await arcgisRest.ArcGISIdentityManager.beginOAuth2({ // clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Your client ID from OAuth credentials // redirectUri: "YOUR_REDIRECT_URL", // The redirect URL registered in your OAuth credentials // portal: "YOUR_PORTAL_URL" // Your portal URL // }) // const accessToken = session.token; const basemapEnum = "arcgis/topographic"; const map = L.map("map", { minZoom: 2 }).setView([21.410, -157.750], 12); L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer(basemapEnum, { token: accessToken }).addTo(map); let elevationMeasure = "meanSeaLevel"; // default
Add an event listener to your toggle to update the
accordingly.Measure /* Use for API key authentication */ const accessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"; // or /* Use for user authentication */ // const session = await arcgisRest.ArcGISIdentityManager.beginOAuth2({ // clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", // Your client ID from OAuth credentials // redirectUri: "YOUR_REDIRECT_URL", // The redirect URL registered in your OAuth credentials // portal: "YOUR_PORTAL_URL" // Your portal URL // }) // const accessToken = session.token; const basemapEnum = "arcgis/topographic"; const map = L.map("map", { minZoom: 2 }).setView([21.410, -157.750], 12); L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer(basemapEnum, { token: accessToken }).addTo(map); let elevationMeasure = "meanSeaLevel"; // default document.getElementById("elevationControl").addEventListener("calciteSwitchChange", (event) => { elevationMeasure = event.target.checked ? "meanSeaLevel" : "ellipsoid"; });
Add a click event handler to create a marker on the clicked point and request elevation data for the point.
let circleMarker = null; map.on("click", async (e) => { const { lat, lng } = e.latlng; if (circleMarker) { map.removeLayer(circleMarker); } circleMarker = L.circle([lat, lng], { color: "#00000", fillColor: "#FF0000", radius: 75, fillOpacity: 1 }).addTo(map); const response = await arcgisRest.findElevationAtPoint({ lon: lng, lat: lat, relativeTo: elevationMeasure, authentication: arcgisRest.ApiKeyManager.fromKey(accessToken) }); });
Display results
In this step, you extract the elevation data from the response and display it in a popup on the map.
Extract the
, andz
values from the elevation request response.let circleMarker = null; map.on("click", async (e) => { const { lat, lng } = e.latlng; if (circleMarker) { map.removeLayer(circleMarker); } circleMarker = L.circle([lat, lng], { color: "#00000", fillColor: "#FF0000", radius: 75, fillOpacity: 1 }).addTo(map); const response = await arcgisRest.findElevationAtPoint({ lon: lng, lat: lat, relativeTo: elevationMeasure, authentication: arcgisRest.ApiKeyManager.fromKey(accessToken) }); const { x, y, z } = response.result.point; });
to show the elevation (z
value) at the clicked location in a popup format.let circleMarker = null; map.on("click", async (e) => { const { lat, lng } = e.latlng; if (circleMarker) { map.removeLayer(circleMarker); } circleMarker = L.circle([lat, lng], { color: "#00000", fillColor: "#FF0000", radius: 75, fillOpacity: 1 }).addTo(map); const response = await arcgisRest.findElevationAtPoint({ lon: lng, lat: lat, relativeTo: elevationMeasure, authentication: arcgisRest.ApiKeyManager.fromKey(accessToken) }); const { x, y, z } = response.result.point; L.popup() .setLatLng(e.latlng) .setContent( `<b>Elevation relative to ${elevationMeasure === "meanSeaLevel" ? "mean sea level" : "ground level"}</b><br> Latitude: ${y.toFixed(5)}<br> Longitude: ${x.toFixed(5)}<br> Elevation: ${z} m` ) .openOn(map); });
Run the app
Run the app.
You should now see a map centered over Kaneohe, Hawaii. Click on the map to access the Elevation service to return elevation information and view the results in a popup.What's next?
Learn how to use additional ArcGIS location services in these tutorials: