

The redux store state.



The immutable AppConfig JSON object contains information about the app's configuration. For more information, see the AppConfig Interface.

The immutable AppContext JSON object contains information about the app's context. Form more information, seeAppContext Interface.


For the Experience Builder ArcGIS Online and Portal editions, appId is the itemId . For the Experience Builder Dev Edition, the appId is a value as a string such as 1 , 2, 3, etc. When the app is downloaded and deployed, the appId is null . When using ?config=<> to load app, the appId is the config url.


The immutable AppInfo JSON object contains information about the app including the name, a text description, a username, thumbnail, id, etc.


The current path in the URL, which includes the page(p1).


The immutable AppRuntimeInfo JSON object contains information about the app's mode ('Run'or 'Design'), the current rendered page, and others.


The OAuth2 app ID from the Portal specified in the portalUrl .


dataSourcesInfo is an immutable object containing the immutable DataSourceInfo for each data source within an experience. See DatSourceInfo for more information.


Indicator as to whether network is offline.


Whether the portal is a Web-tier portal.


jimuMapViewsInfo is an immutable object containing the immutable JimuMapViewInfo for each map view within an experience. See JimuMapViewInfo for more information.


The response of the portal self call, used to return the view of the portal as seen by the current user, whether anonymous or signed in. More information on the portalSelf call can be viewed via the ArcGIS REST API.


The portal url that the app will connect to, not ending in a slash. It will look like:


The parsed object of the The immutable UrlParameters interface JSON object. This includes the locale , the app id, the page id, etc.


To track the user's locale and refresh the app once it has changed.


widgetsState is an immutable object containing the widget id and its state.


Interface Property
appConfig: AppConfig

The immutable AppConfig JSON object contains information about the app's configuration. For more information, see the AppConfig Interface.


Interface Property
appContext: AppContext

The immutable AppContext JSON object contains information about the app's context. Form more information, seeAppContext Interface.


Interface Property
appId: string

For the Experience Builder ArcGIS Online and Portal editions, appId is the itemId . For the Experience Builder Dev Edition, the appId is a value as a string such as 1 , 2, 3, etc. When the app is downloaded and deployed, the appId is null . When using ?config=<> to load app, the appId is the config url.


Interface Property
appInfo: AppInfo

The immutable AppInfo JSON object contains information about the app including the name, a text description, a username, thumbnail, id, etc.


Interface Property
appPath: string

The current path in the URL, which includes the page(p1).


Interface Property
appRuntimeInfo: AppRuntimeInfo

The immutable AppRuntimeInfo JSON object contains information about the app's mode ('Run'or 'Design'), the current rendered page, and others.


Interface Property
clientId: string

The OAuth2 app ID from the Portal specified in the portalUrl .


Interface Property
dataSourcesInfo: {}

dataSourcesInfo is an immutable object containing the immutable DataSourceInfo for each data source within an experience. See DatSourceInfo for more information.

Type declaration


    Interface Property
    isNetworkOffLine: boolean

    Indicator as to whether network is offline.


    Interface Property
    isWebTier: boolean

    Whether the portal is a Web-tier portal.


    Interface Property
    jimuMapViewsInfo: {}

    jimuMapViewsInfo is an immutable object containing the immutable JimuMapViewInfo for each map view within an experience. See JimuMapViewInfo for more information.

    Type declaration


      Interface Property
      portalSelf: any

      The response of the portal self call, used to return the view of the portal as seen by the current user, whether anonymous or signed in. More information on the portalSelf call can be viewed via the ArcGIS REST API.


      Interface Property
      portalUrl: string

      The portal url that the app will connect to, not ending in a slash. It will look like:

      If the appConfig has a portalUrl , it will be copied to this property, or we'll get the portalUrl through other logic, such as via the browser URL, user input, etc.

      The portalUrl can have a null value. However, the portalUrl in appConfig will always be set via the builder.


      Interface Property
      queryObject: UrlParameters

      The parsed object of the The immutable UrlParameters interface JSON object. This includes the locale , the app id, the page id, etc.


      Interface Property
      userLocaleChanged: boolean

      To track the user's locale and refresh the app once it has changed.


      Interface Property
      widgetsState: {}

      widgetsState is an immutable object containing the widget id and its state.

      Type declaration

        Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

        You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

        Your ArcGIS portal

        Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

        Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

        Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

        Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
