What's new 1.13

Builder updates

ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.13 includes several new features and enhancements as listed below:

  • Access—As of this release, only the app owner, organization administrators, and members of shared update groups to which an app is shared can open an experience in the builder. An administrator account has the privilege to view and edit all applications within the organization.
  • Data actions—Experience Builder now supports two levels of data actions. Data source level actions affect all the records in an entire data source. Record level actions only affect selected, loaded, or the current record.
  • Dynamic content—The statistics editor now lets you provide custom labels for statistics. To set a label, replace the placeholder text, which acts as the default label and changes based on the operator and field you specify.
  • Mobile optimization—When you are editing layouts for small-screen devices, large configuration panels that previously appeared on the canvas now appear in the builder margins. Large configuration panels include the Dynamic content panel, the Button, Divider, and Views Navigation widgets' Quick style panel, and more.
  • Searching—The Search, Table, and List widgets now use full-text search to generate search suggestions. Full-text search is an efficient search method that uses full-text field indexes, which split up records into small searchable units, such as individual words. This is a breaking change. Previously, all three widgets used CONTAIN %abc% to find suggestions, meaning the search phrase could be anywhere in a record. However, full-text search cannot find phrases located in the middle of words. For example, before this release typing alt to search for United States cities could return the suggestions Baltimore, Maryland and Alton, Texas. Now, of those two cities, full-text search can only suggest Alton, Texas. The Search, Table, and List widgets continue to use CONTAIN %abc% to generate search results. Learn more about searching for features in maps and apps.
  • Templates—Adds the Lens multi-page template, the Panorama full-screen page template, and the Comparatist scrolling page template. You can find these new default templates by looking for the New badge on their thumbnails in the Templates gallery. All templates created by Esri have an official Esri badge. Templates in the ArcGIS Online tab of the gallery are now organized into categories including Environment, Tourism, and Infrastructure. You can list a public template under a certain category by specifying that category on the template's item page.
  • Utility services—You can now add geoprocessing services and individual geoprocessing tasks in the Utility services panel. A geoprocessing service is a collection of geoprocessing tools, or tasks, published to a server site to perform operations necessary for manipulating and analyzing geographic information. You can use geoprocessing services with the new Analysis widget.
  • Download-When you download an application, all ArcGIS Experience Builder Developer Edition-related file types will be included in the web.config by default.


Other improvements include the following new and updated widgets:

  • Analysis widget (new)—Adds 29 built-in spatial analysis tools and custom geoprocessing tools to an app.
  • Bookmark widget—Bookmarks for 3D web scenes can honor the daylight and weather values from when the bookmarks were set.
  • Edit widget—When you include the Edit widget in an app with Geometry and attribute mode selected, the widget now supports editing related table records and related feature records. To edit related records, you must specify a related records element in Map Viewer. Additionally, you can now configure default run time snapping settings in the widget's settings.
  • Fly Controller widget—You can now make the camera rotate around the map center, which is always the point at the center of the user's current camera view.
  • Chart widget—Pie charts now allow you to customize hover and data labels by changing the label text, providing a minimum or maximum amount of decimal places, turning on a thousands separator, and more. Pie charts also let you provide a maximum width in pixels. All chart types now allow you to turn off hover labels. When you are selecting a category or number field, you can now search for fields.
  • Directions widget—Adds the Directions from and Directions to data actions. You can use these data actions to let users determine a route's start or end point by selecting a point feature from a Map, Table, List, Query, or Feature Info widget.
  • Draw widget—Adds a new 3D drawing effect, Relative to scene, which draws features on top of extruded polygons, 3D Object SceneLayers, or BuildingSceneLayers, depending on which one has higher elevation. If a drawing is directly above a building or any other feature then it is drawn at a specific elevation relative to that feature. If a drawing is not directly above a building or any other feature, it is aligned to the elevation of the ground or the IntegratedMeshLayer.
  • Elevation Profile widget—The new View elevation profile data action allows you to generate an elevation profile for a line feature from another widget. The widget also adds Match Profile as a method for getting elevation values for features that intersect a profile.
  • Image widget—Supports the Fill rendering option on iOS and macOS devices.
  • Map widget—Adds the Extent navigate tool. The widget can now show pop-ups on the map when the user selects map features in another widget, such as a Table widget. Additionally, the widget now supports data actions, which appear in pop-ups. The Select tool has several updates. The lasso select mode supports freehand drawing. You can use keyboard shortcuts to add to, remove from, or select a subset from the current selection. The selection tool icon now becomes a progress icon when you make a selection. This is useful when you select a large amount of features and the selection process is taking a long time. You can click the progress icon to stop the selection process and work with the features selected up to that point.
  • Map Layers widget—Supports unique layer configurations for individual Map Layers widgets even if they are connected to the same Map widget.
  • Near Me widget—Now out of beta. Adds the Set location message and data actions, which you can use to get an input location for the Near Me widget from a Search widget, Table widget, Add Data widget, and more.
  • Print widget—You can now turn off the Preview print extents button, which allows users to visualize the area of the map that appears in the printout.
  • Search widget—If you configure multiple search sources, then at run time users can now use the All checkbox to turn every source on or off.
  • Swipe widget—You can now swipe through layers added with an Add Data widget at run time.
  • Table widget—You can now add the Set filter data action, which allows users to filter a table with SQL expressions at run time. If you turn on Auto refresh for the connected data source, you can include a message that says when the table last updated. You can also choose to include counts of total and selected records. Additionally, you can now add data to a table with the Add Data widget's View in table data action, then add the same data to a map with the Table widget's Add to map data action.
  • Utility Network Trace widget—You can now generate a polygon graphic around trace results. The shape of the graphic can be either a convex hull or buffer. A convex hull is appropriate if you want to create one large result area encompassing trace results from disconnected areas, while buffers are appropriate if you want to create separate result areas for each trace result. The widget now generates an output data source that other widgets can use. Additionally, you can now configure message actions in the widget's settings. The Utility Network Trace widget can be the source for the Record selection changes trigger.
  • Widget Controller widget—If you choose to have widget panels open in a fixed position, you can now make that position the exact middle of the page.

Developer documentation updates

  • Added the following new Storybook components:


  • index:
    • AdvancedButtonGroup
    • Scrollable
    • ScrollList
    • SVG
  • advanced:
    • setting-components:
      • DirectionSelector
      • SettingSection
      • SettingRow
      • MultipleJimuMapConfig
    • style-setting-components:
      • FontStyle
      • SizeEditor
      • TextAlignment
      • TextStyle
  • basic:
    • list-tree:
      • List
      • Tree

Breaking changes

Data action

Data action supports multiple DataRecordSets and support DataLevel from this release.

  • DataAction methods isSupported and onExecute are passed in one new argument dataLevel: DataLevel, which indicates whether the data is the data source or the records in the data source.
  • DataAction methods isSupported() and onExecute argument dataSet: DataRecordSet is changed to dataSets: DataRecordSet[] to support multiple data sets. To migrate without functionality change, you can add the following code in the isSupported() function:
    if (dataSets.length > 1) {
      return false
    const dataSet = dataSets[0]
  • The widgetId that uses the data actions is passed to data actions.


  • jimu-ui/index
    • Scrollable
      • Prop duration is removed since it was invalid
  • jimu-ui/advanced/setting-components
    • StylePicker is deprecated
  • jimu-ui/advanced/setting-components
    • SettingRow
      • Prop action is deprecated
      • Prop onDrillDown is deprecated

Unit test


  • lerna is removed. To install dependencies for the widgets, please go to the widget folder and then run npm ci

Previous releases

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Your ArcGIS portal

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Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
