Synchronize edits (offline)

Offline data downloaded from a feature service or an offline map can be edited locally without a network connection using GeodatabaseFeatureTable that is created from a sync-enabled feature service before going offline. It is through this class that the following edit operations are performed:

The local changes can optionally be synchronized back to the feature service when the application is connected again. See Synchronizing edits documentation for more details.

Synchronize edits in a branch version

The edits made to a GeodatabaseFeatureTable from a branch version are no different than when working with offline data downloaded from a feature service or an offline map. The local changes can optionally be synchronized back to the feature service when the application is connected again. See Synchronizing edits documentation for more details. After the edits have been synchronized to the service, they are contained to the branch version. To merge these changes from a branch version into the default branch version, a back-office operation is required. Using ArcGIS Pro, a GIS professional can reconcile and post the branch version into the default version so that viewers of the default branch can see the edits. See Branch version scenarios for more information about this multiuser editing workflow.

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