
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift offers an open source toolkit that contains ready-made UI components to simplify the development of mapping and GIS apps in Swift. Check out the examples project to see these components in action or read through the documentation to learn more about them.

To use Toolkit in your project:

Toolkit Components

  • Authenticator - Displays a user interface when network and ArcGIS authentication challenges occur.
  • BasemapGallery - Displays a collection of basemaps.
  • Bookmarks - Shows bookmarks, from a map, scene, or a list.
  • Compass - Shows a compass direction when the map is rotated. Auto-hides when the map points north.
  • FeatureFormView - Enables users to edit field values of a feature using pre-configured forms.
  • Floating Panel - Allows display of view-related content in a "bottom sheet".
  • FloorFilter - Allows filtering of floor plan data in a geo view by a site, a building in the site, or a floor in the building.
  • FlyoverSceneView - Allows you to explore a scene using your device as a window into the virtual world.
  • JobManager - Manages saving and loading jobs so that they can continue to run if the app is backgrounded or even terminated by the system.
  • OverviewMap - Displays the visible extent of a geo view in a small "inset" map.
  • PopupView - Displays details, media, and attachments of features and graphics.
  • Scalebar - Displays current scale reference.
  • SearchView - Displays a search experience for geo views.
  • TableTopSceneView - Allows you to anchor scene content to a physical surface, as if it were a 3D-printed model.
  • UtilityNetworkTrace - Runs traces on a web map published with a utility network and trace configurations.
  • WorldScaleSceneView - Allows you to integrate scene content with the real world.

Enhancements in 200.6

Feature Form

The Feature Form component now supports scanning barcodes to input values for a field. The component also supports displaying text sections which can be useful for providing instructions on how to fill the form.

Support for visionOS

The following components have been enhanced to support visionOS:

  • Authenticator
  • Basemap Gallery
  • Bookmarks
  • Compass
  • JobManager
  • Overview Map
  • Popup View
  • Scalebar

For a complete history of enhancements, visit the toolkit Release



Swift Package Manager

  1. Open your Xcode project. In the menu bar, select File > Add Package Dependencies...
  2. In the search bar, enter as the package repository URL.
  3. Optionally, select an option for the Dependency Rule if you want to specify an exact version or a range of versions to use.
  4. Click Add Package.
  5. Add import ArcGIS and import ArcGISToolkit in your source code and start using the toolkit components.

New to Swift Package Manager? Visit

Access ArcGIS location services

The toolkit examples app has been updated to make use of the ArcGIS basemaps defined with default basemap styles. These basemaps take advantage of geographically load-balanced ArcGIS location services and allow you to monitor usage with API keys or access tokens from user authentication. To use the toolkit examples app, you must implement API key authentication or user authentication. For more information, see How to use an API key or How to implement user authentication.


Both the toolkit and examples app support SwiftLint. You can install SwiftLint from here. It is not necessary to have it installed in order to build, but you will get a warning without it. The specific rules the linter uses can be found in the swiftlint.yml files in the Toolkit and Examples directories.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.

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