What's new 1.15

Builder updates

ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.15 includes several new features and enhancements as listed below:

  • Actions—Adds two new message actions—Open sidebar and Open widget—and three new data actions—Plan route, Related data, and Set as Analysis input. Open sidebar opens a Sidebar widget if it is closed. Open widget opens widgets in a Widget Controller widget. Plan route generates a route in a Directions widget. Related data opens a panel that displays related data for the selected records. Set as Analysis input makes a feature the input for one of the built-in feature analysis tools or a custom geoprocessing tool in the Analysis widget.
  • Data sources—Experience Builder supports three new data types—building scene layers, imagery layers, and oriented imagery layers.
  • Dynamic content—The Statistics and Expression tabs have three new operators—standard deviation, discrete percentile, and continuous percentile.
  • General settings—The General tab on the left of the builder now includes Privacy settings. These settings control how your app handles user data. There are two main privacy settings—Google Analytics and the cookie banner. You can now connect an Experience Builder app to Google Analytics with a measurement ID, a unique identifier for a website or app that you generate by adding a new data stream in Google Analytics. Learn more about setting up Google Analytics for an app. You can also turn on a cookie banner, which is a banner that asks the user for their consent to allow cookies. Cookies are small files that a server sends to a user's web browser. You can choose how often to ask repeat visitors for their consent to allow cookies and configure style settings, such as colors, borders, and animations, for the banner.
  • Icons—This update adds many new icons to the icon picker. Icons are now grouped into categories including General and arrows, Directional, Editor, Data, Brand and Logos, and GIS.
  • Related data—If you add a feature layer with related data, the relationship and the type of relationship (for example, one to many) is now listed on the Data tab. Additionally, you can use the layer's relationship to configure a message action in which a trigger involving one data source can trigger an action with the related data.
  • Templates—Adds two new full-screen page templates—Tab and Contour—two new scrolling page templates—Scrutiny and Assessor—and the logbook multipage template.
  • Windows—For fixed windows, you can now use a grid to fix the window to appear at one of nine anchor points on the page. Additionally, for fixed windows, Custom mode allows you to set specific values for the window height and width and add offsets, while Stretch mode allows you to specify values for the window margins.


Other improvements include the following new and updated widgets:

  • Building Explorer widget (new)—Explore the various components of building scene layers. Building scene layers are complex digital models of buildings and their interiors that can contain thousands of building components. This widget connects to a Map widget and allows you to filter parts of buildings by level, when they were constructed, and more.
  • Feature Report widget (new)—Generate high-quality reports from feature layers associated with ArcGIS Survey123 surveys. You can download reports in PDF and DOCX format.
  • Measurement widget (new)—Calculate distances, perimeters, and areas. This widget connects to a Map widget and adds measure tools to a web map or web scene. You can set default units of measure in the widget's settings and users can change the units at run time. The widget can use snapping, meaning the pointer can snap to features on the map.
  • My Location (beta) widget (new)—View and record your location and movement. This widget can retrieve your device's location and create individual points (locations) or record points continuously to create lines (paths). The widget can record coordinates, time stamps, altitude, orientation, speed, and more attributes for locations and paths. You can use recorded data as an output data source with other Experience Builder widgets or export your data to JSON, CSV, GeoJSON, or as an ArcGIS item.
  • Add Data widget—When adding data by searching for ArcGIS items, you can click Sort by Sort by to sort items by when they were modified, by title, or by number of views.
  • Analysis widget—The widget supports custom geoprocessing tools published with ArcGIS Notebooks. For custom geoprocessing tools, you can define the symbology of the output layer. The Analysis widget is the target of the new Set as Analysis input data action, which you can add on the Action tab of other widgets' settings. You can use this data action to select a feature with another widget and make that feature the input for one of the built-in feature analysis tools or a custom geoprocessing tool.
  • Basemap Gallery widget—Supports 3D basemaps for web scenes. You can choose from a selection of Esri default 3D basemaps.
  • Bookmark widget—You can change the background color of the widget panel. The new Ignore layer visibility setting allows you to control whether the widget can change the visibility of layers. The widget remembers which layers are visible when you create a bookmark. If you turn on this new setting, then when the user clicks a bookmark, the widget does not change any layer visibility. If you turn off this setting, the widget changes layer visibility to match what it was when the bookmark was created.
  • Business Analyst widget—You can now publicly share an app that includes the Business Analyst widget. Learn more about privileges, credits, and enabling access to the widget through your ArcGIS subscription.
  • Chart widget—Adds gauges as a chart type. Gauges show relationships between single measurements and minimum and maximum values. They are useful for displaying progress toward goals or numerical targets. Additionally, you can add a slider to column, bar, line, and area charts for changing the display range represented by the x-axis at run time. For those same four chart types, you can hide the legend for any series that has no data points.
  • Directions widget—The Directions widget is the target of the new Plan route data action, which you can turn on in the settings of other widgets. You can use this data action to generate a route from multiple selected points. The List, Near Me, Query, Select, and Table widgets all support the Plan route data action.
  • Edit widget—With Geometry and attribute mode, you can now choose whether to turn on the Enable tooltips tool, Filter types tool, related records capability, and runtime data editing capability for the widget. Runtime data editing is a new setting that allows users with the appropriate editing privileges to edit data added to the app at run time with the Add Data widget from search or by URL. You can click and drag layers in the settings panel to change the order in which they appear at run time. Additionally, the Edit widget loads records if they are selected with the data_s URL parameter, which appears in the app URL when you make a selection, when the widget loads. This means that if you select a feature and refresh the app, the feature remains selected in the Edit widget.
  • Elevation Profile widget—The output data source that the widget generates now includes the geometry of the profile line. You can connect the output data source to another widget and use data actions to export a profile line feature, with its statistics attributes, as an ArcGIS item.
  • Embed widget—For security reasons, you must be signed in with an ArcGIS organizational account to embed HTML code.
  • Feature Info widget—You can select multiple data sources. If a data source has related data and you configure related records in pop-ups in Map Viewer, you can view related records with the Feature Info widget.
  • List widget—The new Refresh tool, which you can turn on in the widget's settings, allows users to refresh the list to show the latest data. This tool is useful if you connect the list to a data source that is regularly updated.
  • Legend widget—The new Legend mode setting allows you to choose whether to display all visible layers or only display visible layers that are within the current map extent.
  • Map widget—Adds the Overview map tool, which is an expandable inset map. The overview map is a smaller version of the main map with a locator rectangle that depicts the main map extent. If you click and drag the locator rectangle, the main map zooms to that new location. The Overview map tool does not appear on small screen layouts. The Basemap tool supports 3D basemaps for web scenes. You can choose from a selection of Esri default 3D basemaps. You can dock pop-ups by default. If you turn on pop-ups, pop-ups appear for search results from the Map widget's search tool. You can use the new zoom_to_selection URL parameter to zoom to a selected feature on the map. If there is only one map on the canvas when you add any widget with the Select map setting, the widget automatically selects that map.
  • Near Me widget—You can export results to CSV, JSON, GeoJSON, or as an ArcGIS item. When you export to CSV, the export includes calculated distances. You can choose which fields to include in exports. If you group features by a field, you can now also set a subgrouping field. The Near Me widget supports the Directions to data action. To improve performance, the widget now only queries the fields that are involved in an analysis.
  • Print widget—Supports report templates. You can print using report templates if you connect to a print service that is published with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later and supports reports. The ArcGIS Online default printing service currently does not support reports. The Print widget also supports custom layout items and custom report items. If you upload .pagx layout files or .rptx report files to the same ArcGIS organization that hosts the connected print service, those layouts and reports are available to select under Use layout from layout item and Use report from report item in the Template configuration panel in the widget's settings. You can duplicate templates.
  • Query widget—The new Select mode setting allows you to choose how many records the user can select at a time from the result list, either one or multiple.
  • Search widget—You can search for coordinates in a specific coordinate system by entering its well-known ID (WKID). The format for the search term is x,y: WKID.
  • Sidebar widget—The Sidebar widget can be the target of the new Open sidebar message action. The action opens the widget if it is closed. The Button click, Record selection changes, and Views change triggers can trigger the Open sidebar action.
  • Suitability Modeler widget—You can now use commas in range labels, allowing for more precise and descriptive representations of WRO toolbox data. For each layer, you can use the new Hide numeric ranges from data class labels check box to hide numeric values from data class labels. This is useful if you only need a few specific layers to show numeric values. To improve accessibility, the default color scheme for raster layers is now red to green, where red indicates low values and green indicates high values.
  • Table widget—You can have table columns fit the data or set an exact column width in pixels. You can add all layers from a web map to a Table widget at the same time by clicking the web map in the Select data panel. You can turn on the new Delete records setting to allow users to delete selected records. For Use layer settings, the Delete records setting appears if the layer allows deleting records. For Customize, the setting appears when you check the Allow editing check box and if the layer allows deleting records.
  • Timeline widget—Supports time-aware imagery layers and tiled imagery layers.
  • Utility Network Trace widget—The widget uses snapping for placing starting points and barriers for features on the map.
  • Views Navigation widget—The widget now supports message actions, which you can configure on the Action tab of the widget's settings. The widget supports the Views change and Button click triggers.

Developer edition updates

  • Improve user experience for app download. You can select which languages to download. There will be a popup window displaying the download progress.
  • Support new zipApp option for developers to create a zip file for an app using scripts.
  • ArcGIS REST JS is upgraded to 4.x.
  • Support Map components. Sample widgets are available for how to use map component.
  • Data source and data action documentations are updated. Added a new API documentation about data action.
  • Shared code now supports assets. You can now have the assets files in the shared-code/assets or shared-code/lib/entry/assets directory. The files in the assets folder will be copied to the dist folder when compiling.
  • Addressed the issue that some requests are not sent to the subfolder when the Node.js server runs under the subfolder.
  • New Widget backward compatible documentation describes how to make widgets backward compatible.
  • Added the following new Storybook components: DataActionList, Draggable, IconPicker and ImageSelector.

Breaking changes


  • FeatureLayerQueryParams
    • Property returnFullGeometries is renamed to returnFullGeometry.
  • FeatureDataRecord
    • Property hasFullGeometries is renamed to hasFullGeometry.
  • arcgis-rest-js is upgraded from 3.x to 4.x
    • esri.restAuth is removed, use esri.restRequest instead.
    • esri.restFeatureLayer is removed, use esri.restFeatureService instead.
  • WidgetJson
    • The widgets property is removed.


  • JimuMapView.selectFeaturesByGraphic()
    • The outputAllFields parameter in the JimuMapView.selectFeaturesByGraphic() method has been removed, use options.returnAllFields instead.
    • The format of the result returned by this method has changed. Now this method will return an object, the key is the jimuLayerViewId and the value is the features selected from this JimuLayerView.

Data source

  • Query fields
    • The data source no longer queries all fields by default. When using the DataSource.load() method or the query prop of the DataSourceComponent, only the fields saved in useDataSources will be queried. When using the DataSource.query() method, the outFields in the query parameter will be queried.
  • Method updateSourceByFeatures is changed to setSourceFeatures, and parameters fields and objectIdField are removed.


  • Badge component
    • The 'light' and 'dark' are removed from the union type of the color prop type, and the 'danger' is renamed to 'error'.
  • Progress component
    • The 'light' and 'dark' are removed from the union type of the color prop type, and the 'danger' is renamed to 'error'.
  • AdvancedSelect component
    • Prop sql and excludeValues are removed, use the new added sqlExpression instead.
  • jimu-ui/advanced/chart
    • The types and methods of @arcgis/charts-shared-utils are not exported.


  • AppResourceManager
    • Method getIconResourceListFromDraft() is changed togetIconResourceListFromDraft(appId: string)


  • arcgis-charts package is renamed to arcgis-charts-components


  • The first parameter of the following functions is no longer the store but needsStoreInit, which indicates whether the state in the store needs to be initialized. The default is false.
    • withStoreRender, withStoreIntlRender, withStoreThemeRender, withStoreThemeIntlRender, widgetRender, widgetSettingRender

Theme variables

  • Prop coloration is deprecated, use the header, body, and footer instead.
  • Prop colorationVariants is deprecated, use the header, body, and footer instead.
  • Prop gutters is removed.
  • Prop spacer is removed.
  • Prop borderRadiuses.circle is removed.
  • Prop borderRadiuses.pill is removed.
  • Prop surfaces[3] is removed.
  • Prop arcgis is deprecated.

Lint rule

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
