Create symbol styles from a style file hosted on a portal.
Use case
Style files hosted on an ArcGIS Online or Enterprise portal are known as web styles. They can be used to style symbols on a feature layer or graphic overlay. Since styles are published from ArcGIS Pro, you can author and design your own beautiful multilayer vector symbols. These vector symbols look good at any resolution and scale well. ArcGIS Maps SDK users can now access these styles from their native application, and make use of the vector symbols within them to enhance features and graphics in the map.
How to use the sample
The sample displays a map with a set of symbols that represent the categories of the features within the dataset. Pan and zoom on the map and view the legend to explore the appearance and names of the different symbols from the selected symbol style.
How it works
- Create a
and add it to the map. - Create a
and set it to the feature layer. - Create a
from a portal by passing in the web style name and portal URL. - Search for symbols in the symbol style by name using
. - Create a
from the search result. - Create
objects for each symbol with defined values to map the symbol to features on the feature layer. - Add each
to theUniqueValueRenderer
Relevant API
- FeatureLayer
- Symbol
- SymbolStyle
- UniqueValue
- UniqueValueRenderer
About the data
The sample uses the 'Esri2DPointSymbolsStyle' Web Style.
The map shows features from the LA County Points of Interest service hosted on ArcGIS Online.
Additional information
2D web styles, dictionary web styles, and 3D web styles can all be hosted on an ArcGIS Online or Enterprise portal.
renderer, symbol, symbology, web style
Sample Code
// Copyright 2023 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct CreateSymbolStylesFromWebStylesView: View {
/// The display scale of the environment.
@Environment(\.displayScale) private var displayScale
/// A map with a light gray basemap centered on LA County.
@State private var map: Map = {
let map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISLightGray)
map.referenceScale = 1e5
map.initialViewpoint = Viewpoint(
latitude: 34.28301,
longitude: -118.44186,
scale: 1e4
return map
/// A feature layer with the LA County Points of Interest service.
@State private var featureLayer: FeatureLayer = {
let featureTable = ServiceFeatureTable(url: .laPointsOfInterest)
return FeatureLayer(featureTable: featureTable)
/// The legend items for the different symbols from the selected symbol style.
@State private var legendItems: [LegendItem] = []
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the legend sheet is showing.
@State private var isShowingLegend = false
var body: some View {
MapView(map: map)
.onScaleChanged { scale in
// Prevent the symbols from scaling when the map zooms out too far.
featureLayer.scalesSymbols = scale >= 8e4
.task(id: displayScale) {
// Update the symbols when the display scale changes.
await updateSymbols(displayScale: displayScale)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) {
Button("Legend") {
isShowingLegend = true
.popover(isPresented: $isShowingLegend) {
NavigationStack {
LegendList(legendItems: $legendItems)
.navigationTitle("Symbol Styles")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button("Done") {
isShowingLegend = false
.frame(idealWidth: 320, idealHeight: 380)
/// The legend list that describes what each symbol represents.
private struct LegendList: View {
/// A binding to the list of legend items to show.
@Binding var legendItems: [LegendItem]
var body: some View {
List(legendItems, id: \.name) { legendItem in
Label {
} icon: {
Image(uiImage: legendItem.image)
private extension CreateSymbolStylesFromWebStylesView {
/// Updates the symbols using the symbol style.
/// - Parameter scale: The display scale for the swatch images.
private func updateSymbols(displayScale: CGFloat) async {
// An Esri 2D point symbol style created from a web style.
let esri2DPointSymbolStyle = SymbolStyle(
styleName: "Esri2DPointSymbolsStyle",
portal: .arcGISOnline(connection: .anonymous)
// Get the symbols and associated information using the symbol style and types.
let symbolDetails = await getSymbols(
symbolStyle: esri2DPointSymbolStyle,
symbolTypes: SymbolType.allCases
// Create the legend list with symbol swatches and related details.
let legendItems: [LegendItem] = await withTaskGroup(of: LegendItem?.self) { group in
for detail in symbolDetails {
group.addTask {
// Get the image swatch for the symbol using the display scale.
if let swatch = try? await detail.symbol.makeSwatch(scale: displayScale) {
return LegendItem(name:, image: swatch)
} else {
return nil
var items: [LegendItem] = []
for await legendItem in group where legendItem != nil {
return items
// Update the legend list items.
self.legendItems = legendItems.sorted(using: KeyPathComparator(\.name))
// Create unique values and set them to the feature layer's renderer.
featureLayer.renderer = makeUniqueValueRenderer(fieldNames: ["cat2"], symbolDetails: symbolDetails)
// Add the feature layer with updated symbols to the map.
/// Get certain types of symbols from a symbol style.
/// - Parameters:
/// - symbolStyle: A `SymbolStyle` object from a web style.
/// - symbolTypes: The types of symbols to get from the symbol style.
/// - Returns: An `Array` of `SymbolDetail`s which contain a symbol and associated information.
private func getSymbols(symbolStyle: SymbolStyle, symbolTypes: [SymbolType]) async -> [SymbolDetail] {
// Get the symbol and details for each symbol type.
let symbolDetails: [SymbolDetail] = await withTaskGroup(of: [SymbolDetail]?.self) { group in
for type in symbolTypes {
group.addTask {
// Get the symbol from the symbol style using the symbol's name from the type.
async let symbol = symbolStyle.symbol(forKeys: [])
if let symbolDetail = try? await [SymbolDetail(
categoryNames: type.categoryNames,
symbol: symbol
)] {
return symbolDetail
} else {
return nil
var details: [SymbolDetail] = []
for await detail in group where detail != nil {
details.append(contentsOf: detail!)
return details
return symbolDetails
/// Creates a `UniqueValueRenderer` used to render a feature layer with symbol styles.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fieldNames: The attributes to match the unique values against.
/// - symbolDetails: An `Array` of symbols and their associated information.
/// - Returns: An `UniqueValueRenderer` object with the symbol `UniqueValue`s.
private func makeUniqueValueRenderer(fieldNames: [String], symbolDetails: [SymbolDetail]) -> UniqueValueRenderer {
let uniqueValues = symbolDetails.flatMap { detail in
// Create a unique value for each category value of symbol so the
// field name matches to all category values. { value in
UniqueValue(description: "", label:, symbol: detail.symbol, values: [value])
return UniqueValueRenderer(fieldNames: fieldNames, uniqueValues: uniqueValues)
/// A struct containing a symbol and its associated information.
private struct SymbolDetail {
/// The name of the symbol in the web style.
let name: String
/// The category names of features represented by the symbol.
let categoryNames: [String]
/// The symbol from the symbol style.
let symbol: Symbol
/// A struct for displaying legend info in a list row.
private struct LegendItem {
/// The description label of the legend item.
let name: String
/// The image swatch of the legend item.
let image: UIImage
/// The types of symbols to get from the symbol style.
private enum SymbolType: CaseIterable, Comparable {
case atm, beach, campground, cityHall, hospital, library, park, placeOfWorship, policeStation, postOffice, school, trail
/// The names of the symbols in the web style.
var name: String {
switch self {
case .atm:
return "atm"
case .beach:
return "beach"
case .campground:
return "campground"
case .cityHall:
return "city-hall"
case .hospital:
return "hospital"
case .library:
return "library"
case .park:
return "park"
case .placeOfWorship:
return "place-of-worship"
case .policeStation:
return "police-station"
case .postOffice:
return "post-office"
case .school:
return "school"
case .trail:
return "trail"
/// The category names of features represented by a type of symbol.
var categoryNames: [String] {
switch self {
case .atm:
return ["Banking and Finance"]
case .beach:
return ["Beaches and Marinas"]
case .campground:
return ["Campgrounds"]
case .cityHall:
return ["City Halls", "Government Offices"]
case .hospital:
return ["Hospitals and Medical Centers", "Health Screening and Testing", "Health Centers", "Mental Health Centers"]
case .library:
return ["Libraries"]
case .park:
return ["Parks and Gardens"]
case .placeOfWorship:
return ["Churches"]
case .policeStation:
return ["Sheriff and Police Stations"]
case .postOffice:
return ["DHL Locations", "Federal Express Locations"]
case .school:
return ["Public High Schools", "Public Elementary Schools", "Private and Charter Schools"]
case .trail:
return ["Trails"]
private extension URL {
/// LA County Points of Interest service URL used to create a feature layer.
static var laPointsOfInterest: URL {
URL(string: "")!
#Preview {
NavigationStack {