Platform error codes

Error codes are defined here as integers and organized into groups based on category of service. We do our best to never change a defined error code once the API is officially released, but we reserve the right to make changes. Please consult the release notes regarding any changes to these values.

Internal API errors are handled a few different ways depending on the type of error and the general exception handling patterns common to the platform. Some APIs use exceptions to manage errors. Error codes are documented here for reference, but for clarity refer to the specific API references for methods that throw exceptions or return error information. In most cases, the API will defer error functionality to the objects and services available on the native platform. For example,

  • .NET: in general, the API defers error functionality to ArcGISRuntimeException.

There are distinct classes of errors, depending on the service invoked. As the architecture dictates, errors may originate from the API, the runtime core supporting the API, or the service (the servers the API connects to implementing certain services.) Check the error domain if this is information useful to your app. In most cases you only need the error code to determine the cause of the error and possible remedy.

Runtime errors

Internal runtime errors are thrown by the core library when things go wrong client-side. Where possible the details of the exception are described. In many instances, the details of the exception are dependent on the context that generated the exception. In these cases, refer to the specific API that generated the error for more information.

Error codeDescription
-1Unknown error. (since 100.0.0)
0Success. (since 100.0.0)
1A null pointer. (since 100.0.0)
2Invalid argument. (since 100.0.0)
3Not implemented. (since 100.0.0)
4Out of range. (since 100.0.0)
5Invalid access. (since 100.0.0)
6Illegal state. (since 100.0.0)
7Not found. (since 100.0.0)
8Entity exists. (since 100.0.0)
9Timeout. (since 100.0.0)
10Regular expression error. (since 100.0.0)
11Property not supported. (since 100.0.0)
12No permission. (since 100.0.0)
13File error. (since 100.0.0)
14File not found. (since 100.0.0)
15Invalid call. (since 100.0.0)
16IO error. (since 100.0.0)
17User canceled. (since 100.0.0)
18Internal error. (since 100.0.0)
19Conversion failed. (since 100.0.0)
20No data. (since 100.0.0)
21Invalid JSON. (since 100.0.0)
22Propagated error. (since 100.0.0)
23Invalid XML. (since 100.1.0)
24Object is already owned. (since 100.1.0)
25Reserved for use by Qt. (since 100.5.0)
26The resource is past its expiry date. (since 100.5.0)
27Nullability violation. (since 100.8.0)
28Invalid property. (since 100.12.0)

SQL errors

Internal errors related to the SQL storage engine.

Error codeDescription
1001SQLite error. (since 100.0.0)
1002SQLite internal error. (since 100.0.0)
1003SQLite permission. (since 100.0.0)
1004SQLite operation aborted. (since 100.0.0)
1005SQLite database busy. (since 100.0.0)
1006SQLite database locked. (since 100.0.0)
1007SQLite out of memory. (since 100.0.0)
1008SQLite read only. (since 100.0.0)
1009SQLite operation interrupted. (since 100.0.0)
1010SQLite IO error. (since 100.0.0)
1011SQLite corrupt database. (since 100.0.0)
1012SQLite not found. (since 100.0.0)
1013SQLite disk full. (since 100.0.0)
1014SQLite cannot open. (since 100.0.0)
1015SQLite file locking protocol. (since 100.0.0)
1016SQLite empty error. (since 100.0.0)
1017SQLite schema changed. (since 100.0.0)
1018SQLite string or data blob too large. (since 100.0.0)
1019SQLite constraint violation. (since 100.0.0)
1020SQLite data type mismatch. (since 100.0.0)
1021SQLite interface misuse. (since 100.0.0)
1022SQLite no large file support. (since 100.0.0)
1023SQLite statement not authorized. (since 100.0.0)
1024SQLite format error. (since 100.0.0)
1025SQLite out of range. (since 100.0.0)
1026Not an SQLite database. (since 100.0.0)
1027SQLite unusual operation notice. (since 100.0.0)
1028SQLite unusual operation warning. (since 100.0.0)
1029SQLite row is available. (since 100.0.0)
1030SQLite operation is complete. (since 100.0.0)

Geometry errors

Internal errors related to the geometry engine.

Error codeDescription
2000Unknown geometry error. (since 100.1.0)
2001Corrupt geometry. (since 100.0.0)
2002Empty geometry. (since 100.0.0)
2003Math singularity. (since 100.0.0)
2004Geometry buffer too small. (since 100.0.0)
2005Geometry invalid shape type. (since 100.0.0)
2006Geometry projection out of supported range. (since 100.0.0)
2007Non simple geometry. (since 100.0.0)
2008Cannot calculate geodesic. (since 100.0.0)
2009Geometry notation conversion. (since 100.0.0)
2010Missing grid file. (since 100.0.0)

Geodatabase errors

Internal errors related to geodatabase queries.

Error codeDescription
3001Geodatabase value out of range. (since 100.0.0)
3002Geodatabase data type mismatch. (since 100.0.0)
3003Geodatabase invalid XML. (since 100.0.0)
3004Database already exists. (since 100.0.0)
3005Database does not exist. (since 100.0.0)
3006Geodatabase name longer than 128 characters. (since 100.0.0)
3007Geodatabase invalid shape type. (since 100.0.0)
3008Geodatabase raster not supported. (since 100.0.0)
3009Geodatabase relationship class one to one. (since 100.0.0)
3010Geodatabase item not found. (since 100.0.0)
3011Geodatabase duplicate code. (since 100.0.0)
3012Geodatabase missing code. (since 100.0.0)
3013Geodatabase wrong item type. (since 100.0.0)
3014Geodatabase Id field not nullable. (since 100.0.0)
3015Geodatabase default value not supported. (since 100.0.0)
3016Geodatabase table not editable. (since 100.0.0)
3017Geodatabase field not found. (since 100.0.0)
3018Geodatabase field exists. (since 100.0.0)
3019Geodatabase cannot alter field type. (since 100.0.0)
3020Geodatabase cannot alter field width. (since 100.0.0)
3021Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable. (since 100.0.0)
3022Geodatabase cannot alter field to editable. (since 100.0.0)
3023Geodatabase cannot alter field to deletable. (since 100.0.0)
3024Geodatabase cannot alter geometry properties. (since 100.0.0)
3025Geodatabase unnamed table. (since 100.0.0)
3026Geodatabase invalid type for domain. (since 100.0.0)
3027Geodatabase min max reversed. (since 100.0.0)
3028Geodatabase field not supported on relationship class. (since 100.0.0)
3029Geodatabase relationship class key. (since 100.0.0)
3030Geodatabase value is null. (since 100.0.0)
3031Geodatabase multiple SQL statements. (since 100.0.0)
3032Geodatabase no SQL statements. (since 100.0.0)
3033Geodatabase geometry field missing. (since 100.0.0)
3034Geodatabase transaction started. (since 100.0.0)
3035Geodatabase transaction not started. (since 100.0.0)
3036Geodatabase shape requires z. (since 100.0.0)
3037Geodatabase shape requires m. (since 100.0.0)
3038Geodatabase shape no z. (since 100.0.0)
3039Geodatabase shape no m. (since 100.0.0)
3040Geodatabase shape wrong type. (since 100.0.0)
3041Geodatabase cannot update field type. (since 100.0.0)
3042Geodatabase no rows affected. (since 100.0.0)
3043Geodatabase subtype invalid. (since 100.0.0)
3044Geodatabase subtype must be integer. (since 100.0.0)
3045Geodatabase subtypes not enabled. (since 100.0.0)
3046Geodatabase subtype exists. (since 100.0.0)
3047Geodatabase duplicate field not allowed. (since 100.0.0)
3048Geodatabase cannot delete field. (since 100.0.0)
3049Geodatabase index exists. (since 100.0.0)
3050Geodatabase index not found. (since 100.0.0)
3051Geodatabase cursor not on row. (since 100.0.0)
3052Geodatabase internal error. (since 100.0.0)
3053Geodatabase cannot write geodatabase managed fields. (since 100.0.0)
3054Geodatabase item already exists. (since 100.0.0)
3055Geodatabase invalid spatial index name. (since 100.0.0)
3056Geodatabase requires spatial index. (since 100.0.0)
3057Geodatabase reserved name. (since 100.0.0)
3058Geodatabase cannot update schema if change tracking. (since 100.0.0)
3059Geodatabase invalid date. (since 100.0.0)
3060Geodatabase database does not have changes. (since 100.0.0)
3061Geodatabase replica does not exist. (since 100.0.0)
3062Geodatabase storage type not supported. (since 100.0.0)
3063Geodatabase replica model error. (since 100.0.0)
3064Geodatabase replica client generation error. (since 100.0.0)
3065Geodatabase replica no upload to acknowledge. (since 100.0.0)
3066Geodatabase last write time in the future. (since 100.0.0)
3067Geodatabase invalid argument. (since 100.0.0)
3068Geodatabase transportation network corrupt. (since 100.0.0)
3069Geodatabase transportation network file IO error. (since 100.0.0)
3070Geodatabase feature has pending edits. (since 100.0.0)
3071Geodatabase change tracking not enabled. (since 100.0.0)
3072Geodatabase transportation network file open. (since 100.0.0)
3073Geodatabase transportation network unsupported. (since 100.0.0)
3074Geodatabase cannot sync copy. (since 100.0.0)
3075Geodatabase access control denied. (since 100.0.0)
3076Geodatabase geometry outside replica extent. (since 100.0.0)
3077Geodatabase upload already in progress. (since 100.0.0)
3078Geodatabase is closed. (since 100.5.0)
3079Domain exists. (since 100.1.0)
3080Geodatabase geometry type not supported. (since 100.5.0)
3081ArcGISFeatureTable requires a global Id field to support adding bulk attachments. (since 100.9.0)
3082Violated attribute constraint rule. (since 100.14.0)
3083The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level. (since 100.14.0)
3084The client version required by the geodatabase is not yet supported. (since 200.2.0)

Geocode errors

Internal errors related to geocoding, address, and reverse address lookup.

Error codeDescription
4001Geocode unsupported file format. (since 100.0.0)
4002Geocode unsupported spatial reference. (since 100.0.0)
4003Geocode unsupported projection transformation. (since 100.0.0)
4004Geocoder creation error. (since 100.0.0)
4005Geocode intersections not supported. (since 100.0.0)
4006Uninitialized geocode task. (since 100.0.0)
4007Invalid geocode locator properties. (since 100.0.0)
4008Geocode required field missing. (since 100.0.0)
4009Geocode cannot read address. (since 100.0.0)
4010Geocoding not supported. (since 100.0.0)
4011Geocode geometry type not supported. (since 100.10.0)
4012Geocode suggest address not supported. (since 100.10.0)
4013Geocode suggest result corrupt. (since 100.10.0)

Network Analyst errors

Internal errors related to Network Analyst and routing tasks.

Error codeDescription
5001Network analyst invalid route settings. (since 100.0.0)
5002Network analyst no solution. (since 100.0.0)
5003Network analyst task canceled. (since 100.0.0)
5004Network analyst invalid network. (since 100.0.0)
5005Network analyst directions error. (since 100.0.0)
5006Network analyst insufficient number of stops. (since 100.0.0)
5007Network analyst stop unlocated. (since 100.0.0)
5008Network analyst stop located on non traversable element. (since 100.0.0)
5009Network analyst point barrier invalid added cost attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5010Network analyst line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5011Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5012Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. (since 100.0.0)
5013Network analyst polyline barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value. (since 100.0.0)
5014Network analyst invalid impedance attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5015Network analyst invalid restriction attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5016Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5017Network analyst invalid directions time attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5018Network analyst invalid directions distance attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5019Network analyst invalid attribute parameters attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5020Network analyst invalid attributes parameters parameter name. (since 100.0.0)
5021Network analyst invalid attributes parameters value type. (since 100.0.0)
5022Network analyst invalid attribute parameters restriction usage value. (since 100.0.0)
5023Network analyst network has no hierarchy attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5024Network analyst no path found between stops. (since 100.0.0)
5025Network analyst undefined input spatial reference. (since 100.0.0)
5026Network analyst undefined output spatial reference. (since 100.0.0)
5027Network analyst invalid directions style. (since 100.0.0)
5028Deprecated. Network analyst invalid directions language. (since 100.0.0)
5029Network analyst directions time and impedance attribute mismatch. (since 100.0.0)
5030Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5031Network analyst stop cannot be reached. (since 100.0.0)
5032Network analyst stop time window starts before unix epoch. (since 100.0.0)
5033Network analyst stop time window is inverted. (since 100.0.0)
5034Walking mode route too large. (since 100.0.0)
5035Stop has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5036Point barrier has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5037Polyline barrier has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5038Polygon barrier has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5039Online route task does not support search_where_clause condition. (since 100.0.0)
5040Network analyst insufficient number of facilities. (since 100.0.0)
5041Network analyst facility has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5042Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5043Network analyst facility has negative added cost attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5044Network analyst facility has invalid impedance cutoff. (since 100.0.0)
5045Network analyst insufficient number of incidents. (since 100.0.0)
5046Network analyst incident has null geometry. (since 100.0.0)
5047Network analyst incident has invalid added cost attribute name. (since 100.0.0)
5048Network analyst incident has negative added cost attribute. (since 100.0.0)
5049Network analyst invalid target facility count. (since 100.0.0)
5050Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff. (since 100.0.0)
5051Network analyst start time is before Unix epoch. (since 100.0.0)
5052Network analyst invalid default impedance cutoff. (since 100.0.0)
5053Network analyst invalid default target facility count. (since 100.0.0)
5054Network analyst invalid polygon buffer distance. (since 100.0.0)
5055Network analyst polylines cannot be returned. (since 100.0.0)
5056Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied. (since 100.0.0)
5057One or more stops have unsupported type. (since 100.1.0)
5058Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint. (since 100.1.0)
5059Network analyst reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks. (since 100.1.0)
5060Network analyst waypoint contains time windows. (since 100.1.0)
5061Network analyst waypoint contains added cost attribute. (since 100.1.0)
5062Network analyst stop has unknown curb approach. (since 100.1.0)
5063Network analyst point barrier has unknown curb approach. (since 100.1.0)
5064Network analyst facility has unknown curb approach. (since 100.1.0)
5065Network analyst incident has unknown curb approach. (since 100.1.0)
5066Network dataset has no directions attributes. (since 100.3.0)
5067Desired direction language not supported by platform. (since 100.3.0)
5068Route result requires re-solving with current route task. (since 100.6.0)
5069Input route result does not have directions. (since 100.6.0)
5070Input route result does not have stops. (since 100.6.0)
5071Input route result doesn't have the route with passed route index. (since 100.6.0)
5072Input remaining destinations count doesn't match with input routes stops collection. (since 100.6.0)

JSON parsing errors

Errors that may occur when dealing with JSON.

Error codeDescription
6001JSON parser invalid token. (since 100.0.0)
6002JSON parser invalid character. (since 100.0.0)
6003JSON parser invalid unicode. (since 100.0.0)
6004JSON parser invalid start of JSON. (since 100.0.0)
6005JSON parser invalid end of pair. (since 100.0.0)
6006JSON parser invalid end of element. (since 100.0.0)
6007JSON parser invalid escape sequence. (since 100.0.0)
6008JSON parser invalid end of field name. (since 100.0.0)
6009JSON parser invalid start of field name. (since 100.0.0)
6010JSON parser invalid start of comment. (since 100.0.0)
6011JSON parser invalid decimal digit. (since 100.0.0)
6012JSON parser invalid hex digit. (since 100.0.0)
6013JSON parser expecting null. (since 100.0.0)
6014JSON parser expecting true. (since 100.0.0)
6015JSON parser expecting false. (since 100.0.0)
6016JSON parser expecting closing quote. (since 100.0.0)
6017JSON parser expecting not a number. (since 100.0.0)
6018JSON parser expecting end of comment. (since 100.0.0)
6019JSON parser unexpected end of data. (since 100.0.0)
6020JSON object expecting start object. (since 100.0.0)
6021JSON object expecting start array. (since 100.0.0)
6022JSON object expecting value object. (since 100.0.0)
6023JSON object expecting value array. (since 100.0.0)
6024JSON object expecting value int32. (since 100.0.0)
6025JSON object expecting integer type. (since 100.0.0)
6026JSON object expecting number type. (since 100.0.0)
6027JSON object expecting value string. (since 100.0.0)
6028JSON object expecting value bool. (since 100.0.0)
6029JSON object iterator not started. (since 100.0.0)
6030JSON object iterator is finished. (since 100.0.0)
6031JSON object key not found. (since 100.0.0)
6032JSON object index out of range. (since 100.0.0)
6033JSON string writer JSON is complete. (since 100.0.0)
6034JSON string writer invalid JSON input. (since 100.0.0)
6035JSON string writer expecting container. (since 100.0.0)
6036JSON string writer expecting key or end object. (since 100.0.0)
6037JSON string writer expecting value or end array. (since 100.0.0)
6038JSON string writer expecting value. (since 100.0.0)

Mapping errors

Errors related to the internal ArcGISRuntime domain and mapping APIs.

Error codeDescription
7001Spatial reference is missing. (since 100.0.0)
7002Initial viewpoint is missing. (since 100.0.0)
7003Invalid request response. (since 100.0.0)
7004Bing maps key is missing. (since 100.1.0)
7005Layer type is not supported. (since 100.0.0)
7006Sync not enabled. (since 100.0.0)
7007Tile export is not enabled. (since 100.0.0)
7008Required item property is missing. (since 100.0.0)
7009Web map version is not supported. (since 100.0.0)
7011Spatial reference invalid or incompatible. (since 100.1.0)
7012Package needs to be unpacked before it can be used. (since 100.2.1)
7013Elevation source data format is not supported. (since 100.3.0)
7014Web scene version or viewing mode is not supported. (since 100.3.0)
7015Loadable object is not loaded when it is expected to be loaded. (since 100.6.0)
7016Update packages for an offline map area are not supported. (since 100.6.0)
7017Trace operation failed. (since 100.7.0)
7018Arcade expression is invalid. (since 100.8.0)
7019Requested extent contains too many associations. (since 100.8.0)
7020A layer has requested more features than the service maximum feature count. (since 100.9.0)
7021Feature service does not support branch versioning. (since 100.9.0)
7022Packaging of data for the offline map area is not complete and it is not ready for download. (since 100.9.0)
7023An upload sync direction is not supported. (since 100.9.0)
7024Tile export in .tpkx format is not supported. (since 100.10.0)
7025The specified layer does not intersect the area of interest. (since 100.12.0)
7026Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before update packages can download a replacement geodatabase. (since 100.14.0)

Licensing errors

Errors that may occur when working with licensing.

Error codeDescription
8001Unlicensed feature. (since 100.0.0)
8002License level fixed. (since 100.0.0)
8003License level is already set. (since 100.0.0)
8004Main license is not set. (since 100.0.0)
8005Unlicensed extension. (since 100.0.0)
8006Portal user with no license. (since 100.7.0)

Local Server errors

Errors that may occur when working with Local Server.

Error codeDescription
9001Local Server failed to start. (since 100.0.0)
9002A Local Server's service failed to start. (since 100.0.0)
9003A Local Server's service terminated unexpectedly. (since 100.0.0)
9004The Local Server has failed. (since 100.0.0)
9005A Local Server's service has failed. (since 100.0.0)

Internal library errors

Internal errors related to the use of common libraries.

Error codeDescription
10001IO error. (since 100.0.0)
10002Invalid array length. (since 100.0.0)
10003Arithmetic underflow. (since 100.0.0)
10004System error. (since 100.0.0)
10005Range error. (since 100.0.0)
10006Arithmetic overflow. (since 100.0.0)
10007Out of range. (since 100.0.0)
10008Length error. (since 100.0.0)
10009Invalid argument. (since 100.0.0)
10010Asynchronous error. (since 100.0.0)
10011Math domain error. (since 100.0.0)
10012Unknown error. (since 100.0.0)
10013Logic error. (since 100.0.0)
10014Invalid weak reference. (since 100.0.0)
10015Invalid type Id. (since 100.0.0)
10016Invalid function call. (since 100.0.0)
10017Invalid error management. (since 100.0.0)
10018Invalid cast. (since 100.0.0)
10019Out of memory. (since 100.0.0)
10020Unknown error. (since 100.0.0)

Hydrography and ENC

Errors that may occur when working with Hydrography and Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) APIs.

Error codeDescription
12001SSE 01: Self-Signed Key is invalid. (since 100.3.0)
12002SSE 02: Format of Self-Signed Key file is incorrect. (since 100.3.0)
12003SSE 03: SA-Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid. (since 100.3.0)
12004SSE 04: Format of SA Signed DS Certificate is incorrect. (since 100.3.0)
12005SSE 05: SA Digital Certificate (X509) file is not available. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12006SSE 06: The SA-Signed Data Server Certificate is invalid. The SA may have issued a new public key or the ENC may originate from another service. A new SA public key can be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12007SSE 07: SA-signed DS Certificate file is not available. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12008SSE 08: SA Digital Certificate (X509) file incorrect format. A valid certificate can be obtained from the IHO website or your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12009SSE 09: ENC Signature is invalid. (since 100.3.0)
12010SSE 10: Permits not available for this Data Server. Contact your data supplier to obtain the correct permits. (since 100.3.0)
12011SSE 11: Cell Permit not found. Load the permit file provided by the data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12012SSE 12: Cell Permit format is incorrect. Contact your data supplier and obtain a new permit file. (since 100.3.0)
12013SSE 13: Cell Permit is invalid (checksum is incorrect) or the Cell Permit is for a different system. Contact your data supplier and obtain a new or valid permit file. (since 100.3.0)
12014SSE 14: Incorrect system date, check that the computer clock (if accessible) is set correctly or contact your system supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12015SSE 15: Subscription service has expired. Please contact your data supplier to renew the subscription licence. (since 100.3.0)
12016SSE 16: ENC CRC value is incorrect. Contact your data supplier as ENC(s) may be corrupted or missing data. (since 100.3.0)
12017SSE 17: Userpermit is invalid (checksum is incorrect). Check that the correct hardware device (dongle) is connected or contact your system supplier to obtain a valid userpermit. (since 100.3.0)
12018SSE 18: HW_ID is incorrect format. (since 100.3.0)
12019SSE 19: Permits are not valid for this system. Contact your data supplier to obtain the correct permits. (since 100.3.0)
12020SSE 20: Subscription service will expire in less than 30 days. Please contact your data supplier to renew the subscription licence. (since 100.3.0)
12021SSE 21: Decryption failed no valid cell permit found. Permits may be for another system or new permits may be required, please contact your supplier to obtain a new licence. (since 100.3.0)
12022SSE 22: SA Digital Certificate (X509) has expired. A new SA public key can be obtained from the IHO website or from your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12023SSE 23: Non-sequential update, previous update(s) missing - try reloading from the base media. If the problem persists contact your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12024SSE 24: ENC Signature format incorrect, contact your data supplier. (since 100.3.0)
12025SSE 25: The permit for ENC<cell name> has expired. This cell may be out of date and MUST NOT be used for Primary NAVIGATION. (since 100.3.0)
12026SSE 26: This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator. (since 100.3.0)
12027SSE 27: ENC<cell name> is not up to date. A New Edition, Re-issue or Update for this cell is missing and therefore MUST NOT be used for Primary NAVIGATION. (since 100.3.0)

Errors that may occur when working with Navigation APIs.

Error codeDescription
13001Service doesn't support rerouting. (since 100.6.0)

Geotrigger errors

Errors that may occur when working with Geotrigger APIs.

Error codeDescription
16001A problem was encountered with a geotrigger feed. (since 100.12.0)
16002A problem was encountered with the fence parameters for a fence geotrigger. (since 100.12.0)
16003A problem was encountered with the fence data for a geotrigger. (since 100.12.0)

Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) errors

Errors that may occur when working with Indoor Positioning APIs.

Error codeDescription
17000Device doesn't support accelerometer. (since 100.12.0)
17001Device doesn't support gyroscope. (since 100.12.0)
17002Device doesn't support magnetometer. (since 100.12.0)

Authentication errors

Errors that may occur when working with Authentication APIs.

Error codeDescription
18001Invalid credentials. (since 200.0.0)
18002Unable to determine generate token URL. (since 200.0.0)
18003Token has expired. (since 200.0.0)
18004A token or API key is required. (since 200.0.0)
18005Invalid API key. (since 200.0.0)
18006Invalid token. (since 200.0.0)
18007You do not have permission to access the resource. (since 200.0.0)
18008Secure socket layer required. (since 200.0.0)
18009The credential cannot be shared with the request URL. (since 200.0.0)
18010The authorization end point responded with a failure. (since 200.1.0)
18011The authentication challenge was canceled. (since 200.2.0)

Symbol dictionary errors

Errors that may occur when working with Symbol Dictionary APIs.

Error codeDescription
19000Symbol dictionary not supported. (since 200.0.0)
19001Missing symbol dictionary configuration. (since 200.0.0)
19002Missing symbol dictionary script. (since 200.0.0)
19003Missing symbol dictionary display name. (since 200.0.0)
19004Error parsing the symbol dictionary configuration. (since 200.0.0)
19005Error parsing the symbol dictionary script. (since 200.0.0)
19006Error evaluating the symbol dictionary script. (since 200.0.0)
19007Error establishing connection with the stylx file for symbol dictionary. (since 200.0.0)
19008Error converting ordered anchor points to geometry for symbol dictionary. (since 200.0.0)
19009Error converting geometry to ordered anchor points for symbol dictionary. (since 200.0.0)

Feature service edit errors

Edit errors are returned by the server after you call apply edits on a service feature table. The EditError (EditError) object in the API wraps these error codes and messages. Refer to feature service error codes for more information.

HTTP, network, and REST errors

Some APIs communicate with servers and services over the World Wide Web using HTTP, such as the low-level REST API. The following HTTP error codes are returned from ArcGIS services:

Error codeDescription
400The request sent to the server is not correct.
401Authorization to the requested resource is required.
403Authorization to the requested resource is required.
404The requested resource was not found.
413The request is larger than limits defined by the server. If you're trying to upload an attachment, this error might indicate that the attachment's size exceeds the maximum size allowed.
498The access token provided is invalid or expired.
499A token was required to access the resource.
500The service was not able to fulfill the request, possibly due to invalid input, or the service may not be functioning properly.
501The requested service is not implemented.

Uncategorized errors

ArcGIS Runtime error Invalid access range Feature service is not loaded, it needs to be loaded before passed into the sync task.Check that the offline data you're trying to access has been created correctly and make sure you understand the offline considerations described here. A mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase file) must come either from an online feature service (from ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.x) or be side-loaded from content created by ArcGIS Desktop's Create Runtime Content tool. You cannot manually create an offline mobile geodatabase. A feature service must be sync-enabled if you want to edit it offline. Determine whether or not your service is sync-enabled by looking at the REST endpoint. A sync-enabled service has three specific REST endpoints listed at the bottom of its HTML page: 1) Create Replica 2) Synchronize Replica 3) Unregister Replica. For details on how to create a sync-enabled service on ArcGIS Online, see Managing hosted feature layers. Map services cannot be sync-enabled.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
