Naming conventions

The widget development section will walk you through the steps to create a ArcGIS Web AppBuilder widget. You can preview the demo widget live. Click the first widget icon in the upper right after the app starts.

Although a widget’s resources can be named differently, the following conventions are recommended:


Widget class

Uses the convention name, Widget.js.

Widget template (widget UI)

Uses the same name as the widget class except with an .html extension, for example, Widget.html.

Widget configuration file

Uses the config.json file and puts it into the widget folder.

Widget I18N file (locale file)

Uses the strings.js file and puts it into the nls folder. For more information, see Dojo’s documentation at

Widget style file

Uses the style.css file and puts it into the css folder. Puts all the images used by the style into the images css subfolder.

Widget icon files

Uses the icon.png file name and puts it into the images folder.

Widget manifest file

Uses the name manifest.json to describe the widget’s content.

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