What's new in version 2.22

The version 2.22 update for the developer edition of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder includes the following widget enhancements.


  • Distance and Direction now allows users to change the symbology of lines, circles, ellipses, and rings they create.
  • Infographic now supports configuring a range of values for the horizontal and vertical axes.
  • Near Me results now only include features for configured layers that are turned on in the map (instead of automatically turning those layers on). If necessary, include the Layer List widget in your app so users can turn on layers that are off in the source map.
  • Screening now allows users to sort results of reports.
  • Situational Awareness now allows users to specify a time value for reports.
  • With Smart Editor, you can now set a default reference system when you enable moving point features to a new coordinate location.
  • The Visibility widget now allows you to define default values for line of sight settings.
In this topic
  1. Widgets
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