What's new in version 2.11

ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) 2.11 update introduces two new widgets and improvements on a number of widgets.


The following widgets have been improved in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder:

  • The new Threat Analysis widget supports public safety personnel and first responders to identify safe distances and zones when planning events, should an incident occur. For example, should an explosion occur at a location susceptible to attack, personnel can have an understanding of what parameters to set up and what areas to evacuate.
  • The new Visibility widget determines what is visible from an observer location based on a given distance, an observer height, and a field of view.
  • The Analysis widget adds three new tools: Find Centroids, Find Point Clusters, and Summarize Center and Dispersion.
  • You can now set feature layers as search sources in the 3D Search widget.
  • The Layer List widget allows you to determine and change the scale at which a layer in your map is displayed by setting a visibility range on the layer.
  • The Directions widget allows you to specify map layers (point, line, or polygon) as the barriers when configuring the widget.
  • The Swipe widget allows you to configure on which side of the swipe slider the selected layers are displayed.
  • In the 3D Coordinate widget, you can set the units of elevation and eye altitude measurements as metric or English.
  • The result panel of the Query widget shows a Displayed features message to indicate how many features are displayed out of all the results matching the query criteria, and a Load more button appears when the results are more than the displayed features. In addition, you can configure the default expand/collapse state for the result items.
  • The Infographic widget adds a configurable option to allow showing integers only for the value axis.
  • The Chart widget supports to sort charts by both label and value fields.

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  1. Widgets
  2. Home page
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