What's new in version 1.2
ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) 1.2 was released in August 2015. It includes the following features and enhancements:
- Five new themes are available-Billboard, Box, Dart, Jewelry box, and Launchpad.
- A new Search widget replaces the existing Geocoder widget with support for searching and suggestions on multiple sources.
- A new Stream widget visualizes and controls real-time data feeds from streaming feature layers.
- A new Summary widget dynamically summarizes numeric attributes for features based on the map extent.
- A new Incident Analysis widget defines an area of interest and understands what's happening around the area, such as current weather, demographic info, and features close to the area.
- A new GeoLookup widget (beta) enriches a list of latitude and longitude points from CSV file against polygon layers on the map.
- A new Zoom Slider widget provides interactive zoom controls in the map display.
- A new option is available to have widgets already opened when the web app starts up.
- A new option is available to configure the loading page of the app.
- A new capability allows you to crop the image when changing the thumbnail or widget's icon.
- A new template workflow enables you to create an app from the template , export and manage templates from local server.
- The off-panel widgets such as Search widget can be added to the controller.
- The Geoprocessing widget has support for uploading data to use in geoprocessing services that have upload capability.
- The Layer List widget has configurable context menus.
- The Query widget has configurable sorting rules for query results.
- The Attribute Table widget has a filter to limit features and can be expended automatically when the app starts.
- The My Location widget adds an option to watch for location changes.
- The Directions widget adds travel modes.
- The Draw widget has an option to add drawing result as an operational layer.
- The Analysis widget adds configurable options for each tool.
- Imagery layers including visualization with scientific data are supported.
- Splash widget adds an option to always show the splash screen .
- The Foldable theme and Tab theme have better responsive designs.
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