Widget manifest
Each ArcGIS Web AppBuilder widget has a manifest.json file, which describes a widget's attributes and properties as shown in the following tables. Most of the attributes and properties have default values, and you can modify them as needed. The following is the manifest.json file from the demo widget.
"name": "Demo",
"platform": "HTML",
"version": "2.11",
"wabVersion": "2.11",
"author": "Esri R&D Center Beijing",
"description": "This is the widget used in developer guide",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2018 Esri. All Rights Reserved.",
"license": "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Widget attributes
Attribute | Type | Description | Required | Default |
name | String | The name identifies the widget. The name should be the same as the folder name under the widgets folder. | Y | No default value |
2D | Boolean | Determines if the widget supports 2D. | N | True |
3D | Boolean | Determines if the widget supports 3D. | N | False |
platform | String | Should be HTML for 2D widgets and HTML3D for 3D widgets. | Y | No default value |
version | String | The widget version number. | Y | No default value |
author | String | The widget author. | N | No default value |
description | String | The widget description. | N | No default value |
copyright | String | The widget copyright. | N | No default value |
license | String | The widget license. | N | No default value |
wabVersion | String | The Web AppBuilder framework version that the widget depends on. You can open the developer tool of the browser and type wabVersion in the console to get the version number. | Y | No default value |
properties | Object | See the properties table below. | N | No default value |
featureActions | Array | The feature actions that the widget contains (a 3D widget does not support this feature). The element in the array has the following format:
| N | No default value |
Widget properties
Property | Type | Description | Required | Default |
inPanel | Boolean | The widget displays in a panel by default. You can change this behavior. If it's not in a panel, the widget displays directly. | No | True |
hasLocale | Boolean | If the widget has i18n string files (nls/strings.js), this property should be set to true. The framework loads the i18n files by convention. If it's false, the widget i18n files will not be loaded. | No | True |
hasStyle | Boolean | If the widget has a style file (css/style.css), this property should be set to true. The framework loads the style file by convention. If it's false, the widget style file will not be loaded. | No | True |
hasConfig | Boolean | If the widget is configurable, this property should be set to true. The framework loads the configuration file by convention. If it's false, the widget configuration file will not be loaded. | No | True |
hasUIFile | Boolean | If the widget has a template UI file (Widget.html), this property should be set to true. The framework loads the UI file by convention. If it's false, the widget UI file will not be loaded. | No | True |
hasSettingPage | Boolean | If the widget has a setting page file (setting/Setting.js), this property should be set to true. The builder loads the setting page when you add or edit a widget. If it's false and the widget is configurable, the builder will show a JSON editor to let users configure the widget. | No | True |
hasSettingUIFile | Boolean | Whether a widget has a setting UI file (setting/Setting.html). | No | True |
hasSettingLocale | Boolean | Whether the widget setting page supports i18n (setting/nls/strings.js). | No | True |
hasSettingStyle | Boolean | Whether the widget setting page has a style file (setting/css/style.css). | No | True |
isController | Boolean | If the widget is a controller widget, set this property to true. See Create a controller widget. | No | False |
keepConfigAfterMapSwitched | Boolean | This property is used in the builder. If false, the builder will clear the widget’s configuration data after the map is changed. | No | True |
hasVersionManager | Boolean | Whether the widget has VersionManager.js. See Make widgets backward compatible. | No | False |
supportMultiInstance | Boolean | Whether users can add more than one instance of the same widget in the app. The following out-of-the-box widgets don’t support multiple instances. 2D widgets:
3D widgets:
| No | True |
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