

The response format for getPlace;

Inheritance: IGetPlaceResponsesuccessResponse


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{ additionalLocations?: { dropOff?: { x: number; y: number }; frontDoor?: { x: number; y: number }; road?: { x: number; y: number }; roof?: { x: number; y: number } }; address?: { adminRegion?: string; censusBlockId?: string; country?: string; designatedMarketArea?: string; extended?: string; locality?: string; neighborhood?: string[]; poBox?: string; postTown?: string; postcode?: string; region?: string; streetAddress?: string }; categories?: { categoryId: string; label: string }[]; chains?: { name?: string }[]; contactInfo?: { email?: string; fax?: string; telephone?: string; website?: string }; description?: string; hours?: { opening?: { friday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; monday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; saturday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; sunday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; thursday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; tuesday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; wednesday?: { from: string; to: string }[] }; openingText?: string; popular?: { friday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; monday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; saturday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; sunday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; thursday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; tuesday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; wednesday?: { from: string; to: string }[] } }; location?: { x: number; y: number }; name?: string; placeId: string; rating?: { price?: "cheap" | "moderate" | "expensive" | "veryExpensive"; user?: number }; socialMedia?: { facebookId?: string; instagram?: string; twitter?: string } }


Interface Property
placeDetails: { additionalLocations?: { dropOff?: { x: number; y: number }; frontDoor?: { x: number; y: number }; road?: { x: number; y: number }; roof?: { x: number; y: number } }; address?: { adminRegion?: string; censusBlockId?: string; country?: string; designatedMarketArea?: string; extended?: string; locality?: string; neighborhood?: string[]; poBox?: string; postTown?: string; postcode?: string; region?: string; streetAddress?: string }; categories?: { categoryId: string; label: string }[]; chains?: { name?: string }[]; contactInfo?: { email?: string; fax?: string; telephone?: string; website?: string }; description?: string; hours?: { opening?: { friday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; monday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; saturday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; sunday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; thursday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; tuesday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; wednesday?: { from: string; to: string }[] }; openingText?: string; popular?: { friday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; monday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; saturday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; sunday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; thursday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; tuesday?: { from: string; to: string }[]; wednesday?: { from: string; to: string }[] } }; location?: { x: number; y: number }; name?: string; placeId: string; rating?: { price?: "cheap" | "moderate" | "expensive" | "veryExpensive"; user?: number }; socialMedia?: { facebookId?: string; instagram?: string; twitter?: string } }
Type declaration
    Inherited from successResponse.placeDetails

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