Release notes for 4.20

June 2021


The WFSLayer allows you to create a layer from an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS). The next generation of WFS, OGC API - Features, is supported via the OGCFeatureLayer.

You can configure the renderer, popup, and labels of a WFSLayer using a similar pattern as the FeatureLayer. Users can work with features in the WFS service using the same query and Smart Mapping APIs as FeatureLayer.

We also added utility functions that allow you to browse FeatureTypes in the WFS service before creating the layer. You can learn more about these methods in the wfsUtils documentation.

The WFS service must support WFS 2.0.0 and have GeoJSON output format enabled.

WFSLayer sample

3D updates

Shadow accumulation widget

Analyze the total shadow duration from buildings and other 3D objects in your scene. The new ShadowAccumulation widget provides different visualization types for a selected time range and date. Analysis options like thresholds help to quickly assess if a scene complies with urban shadow impact regulations.

Try out the new analysis widget for different development scenarios using a new sample.

3D shadow accumulation

Edge offset

Polygon edges and Polyline segments can now be offset using new manipulators provided by the SketchViewModel. The operation allows you to horizontally push and pull edges while maintaining the shape of the geometry. In addition, new settings in SketchViewModel.defaultUpdateOptions allow to you configure the available manipulators when updating the overall shape or individual vertices.

The updated Sketch in 3D sample shows how to change these manipulators.

3D edge offset

Analysis layers (beta)

Display measurement results using two new analysis layers: DirectLineMeasurementLayer and AreaMeasurementLayer. Create new, custom, interactive analysis experiences by programmatically providing the measurement points. The analysis layers will display one or multiple results in the scene using the same visualization known from DirectLineMeasurement3D and AreaMeasurement3D.

A new sample was added that shows how to measure parcels using AreaMeasurementLayer.

3D analysis layers

Feature table support for scene layers

Provide a tabular view for the features of a SceneLayer using the FeatureTable widget. Users can interactively select the visible attribute columns and sort them based on the values. The widget requires a scene layer with an associated feature layer. Enable editing on the layer to update the attribute values directly in the table.

Feature table for scene layers

Utility network support

Over the next couple of releases, we are working on a multi-phase project to add support for utility network. In this release, we implemented the first phase, which added initial support for utility network, viewing associations, SubtypeGroupLayer, and simple network tracing through named trace configuration. The subsequent phases will be implemented over the coming releases and will include support for more complete tracing, subnetwork management, and advanced editing.


The SubtypeGroupLayer was added to improve the experience with datasets that currently contain feature layers with many subtypes (such as the utility network datasets). The SubtypeGroupLayer is a single, composite FeatureLayer that contains a sublayer for each subtype in the individual feature service, known as a SubtypeSublayer. This allows for configuring layer properties on each sublayer, such as visibility, renderer, popupTemplate, minScale, and maxScale.

The SubtypeGroupLayer is much more efficient than an equivalent set of individual FeatureLayers because it makes less requests. The following GIF illustrates the performance difference between loading a dataset with each subtype as its own FeatureLayer versus loading a SubtypeGroupLayer. As you can see on initial load and after zooming, there are less requests sent in much less time using the SubtypeGroupLayer as compared to loading individual layers.

Drawing performance

Simple network tracing

We added support for simple network tracing through named trace configuration. The utility network's tracing function traces your network to optimize paths for resources to travel. It provides a framework that can be used to help deliver resources to customers, track the health of a network, and identify deteriorating areas. To perform a trace, load a WebMap containing trace configurations, and use the trace method.

rest modules

At 4.19, we ported the majority of Task functionality to simple functional rest modules. This made it easier to incorporate into a more modular app design, and also reduced unnecessary dependencies (you only import what you want). At this release, we ported the rest of the Task and Task support classes to rest modules, and deprecated the Task and Task support classes (which will still remain available until early next year, and then will be removed from the API). We also added a new TravelMode class to make it easier to understand how to define how an object, like a vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian, moves along a street network.

The new rest modules are functions, which do not require constructors, so you can use their methods immediately. Also, because of the more modular design, you can import just one or more methods of a rest module, instead of having to import the whole module. Here is an example of using the locator module where we only want to use the suggestLocations method:

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
  "esri/rest/locator/suggestLocations", ...
  ], function(suggestLocations, ... ) {

Now we don't need to import the entire locator module, just the method of interest. This speeds up our build time, and makes our code more focused.

Expand the code snippets below to compare the differences between using a Task and a rest module:

API keys

Over the past couple of releases, we added support for a global API key (4.18) to use with Location Services and fine-grained support for directions & routing (4.19). Version 4.20 builds on top of this by adding fine-grained control of API keys for FeatureLayer, SceneLayer, TileLayer, OGCFeatureLayer, BuildingSceneLayer, IntegratedMeshLayer, and PointCloudLayer. Access to private content via API keys is only for development and testing at this time.

We also improved support for API keys in the Directions and Search widgets. Now, both the routing and geocoding components default to the appropriate URL if an apiKey is defined.

Layer updates


Support for query top features

At this release, we added queryTopFeatures(), queryTopFeatureCount(), queryTopFeatureObjectIds(), and queryTopFeatureExtent() on FeatureLayer that will allow you to query top features from a server side FeatureLayers. For example, you can use one of the four methods to group counties of United States by state name, order them in descending order by the population, and then return the first three most populous counties in each state.


Apply edits

We also updated the applyEdits() method to support edits to features associated with multiple layers or tables in a single call. The returnServiceEditsOption and returnEditMoment parameters were added to make this possible. The returnServiceEditsOption parameter can return all features edited due to the database behavior that results from applying the edits. For example, if a feature is deleted and this parameter is set to original-and-current-features, the deleted destination feature is returned along with a reference to the deleted origin feature in the response.


At this release, we added a support for SDF dashed lines and data-driven line and fill patterns for VectorTileLayer. We have also improved performance of vector tiles when panning.


The OGCFeatureLayer can now be saved in a WebMap.

WMSLayer dimensions

Added support for time dimensions on WMSLayer and WMSSublayer. Time dimensions can be used to set the View.timeExtent, WMSLayer.timeExtent, or to configure a TimeSlider widget.


We added getSamples() method on ImageryLayer. This method returns sample point locations, pixel values and corresponding resolutions of the source data for a given geometry. For example, you can construct a wind rose chart that shows the most frequent wind speeds and directions at the specified location for given number of years.

Widget updates

General widget enhancements

  • Added a visible property to all widgets. When set to false, the widget will not render.
  • Added a headingLevel property to some widgets. This property allows you to change the level for heading elements in the widgets (e.g. <h2>Popup title</h2>). Depending on the widget's placement in your app, you may need to adjust the heading level for proper semantics. This is important for meeting accessibility standards.

Editor and Sketch widgets - snapping enhancements

Snapping is now implemented when moving 2D point geometries in both the Editor and Sketch widgets.

Point SnappingPoint Snapping

TimeSlider widget

Starting at 4.20, when the TimeSlider widget settings are invalid, the current time segment and thumbs will be drawn in a red color with a message indicating the issue. TimeSlider's values property is deprecated at 4.20. Use the timeExtent property instead.


FeatureForm widget

The Switch input was added as an additional type to FormTemplate field elements.

form field element switch input

ElevationProfile widget

The ElevationProfile widget now has the ability to clear a drawn line with the click of the trash icon. This can be toggled on with the clearButton property on ElevationProfile.visibleElements. There is also a uniform chart scaling option which toggles a checkbox that allows the profile to be shown on the same scale along the X and Y axis, as if it were a cross section. This is useful to see the real shape of buildings or mountains and can be toggled with the uniformChartScalingToggle property on ElevationProfile.visibleElements.

Elevation Profile

The zoom functionality has changed so that the user can click and drag a rectangle to zoom into, rather than just a range along the x axis. The ElevationProfile also now handles multi part lines, has per-profile toggles and stats and improved slope calculation.

CoordinateConversion widget

The CoordinateConversion widget now uses sessionStorage instead of localStorage to save its state for better memory management. This is configurable with the new storageEnabled property.


You can now set scale values on CIMSymbols using the minScale and maxScale properties on

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
const cimSymbol = new CIMSymbol({
  data: {
    type: "CIMSymbolReference",
    minScale: 750000, // only allow the symbol to be shown at certain scales
    maxScale: 80000,
    symbol: {
      type: "CIMLineSymbol",
      symbolLayers: [{ ... }]

Smart mapping updates

ImageryLayer support

We added support for generating the following renderers for imagery layers:

Each of these renderer creator modules can be found in the esri/smartMapping/raster/ folder.

Slider enhancements

Smart mapping sliders added an interactive track that allows users to drag each slider's segments. When syncedSegmentsEnabled is true, you can drag all segments in sync with the primary handle. This is particularly valuable in sliders that represent above-and-below data. Rather than allowing the primary handle modify the positions of other handles (i.e. when primaryHandleEnabled is true), you can keep handle positions independent of one another while still providing a way for the user to modify all handles at once.

Prior to this enhancement, a user could unintentionally modify other slider handles with the primary handle. Note in the image below how modifying the primary handle's value alters the positions of other handles. This can be undesirable if the user already entered a meaningful value on the other handles.

4.19 slider

With the interactive track, you can retain the syncing behavior on drag, and allow users to modify handle values without fear of the primary handle moving other values previously set by the user.

4.20 slider

Default label formatting also improved to use compact notation for large numbers. Slider handles are also no longer constrained to the segment boundaries; you can freely move any slider handle to any position along the track.

Increased zoom limits

It is now possible to increase the max zoom level on the map with the addition of the numLODs parameter on TileInfo.create(). In order to do this, additional LODs can be created via the TileInfo.create() method and passed into the MapView's constraints.

Added classes, properties, methods, events

Deprecated classes, properties, methods, events

Breaking changes

  • CodedValueDomain.codedValues now returns an array of CodedValue type definition objects. Prior to this, it used an array of generic objects. The properties within the codedValue have not changed.
  • The keyboard shortcut key has changed from Ctrl to Shift in Sketch and SketchViewModel for creating a polygon graphic (rectangle or circle) with predefined shapes.
  • The keyboard shortcut key has changed from C to Enter in Sketch, SketchViewModel, and Draw for completing a polyline, polygon, or point graphic.

The following classes, methods, properties and events have been deprecated for at least 2 releases and have now been removed from the API:

Class/Property/Method/EventAlternate optionVersion deprecated

Please refer to the Breaking changes guide topic for a complete list of breaking changes across all releases of the 4x API.

Bug fixes and enhancements

  • BUG-000130223: Fixed an issue where some FeatureLayers and MapImageLayers would not draw on the specific Android devices when the opacity was not set to 1.
  • BUG-000132202: Fixed an issue where FeatureLayer.refresh() method was throwing an error.
  • BUG-000139909: Fixed an issue where map services added to web maps using the root service URL would not display properly on certain Android devices.
  • BUG-000135228: Fixed an issue where the Set scale option of the Print widget would lock the extent for successive map printouts.
  • BUG-000135386: Fixed an issue where the StreamLayer.purgeOptions.ageReceived settings were not properly honored.
  • BUG-000136368: Fixed an issue where the popup doesn't request the feature geometry when some geometry functions are used in Arcade expressions.
  • BUG-000137657: Fixed an issue where symbols with unique value set to null fail to render when there are two fields in UniqueValueRenderer.
  • BUG-000137883: Fixed an issue where labels would not update correctly after editing their associated values using the Editor widget.
  • BUG-000137996: Fixed an issue where simultaneous creation of multiple hierarchical group layers causes UI blocking.
  • BUG-000138085: Fixed an issue was not reflecting changes made to the VectorTileLayer's style.
  • BUG-000138460: Fixed an issue where some layers showed an offset when zooming in. This was done by providing the ability to set the MapView's scale 1:1 by creating additional LODs via TileInfo.create() and set the generated LODs in the MapView.constraints.
  • BUG-000138666: Fixed an issue where the TimeSlider widget was throwing an error when fullTimeExtent was set while the TimeSlider widget is invisible.
  • BUG-000139192: Fixed an issue where the multipoint geometries are split into two or more points after zooming past certain scales.
  • BUG-000139265: Fixed an issue where ImageryTileLayer is not displayed if it does not have fixed level factors.
  • BUG-000139825: Fixed an issue where the performance of VectorTileLayers was impacted when panning.
  • BUG-000139849: Fixed an issue with the Sketch widget where it would not remove a graphic via the esc key after clicking the undo button.
  • BUG-000140487: Fixed an issue where the geodatabase version information was not included in identify and IdentifyTask operations.
  • BUG-000140489: Fixed an issue where the sorted graphics in GraphicsLayer lose the order after zooming in or out on the map.
  • BUG-000140061: Fixed an issue where passing a layer from ArcGIS Server as a FeatureSnappingLayerSource was causing timeouts.
  • BUG-000139631: Fixed an issue where drawing a geometry using Sketch or SketchViewModel was throwing console errors whenever the Map projection was not in Web Mercator or WGS 84.
  • BUG-000139485: Fixed an issue where the Legend is not updated when the RasterRenderingRule is changed.
  • Esri Community - 1046301: Added a property called featuresPerPage on PopupViewModel.
  • Esri Community - 1048724: Added a support for new characters for the coordinateFormatter.fromLatitudeLongitude() method.
  • Esri Community - 1051281: Fixed an issue where FeatureLayer.historicMoment was not being honored after the initial change.
  • Esri Community - 1052876: Fixed an issue where PictureMarkerSymbols were being cut off along tile edges.
  • Esri Community - 1056484: Fixed an issue where ImageryLayer was throwing a warning when UniqueValueRenderer and renderingRule are both set on Imagerylayer.
  • Esri Community - 1058789: Fixed an issue where the OGCFeatureLayer was requesting the wrong CRS for some services, which could cause a slight offset.
  • Esri Community - 1058935: Fixed an issue where updates made to a map's FeatureLayer did not reflect within the corresponding FeatureTable widget.
  • Esri Community - 1059410: Fixed an issue where ImageryLayer was throwing an error when lerc format was requested.
  • GitHub - 109 - Fixed an issue with esri-loader throwing unhandled promise exceptions when used with Angular 12 and zone.js.
  • GitHub - 296 - Fixed an issue where sometimes the map would not display when adding a ScaleBar widget to a MapImageLayer without a basemap.
  • Fixed an issue in 2D MapViews where labels would not display if the where clause used a field that wasn't in the labelExpressionInfo.expression.
  • Fixed an issue where a CIMSymbol with CIMPictureMarker symbol layer would not render when the image size was too large.
  • Fixed an issue where a multi-level nested CIMSymbol would not render.
  • Fixed an issue where CIMSymbol's primitiveOverride was not working with the color property of a CIMSolidFill symbol layer.
  • Fixed an issue where features with null geometries could display off the map.
  • Fixed an issue where hitTest would fail on a line CIMSymbol with a VectorMarker symbol layer.
  • Fixed an issue where printing clustered features with different browser window sizes caused inconsistent print results.
  • Fixed an issue where the font color of links in the FeatureTable in dark theme did not have enough contrast with the table's background color.
  • Fixed an issue where the layer fails to draw features when some Arcade geometry functions are used in the renderer.
  • Fixed an issue where the Search widget suggestions dropdown could remain open when a user clicks on another HTML element on the page.
  • Fixed an issue where time enabled layers were not printed properly with the Print widget and PrintTask.
  • Fixed an issue where visual variables were not being honored when set on a DictionaryRenderer.
  • Fixed an issue with the geometryEngine.difference() method failing with some line geometries.
  • Fixed an issue with the LayerList widget behavior when working with non-dynamic MapImageLayer sublayers.
  • Fixed an issue with the z-order of symbol layers in a CIMSymbol.
  • Fixed an issue in 3D SceneViews where RotateEventInfo.angle was not returning correct degree values.
  • Esri Community - 1009348: Enhanced the CoordinateConversion widget to use sessionStorage with a new storageEnabled property.
  • Enhanced summaryStatistics by adding support for string fields.
  • Enhanced summaryStatistics by adding a nullcount property in SummaryStatisticsResult to return the number of null values stored in a given field.
  • Enhanced SceneLayer by supporting Basis Texture and 3D extent provided by I3S version 1.8.

Additional packages

Version 4.20 of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript uses ArcGIS Arcade 1.13 (since 4.19).


Dojo will no longer be included as part of our API downloads because the API no longer uses it (as of version 4.18).

How to access the SDK

  • The API library is available on both CDN and npm, Read more at Get started.
  • For supported versions, you can also download both the documentation and the API library. These downloads are typically available 3-4 weeks after release.

Previous releases

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