This sample demonstrates how to prompt the user for a username and password to authenticate with ArcGIS Server to access an ArcGIS token-secured service. Accessing secured services requires a login that's been defined on the server.
Use case
Your app may need to access services that are restricted to authorized users. For example, your organization may host ArcGIS services that are only accessible by verified users.
How to use the sample
When you run the sample, the app will load a map that contains a layer from a secured service. Then, you will be challenged for a user name and password to view that layer. Enter the correct user name (user1) and password (user1). If you authenticate successfully, the secured layer will display, otherwise the map will contain only the public layers.
How it works
- A custom
is set forAuthenticationManager
that displays a login dialog for entering a username and password. - In response to the attempt to access secured content, the
calls the challenge handler. - A
is created from the entered username and password, and an attempt is made to load the layer.
Relevant API
- AuthenticationManager
- TokenCredential
Additional information
Please note: the username and password are case sensitive for token-based authentication. If the user doesn't have permission to access all the content within the portal item, partial or no content will be returned.
authentication, cloud, portal, remember, security
Sample Code
// Copyright 2022 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Security;
using System.Globalization;
namespace ArcGIS.Samples.TokenSecuredChallenge
name: "ArcGIS token challenge",
category: "Security",
description: "This sample demonstrates how to prompt the user for a username and password to authenticate with ArcGIS Server to access an ArcGIS token-secured service. Accessing secured services requires a login that's been defined on the server.",
instructions: "When you run the sample, the app will load a map that contains a layer from a secured service. Then, you will be challenged for a user name and password to view that layer. Enter the correct user name (user1) and password (user1). If you authenticate successfully, the secured layer will display, otherwise the map will contain only the public layers.",
tags: new[] { "authentication", "cloud", "portal", "remember", "security" })]
[ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.ClassFile("LoginPage.xaml.cs", "LoginPage.xaml", "Converters/LoadStatusToColorConverter.cs")]
public partial class TokenSecuredChallenge : ContentPage
// Public and secured map service URLs.
private string _publicMapServiceUrl = "";
private string _secureMapServiceUrl = "";
// Public and secured layer names.
private string _publicLayerName = "World Street Map - Public";
private string _secureLayerName = "USA - Secure";
// A TaskCompletionSource to store the result of a login task.
private TaskCompletionSource<Credential> _loginTaskCompletionSrc;
// Page for the user to enter login information.
private LoginPage _loginPage;
public TokenSecuredChallenge()
// Call a function to display a simple map and set up the AuthenticationManager.
private void Initialize()
// Define a challenge handler method for the AuthenticationManager.
// This method handles getting credentials when a secured resource is encountered.
AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(CreateCredentialAsync);
// Create the public layer and provide a name.
ArcGISTiledLayer publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(_publicMapServiceUrl))
Name = _publicLayerName
// Create the secured layer and provide a name.
ArcGISMapImageLayer tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(_secureMapServiceUrl))
Name = _secureLayerName
// Bind the layer to UI controls to show the load status.
PublicLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = publicLayer;
SecureLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = tokenSecuredLayer;
// Create a new map and add the layers.
Map myMap = new Map();
// Add the map to the map view.
MyMapView.Map = myMap;
// Create the login UI (will display when the user accesses a secured resource).
_loginPage = new LoginPage();
// Set up event handlers for when the user completes the login entry or cancels.
_loginPage.OnLoginInfoEntered += LoginInfoEntered;
_loginPage.OnCanceled += LoginCanceled;
// AuthenticationManager.ChallengeHandler function that prompts the user for login information to create a credential.
private async Task<Credential> CreateCredentialAsync(CredentialRequestInfo info)
// Return if authentication is already in process.
if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc != null && !_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.IsCanceled) { return null; }
// Create a new TaskCompletionSource for the login operation.
// Passing the CredentialRequestInfo object to the constructor will make it available from its AsyncState property.
_loginTaskCompletionSrc = new TaskCompletionSource<Credential>(info);
// Provide a title for the login form (show which service needs credentials).
_loginPage.TitleText = "Login for " + info.ServiceUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
// Show the login controls on the UI thread.
// OnLoginInfoEntered event will return the values entered (username and password).
Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(_loginPage));
// Return the login task, the result will be ready when completed (user provides login info and clicks the "Login" button)
return await _loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task;
// Handle the OnLoginEntered event from the login UI.
// LoginEventArgs contains the username and password that were entered.
private async void LoginInfoEntered(object sender, LoginEventArgs e)
// Make sure the task completion source has all the information needed.
if (_loginTaskCompletionSrc == null ||
_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task == null ||
_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState == null)
// Get the associated CredentialRequestInfo (will need the URI of the service being accessed).
CredentialRequestInfo requestInfo = (CredentialRequestInfo)_loginTaskCompletionSrc.Task.AsyncState;
// Create a token credential using the provided username and password.
AccessTokenCredential userCredentials = await AccessTokenCredential.CreateAsync
// Set the task completion source result with the ArcGIS network credential.
// AuthenticationManager is waiting for this result and will add it to its Credentials collection.
catch (Exception ex)
// Unable to create credential, set the exception on the task completion source.
// Dismiss the login controls.
if (Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.OfType<LoginPage>().Any())
await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync();
private void LoginCanceled(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Dismiss the login controls.
// Cancel the task completion source task.