Create graphics from an XML file with key-value pairs for each graphic and display the military symbols using a MIL-STD-2525D web style in 3D.
Use case
Use a dictionary renderer on a graphics overlay to display more transient data, such as military messages coming through a local tactical network.
How to use the sample
Open the sample and view the military symbols on the scene.
How it works
- Create a new
object with a protal item and set the style's draw rule configuration to "ORDERED ANCHOR POINTS". - Create a new
object with the dictionary symbol style. - Create an instance of
. - Set the dictionary renderer to the graphics overlay's
. - Parse the local XML file, creating a map of key/value pairs for each block of attributes.
- Create an instance of
for each attribute. - Use the
key to get the geometry's spatial reference. - Use the
key to get the geometry's shape. - Add the graphics to the graphics overlay.
Relevant API
- DictionaryRenderer
- DictionarySymbolStyle
- GraphicsOverlay
About the data
The sample uses the Joint Military Symbology MIL-STD-2525D dictionary style from ArcGIS Online. This ArcGIS Web Style is for use to build custom applications that incorporate the MIL-STD-2525D symbol dictionary. This style supports a configuration for modeling locations as ordered anchor points or full geometries.
A local XML file containing messages with MIL-STD-2525D fields for military symbology (MIL-STD-2525D Messages 100.13.0) is also used. This is downloaded from ArcGIS Online automatically.
defense, military, situational awareness, tactical, visualization
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct ApplyDictionaryRendererToGraphicsOverlayView: View {
/// A scene with a topographic basemap.
@State private var scene = Scene(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
/// The graphics overlay for displaying the message graphics on the scene.
@State private var graphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay()
/// The camera for zooming the scene view to the message graphics.
@State private var camera: Camera?
/// The error shown in the error alert.
@State private var error: Error?
var body: some View {
SceneView(scene: scene, camera: $camera, graphicsOverlays: [graphicsOverlay])
.task {
do {
// Sets up the graphics overlay when the sample opens.
graphicsOverlay.renderer = try await makeMIL2525DRenderer()
try graphicsOverlay.addGraphics(makeMessageGraphics())
// Sets the camera to look at the graphics in the graphics overlay.
guard let extent = graphicsOverlay.extent else { return }
camera = Camera(
distance: 15_000,
heading: 0,
pitch: 70,
roll: 0
} catch {
self.error = error
.errorAlert(presentingError: $error)
/// Creates a dictionary renderer for styling with MIL-STD-2525D symbols.
/// - Returns: A new `DictionaryRenderer` object.
private func makeMIL2525DRenderer() async throws -> DictionaryRenderer {
// Creates a dictionary symbol style from a dictionary style portal item.
let portalItem = PortalItem(
portal: .arcGISOnline(connection: .anonymous),
id: .jointMilitarySymbologyDictionaryStyle
let dictionarySymbolStyle = DictionarySymbolStyle(portalItem: portalItem)
try await dictionarySymbolStyle.load()
// Uses the "Ordered Anchor Points" for the symbol style draw rule.
let drawRuleConfiguration = dictionarySymbolStyle.configurations.first { $ == "model" }
drawRuleConfiguration?.value = "ORDERED ANCHOR POINTS"
return DictionaryRenderer(dictionarySymbolStyle: dictionarySymbolStyle)
/// Creates graphics from messages in an XML file.
/// - Returns: An array of new `Graphic` objects.
private func makeMessageGraphics() throws -> [Graphic] {
// Gets the data from the local XML file.
let messagesData = try Data(contentsOf: .mil2525dMessagesXMLFile)
let parser = MessageParser(data: messagesData)
if parser.parse() {
// Creates graphics from the parsed messages.
return parser.messages.compactMap { message in
guard let messageWKID = message.wkid,
let wkid = WKID(messageWKID) else { return nil }
let spatialReference = SpatialReference(wkid: wkid)
let points = { x, y in
Point(x: x, y: y, spatialReference: spatialReference)
return Graphic(geometry: Multipoint(points: points), attributes: message.other)
} else if let error = parser.parserError {
throw error
} else {
return []
// MARK: Message Parser
private extension ApplyDictionaryRendererToGraphicsOverlayView {
/// A parser for the XML file containing the MIL-STD-2525D messages.
final class MessageParser: XMLParser, XMLParserDelegate {
/// The parsed messages.
private(set) var messages: [Message] = []
/// The values of the message element currently being parsed.
private var currentMessage: Message?
/// The characters of the XML element currently being parsed.
private var currentElementContents = ""
override init(data: Data) {
super.init(data: data)
self.delegate = self
/// Creates a new `currentMessage` when a message start tag is encountered.
func parser(
_ parser: XMLParser,
didStartElement elementName: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName qName: String?,
attributes attributeDict: [String: String] = [:]
) {
if elementName == "message" {
currentMessage = Message()
/// Adds the characters of the current element to `currentElementContents`.
func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) {
currentElementContents.append(contentsOf: string)
/// Adds the contents of the current element to the `currentMessage` when an end tag is encountered.
func parser(
_ parser: XMLParser,
didEndElement elementName: String,
namespaceURI: String?,
qualifiedName qName: String?
) {
switch elementName {
case "_control_points":
currentMessage?.controlPoints = currentElementContents.split(separator: ";")
.map { pair in
let coordinates = pair.split(separator: ",")
return (x: Double(coordinates.first!)!, y: Double(coordinates.last!)!)
case "message":
currentMessage = nil
case "messages":
case "_wkid":
currentMessage?.wkid = Int(currentElementContents)
currentMessage?.other[elementName] = currentElementContents
/// The parsed values from an XML message element.
struct Message {
/// The x and y values of the control points element.
var controlPoints: [(x: Double, y: Double)] = []
/// The value of the wkid element.
var wkid: Int?
/// The other elements and their values.
var other: [String: any Sendable] = [:]
// MARK: Helper Extensions
private extension PortalItem.ID {
/// The ID for the "Joint Military Symbology MIL-STD-2525D" dictionary style portal item on ArcGIS Online.
static var jointMilitarySymbologyDictionaryStyle: Self {
private extension URL {
/// The URL to the local XML file containing messages with MIL-STD-2525D fields.
static var mil2525dMessagesXMLFile: URL {
Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Mil2525DMessages", withExtension: "xml")!