Display directions for a route between two points.
Use case
Find routes with driving directions between any number of locations. You might use the ArcGIS platform to create a custom network for routing on private roads.
How to use the sample
For simplicity, the sample comes loaded with a start and end stop. You can click on the Find Route button to display a route between these stops. Once the route is generated, tap the directions icon for turn-by-turn directions shown in a list.
How it works
- Create a
instance using a URL to an online route service. - Create default
. - Set
on the parameters totrue
. - Create
instances for each destination and assign the stops to the route parameters usingRouteParameters.setStops(_:)
. - Solve the route using
to get aRouteResult
. - Create
instances for the route and stops. - Iterate through the result's
s. To display the route, update the route graphic's geometry with the route'srouteGeometry
. To display directions, get the direction maneuvers from the route'sdirectionManeuvers
property, and, for each maneuver, display the maneuver'sdirectionText
Relevant API
- DirectionManeuver
- Route
- RouteParameters
- RouteParameters.setStops(_:)
- RouteResult
- RouteTask
- RouteTask.createDefaultParameters()
- RouteTask.solveRoute(routeParameters:)
- Stop
directions, driving, navigation, network, network analysis, route, routing, shortest path, turn-by-turn
Sample Code
// Copyright 2022 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct FindRouteView: View {
/// The error shown in the error alert.
@State private var error: Error?
/// A Boolean value indicating whether to show the directions.
@State private var isShowingDirections = false
/// A Boolean value indicating whether to solve the route.
@State private var isSolvingRoute = false
/// The view model for this sample.
@StateObject private var model = Model()
var body: some View {
MapView(map: model.map, graphicsOverlays: model.graphicsOverlays)
.errorAlert(presentingError: $error)
.task {
do {
try await model.initializeRouteParameters()
} catch {
self.error = error
.toolbar {
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) {
Button("Route") {
isSolvingRoute = true
.disabled(model.isRouteDisabled || isSolvingRoute)
.task(id: isSolvingRoute) {
// Ensures that solving the route is true.
guard isSolvingRoute else { return }
// Finds the route.
do {
try await model.findRoute()
} catch {
self.error = error
// Sets solving the route to false.
isSolvingRoute = false
Button {
isShowingDirections = true
} label: {
Image(systemName: "arrow.triangle.turn.up.right.diamond")
.popover(isPresented: $isShowingDirections) {
NavigationStack {
List(model.directions, id: \.text) { directionManeuver in
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button("Done") {
isShowingDirections = false
.frame(idealWidth: 320, idealHeight: 428)
private extension FindRouteView {
/// The model used to store the geo model and other expensive objects
/// used in this view.
class Model: ObservableObject {
/// The directions for the route.
@Published var directions: [DirectionManeuver] = []
/// The parameters for the route.
@Published var routeParameters: RouteParameters!
/// A Boolean value indicating whether to disable the route button.
var isRouteDisabled: Bool { routeParameters == nil }
/// The route task.
private let routeTask = RouteTask(url: .routeTask)
/// A map with a topographic basemap style and an initial viewpoint.
let map: Map
/// The stops for the route.
private let stops: [Stop]
/// The graphics overlay for the route.
private let routeGraphicsOverlay: GraphicsOverlay
/// The graphics overlay for the stops.
private let stopGraphicsOverlay: GraphicsOverlay
/// The graphics overlays for the route and stops.
var graphicsOverlays: [GraphicsOverlay] { [routeGraphicsOverlay, stopGraphicsOverlay] }
/// The graphic for the route.
private var routeGraphic: Graphic { routeGraphicsOverlay.graphics.first! }
init() {
// Initializes the map
map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
map.initialViewpoint = Viewpoint(
center: Point(
x: -13041154.7153,
y: 3858170.2368,
spatialReference: .webMercator
scale: 1e5
// Initializes the graphics overlay for the route.
routeGraphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay(graphics: [
Graphic(symbol: SimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .yellow, width: 5))
// Initializes the stops and the graphics overlay for them.
let stopOne = Stop.one
let stopTwo = Stop.two
stops = [stopOne, stopTwo]
let stopOneGraphic = Graphic(
geometry: stopOne.geometry,
symbol: TextSymbol(text: stopOne.name, color: .blue, size: 20)
let stopTwoGraphic = Graphic(
geometry: stopTwo.geometry,
symbol: TextSymbol(text: stopTwo.name, color: .red, size: 20)
stopGraphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay(graphics: [stopOneGraphic, stopTwoGraphic])
/// Initializes the route parameters.
func initializeRouteParameters() async throws {
guard routeParameters == nil else { return }
// Creates the default parameters.
let parameters = try await routeTask.makeDefaultParameters()
// Sets the return directions on the parameters to true.
parameters.returnsDirections = true
// Sets the stops for the route.
// Initializes the route parameters.
routeParameters = parameters
/// Finds the route from stop one to stop two.
func findRoute() async throws {
// Resets the route geometry and directions.
routeGraphic.geometry = nil
// Solves the route based on the route parameters.
let routeResult = try await routeTask.solveRoute(using: routeParameters)
if let firstRoute = routeResult.routes.first {
// Updates the route geometry and directions.
routeGraphic.geometry = firstRoute.geometry
directions = firstRoute.directionManeuvers
private extension Stop {
/// The stop for the origin.
static var one: Stop {
let stop = Stop(point: Point(x: -13041171.537945, y: 3860988.271378, spatialReference: .webMercator))
stop.name = "Origin"
return stop
/// The stop for the destination.
static var two: Stop {
let stop = Stop(point: Point(x: -13041693.562570, y: 3856006.859684, spatialReference: .webMercator))
stop.name = "Destination"
return stop
private extension URL {
/// The URL for the route task.
static var routeTask: URL {
URL(string: "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/NetworkAnalysis/SanDiego/NAServer/Route")!
#Preview {
NavigationStack {