List features related to the selected feature.
Use case
Related features are useful for managing relational information, like what you would store in a relational database management system (RDBMS). You can define relationship between records as one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-one. For example, you could model inspections and facilities as a many-to-one relationship. Then, for any facility feature, you could list related inspection features.
How to use the sample
Tap on a feature to select it, and the related features will be displayed in a list.
How it works
- With a
, callArcGISFeatureTable.queryRelatedFeatures(to:using:)
on the feature's feature table. - Iterate over the result's collection of
objects to get the related features and add them to a list.
Relevant API
- ArcGISFeature
- ArcGISFeatureTable
- FeatureQueryResult
- RelatedFeatureQueryResult
features, identify, query, related, relationship, search
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct QueryRelatedFeaturesView: View {
/// A map with a topographic basemap.
@State private var map: Map = {
let map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
// Creates and adds feature tables to the map to allow related feature querying.
let preservesFeatureTable = ServiceFeatureTable(
url: .alaskaParksFeatureServer.appending(component: "0")
let speciesFeatureTable = ServiceFeatureTable(
url: .alaskaParksFeatureServer.appending(component: "2")
map.addTables([preservesFeatureTable, speciesFeatureTable])
return map
/// An "Alaska National Parks" feature layer.
@State private var parksFeatureLayer = FeatureLayer(
featureTable: ServiceFeatureTable(
url: .alaskaParksFeatureServer.appending(component: "1")
/// The text describing the loading status of the sample.
@State private var loadingStatusText: String?
/// The point on the screen where the user tapped.
@State private var tapPoint: CGPoint?
/// The results from querying related features.
@State private var queryResults: RelatedFeatureQueryResults?
/// The error shown in the error alert.
@State private var error: Error?
var body: some View {
MapViewReader { mapViewProxy in
MapView(map: map)
.onSingleTapGesture { screenPoint, _ in
tapPoint = screenPoint
.task(id: tapPoint) {
guard let tapPoint else { return }
do {
// Identifies the tapped screen point.
loadingStatusText = "Identifying feature…"
defer { loadingStatusText = nil }
let identifyResult = try await mapViewProxy.identify(
on: parksFeatureLayer,
screenPoint: tapPoint,
tolerance: 12
// Selects the first feature in the result.
guard let parkFeature = identifyResult.geoElements.first
as? ArcGISFeature else { return }
// Queries for related features of the identified feature.
loadingStatusText = "Querying related features…"
let parksFeatureTable = parksFeatureLayer.featureTable as! ServiceFeatureTable
let queryResults = try await parksFeatureTable.queryRelatedFeatures(
to: parkFeature
self.queryResults = RelatedFeatureQueryResults(results: queryResults)
} catch {
self.error = error
item: $queryResults,
onDismiss: parksFeatureLayer.clearSelection
) { newQueryResults in
RelatedFeaturesList(results: newQueryResults.results)
.frame(idealWidth: 320, idealHeight: 380)
.overlay(alignment: .center) {
// Shows a progress view when there is a loading status.
if let loadingStatusText {
VStack {
.clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 10))
.shadow(radius: 50)
.task {
// Loads the parks feature layer and zooms the viewpoint to its extent.
do {
loadingStatusText = "Loading feature layer…"
defer { loadingStatusText = nil }
try await parksFeatureLayer.load()
guard let parksLayerExtent = parksFeatureLayer.fullExtent else { return }
await mapViewProxy.setViewpointGeometry(parksLayerExtent, padding: 20)
} catch {
self.error = error
.errorAlert(presentingError: $error)
private extension QueryRelatedFeaturesView {
/// A list of features from given related feature query results.
struct RelatedFeaturesList: View {
/// The results to display in the list.
let results: [RelatedFeatureQueryResult]
/// The action to dismiss the view.
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
List {
ForEach(Array(results.enumerated()), id: \.offset) { offset, result in
let relatedTableName = result.relatedTable?.tableName
Section(relatedTableName ?? "Feature Table \(offset + 1)") {
ForEach(result.featureDisplayNames, id: \.self) { featureName in
results.first?.feature?.attributes["UNIT_NAME"] as? String ?? "Origin Feature"
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button("Done") { dismiss() }
/// A struct containing the results from a related features query.
struct RelatedFeatureQueryResults: Identifiable {
/// A universally unique id to identify the type.
let id = UUID()
/// The related feature query results.
let results: [RelatedFeatureQueryResult]
private extension RelatedFeatureQueryResult {
/// The display names of the result's features.
var featureDisplayNames: [String] {
guard let displayFieldName = relatedTable?.layerInfo?.displayFieldName else { return [] }
return features()
.compactMap { $0.attributes[displayFieldName] as? String }
private extension URL {
/// The URL to the "Alaska National Parks Preserves Species" feature server.
static var alaskaParksFeatureServer: URL {
URL(string: "")!
#Preview {