Display and customize coordinate system grids, including Latitude/Longitude, MGRS, UTM, and USNG, on a map view or scene view.
Use case
Grids are often used on printed maps, but can also be helpful on digital 2D maps or 3D scenes, to identify locations.
How to use the sample
Use the picker to change the view from 2D or 3D, or tap the button in the toolbar to open the grid settings. You can select the type of grid (LatLong, MGRS, UTM, and USNG) and modify its properties like the visibility and color of the lines, and the position, format, and units of the labels.
How it works
- Create an instance of one of the
types. - Grid lines and labels can be styled per grid level with
subscripts on the grid. - The label position, format, unit, and visibility can be specified with
, andisVisible
on theGrid
.- Note that as of 200.6, MGRS, UTM, and USNG grids in a SceneView only support the
label position.
- Note that as of 200.6, MGRS, UTM, and USNG grids in a SceneView only support the
- For the
type, you can specify a label format ofdecimalDegrees
. - To set the grid, assign it to the map view or scene view using the
Relevant API
- Grid
- LatitudeLongitudeGrid
- MapView
- MGRSGrid
- SceneView
- SimpleLineSymbol
- TextSymbol
- USNGGrid
- UTMGrid
coordinates, degrees, graticule, grid, latitude, longitude, MGRS, minutes, seconds, USNG, UTM
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct ShowGridView: View {
/// The view model for the sample.
@StateObject private var model = Model()
/// The current viewpoint of the geo views.
@State private var viewpoint = Viewpoint(latitude: 34.05, longitude: -118.25, scale: 8e6)
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the settings view should be presented.
@State private var showsGridSettingsView = false
var body: some View {
Group {
switch model.geoViewType {
case .mapView:
MapView(map: model.map, viewpoint: viewpoint)
.onViewpointChanged(kind: .centerAndScale) { viewpoint = $0 }
case .sceneView:
SceneView(scene: model.scene, viewpoint: viewpoint)
.onViewpointChanged(kind: .centerAndScale) { viewpoint = $0 }
.toolbar {
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) {
Button("Grid Settings") {
showsGridSettingsView = true
.popover(isPresented: $showsGridSettingsView) {
NavigationStack {
GridSettingsView(model: model)
.presentationDetents([.fraction(0.6), .large])
.frame(idealWidth: 350, idealHeight: 480)
Picker("Geo View", selection: $model.geoViewType) {
Text("Map View").tag(GeoViewType.mapView)
Text("Scene View").tag(GeoViewType.sceneView)
private extension ShowGridView {
// MARK: - Model
/// The view model for the sample.
final class Model: ObservableObject {
/// A map with a topographic basemap.
let map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
/// A scene with elevation and a topographic basemap.
let scene: ArcGIS.Scene = {
let scene = Scene(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
let elevationSource = ArcGISTiledElevationSource(url: .worldElevationService)
return scene
/// The type of geo view that is showing.
@Published var geoViewType = GeoViewType.mapView {
didSet { grid = makeGrid(type: gridType) }
/// The geo view's grid, initially set to a Lat-Lon grid.
@Published var grid: ArcGIS.Grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid()
/// The kind of grid to display.
@Published var gridType: GridType = .latitudeLongitude {
didSet { grid = makeGrid(type: gridType) }
/// The format used for labeling the grid.
@Published var labelFormat: LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat = .decimalDegrees
/// The units used for labeling the USNG grid.
@Published var usngLabelUnit: USNGGrid.LabelUnit = .kilometersMeters
/// The units used for labeling the MGRS grid.
@Published var mgrsLabelUnit: MGRSGrid.LabelUnit = .kilometersMeters
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the current grid only supports `LabelPosition.geographic`.
var gridOnlySupportsGeographic: Bool {
geoViewType == .sceneView && gridType != .latitudeLongitude
/// Creates a new grid of a given type.
/// - Parameter gridType: The kind of grid to make.
/// - Returns: A new `Grid` object.
private func makeGrid(type gridType: GridType) -> ArcGIS.Grid {
let newGrid: ArcGIS.Grid
switch gridType {
case .latitudeLongitude:
let latitudeLongitudeGrid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid()
latitudeLongitudeGrid.labelFormat = labelFormat
newGrid = latitudeLongitudeGrid
case .mgrs:
let mgrsGrid = MGRSGrid()
mgrsGrid.labelUnit = mgrsLabelUnit
newGrid = mgrsGrid
case .usng:
let usngGrid = USNGGrid()
usngGrid.labelUnit = usngLabelUnit
newGrid = usngGrid
case .utm:
newGrid = UTMGrid()
newGrid.isVisible = grid.isVisible
newGrid.labelsAreVisible = grid.labelsAreVisible
newGrid.linesColor = grid.linesColor
newGrid.labelsColor = grid.labelsColor
newGrid.labelPosition = gridOnlySupportsGeographic ? .geographic : grid.labelPosition
return newGrid
/// A type of `GeoView`.
enum GeoViewType {
case mapView, sceneView
// MARK: - Settings View
struct GridSettingsView: View {
/// The action to dismiss the sheet.
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
/// The view model for the sample.
@ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
Form {
Section("Grid Line Settings") {
Picker("Grid Type", selection: $model.gridType) {
ForEach(GridType.allCases, id: \.self) { type in
Toggle("Visible", isOn: $model.grid.isVisible)
ColorPicker("Color", selection: $model.grid.linesColor)
Section("Labels Settings") {
Toggle("Visible", isOn: $model.grid.labelsAreVisible)
ColorPicker("Color", selection: $model.grid.labelsColor)
Picker("Position", selection: $model.grid.labelPosition) {
ForEach(Grid.LabelPosition.allCases, id: \.self) { position in
if let latitudeLongitudeGrid = model.grid as? LatitudeLongitudeGrid {
Picker("Format", selection: $model.labelFormat) {
ForEach(LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat.allCases, id: \.self) { format in
.onChange(of: model.labelFormat) { newLabelFormat in
latitudeLongitudeGrid.labelFormat = newLabelFormat
} else if let mgrsGrid = model.grid as? MGRSGrid {
Picker("Unit", selection: $model.mgrsLabelUnit) {
ForEach(MGRSGrid.LabelUnit.allCases, id: \.self) { unit in
.onChange(of: model.mgrsLabelUnit) { newMGRSLabelUnit in
mgrsGrid.labelUnit = newMGRSLabelUnit
} else if let usngGrid = model.grid as? USNGGrid {
Picker("Unit", selection: $model.usngLabelUnit) {
ForEach(USNGGrid.LabelUnit.allCases, id: \.self) { unit in
.onChange(of: model.usngLabelUnit) { newUSNGLabelUnit in
usngGrid.labelUnit = newUSNGLabelUnit
.navigationTitle("Grid Settings")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button("Done") { dismiss() }
// MARK: - Helper Extensions
private extension ArcGIS.Grid {
/// The color of the grid lines.
var linesColor: Color {
get {
let lineSymbol = lineSymbols.first(where: { $0 is LineSymbol }) as! LineSymbol
return Color(uiColor: lineSymbol.color)
set {
for symbol in lineSymbols where symbol is LineSymbol {
let lineSymbol = symbol as! LineSymbol
lineSymbol.color = UIColor(newValue)
/// The color of the grid labels.
var labelsColor: Color {
get {
let textSymbol = textSymbols.first(where: { $0 is TextSymbol }) as! TextSymbol
return Color(uiColor: textSymbol.color)
set {
for symbol in textSymbols where symbol is TextSymbol {
let textSymbol = symbol as! TextSymbol
textSymbol.color = UIColor(newValue)
private extension ShowGridView {
/// The kinds of grid to show on the geo view.
enum GridType: CaseIterable {
case latitudeLongitude, mgrs, usng, utm
var label: String {
switch self {
case .latitudeLongitude: "Latitude-Longitude"
case .mgrs: "MGRS"
case .usng: "USNG"
case .utm: "UTM"
private extension ArcGIS.Grid.LabelPosition {
static var allCases: [Self] {
return [
var label: String {
switch self {
case .geographic: "Geographic"
case .bottomLeft: "Bottom Left"
case .bottomRight: "Bottom Right"
case .topLeft: "Top Left"
case .topRight: "Top Right"
case .center: "Center"
case .allSides: "All Sides"
@unknown default: fatalError("Unknown grid label position")
private extension LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat {
static var allCases: [Self] { [.decimalDegrees, .degreesMinutesSeconds] }
var label: String {
switch self {
case .decimalDegrees: "Decimal Degrees"
case .degreesMinutesSeconds: "Degrees, Minutes, Seconds"
@unknown default: fatalError("Unknown Lat-Lon grid label format")
private extension MGRSGrid.LabelUnit {
static var allCases: [Self] { [.kilometersMeters, .meters] }
var label: String {
switch self {
case .kilometersMeters: "Kilometers or Meters"
case .meters: "Meters"
@unknown default: fatalError("Unknown MGRS grid label unit")
private extension USNGGrid.LabelUnit {
static var allCases: [Self] { [.kilometersMeters, .meters] }
var label: String {
switch self {
case .kilometersMeters: "Kilometers or Meters"
case .meters: "Meters"
@unknown default: fatalError("Unknown USNG grid label unit")
private extension URL {
/// A web URL to the Terrain3D image server on ArcGIS REST.
static var worldElevationService: URL {
URL(string: "https://elevation3d.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/WorldElevation3D/Terrain3D/ImageServer")!
// MARK: - Preview
#Preview {