Browse an OGC API feature service for layers and add them to the map.
Use case
OGC API standards are used for sharing geospatial data on the web. As an open standard, the OGC API aims to improve access to geospatial or location information and could be a good choice for sharing data internationally or between organizations. That data could be of any type, including, for example, transportation layers shared between government organizations and private businesses.
How to use the sample
Select a layer to display from the list of layers shown in an OGC API service. The Daraa data is used as the default feature service, however, alternative feature services can be used.
How it works
- Create an
object with a URL to an OGC API feature service. - Obtain the
. - Create a list of feature collections from the
- When a feature collection is selected, create an
from theOGCFeatureCollectionInfo
. - Populate the
that contain aMaxFeatures
property. - Create a feature layer from the feature table.
- Add the feature layer to the map.
Relevant API
- OGCFeatureCollectionInfo
- OGCFeatureCollectionTable
- OGCFeatureService
- OGCFeatureServiceInfo
About the data
The Daraa, Syria test data is OpenStreetMap data converted to the Topographic Data Store schema of NGA.
Additional information
See the OGC API website for more information on the OGC API family of standards.
browse, catalog, feature, layers, OGC, OGC API, service, web
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct BrowseOGCAPIFeatureServiceView: View {
/// The error shown in the error alert.
@State private var error: Error?
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the text field alert should be presented.
@State private var textFieldAlertIsPresented = false
/// The data model for the sample.
@StateObject private var model = Model()
/// The user input for the OGC service resource.
@State private var userInput = URL.daraaService.absoluteString
/// The selected feature collection's title.
@State private var selectedTitle = ""
var body: some View {
MapViewReader { mapProxy in
.toolbar {
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) {
Button("Open Service") {
textFieldAlertIsPresented = true
if !model.featureCollectionTitles.isEmpty {
Picker("Layers", selection: $selectedTitle) {
ForEach(model.featureCollectionTitles, id: \.self) { title in
.task(id: selectedTitle) {
guard !selectedTitle.isEmpty else { return }
let featureCollectionInfo = model.featureCollectionInfos[selectedTitle]!
do {
try await model.displayLayer(with: featureCollectionInfo)
if let extent = featureCollectionInfo.extent {
await mapProxy.setViewpointGeometry(extent, padding: 100)
} catch {
self.error = error
.alert("Load OGC API feature service", isPresented: $textFieldAlertIsPresented) {
// Text field has a default OGC API URL.
TextField("URL", text: $userInput)
Button("Load") {
guard let url = URL(string: userInput) else { return }
Task {
do {
try await model.loadOGCFeatureData(url: url)
// Set the picker selection to the first title in the title list.
if let title = model.featureCollectionTitles.first,
let extent = model.featureCollectionInfos[title]?.extent {
selectedTitle = title
await mapProxy.setViewpointGeometry(extent, padding: 100)
} catch {
self.error = error
Button("Cancel", role: .cancel) {
// Reset the default value of the text field.
userInput = URL.daraaService.absoluteString
} message: {
Text("Please provide a URL to an OGC API feature service.")
.onAppear {
textFieldAlertIsPresented = true
.errorAlert(presentingError: $error)
private extension BrowseOGCAPIFeatureServiceView {
class Model: ObservableObject {
/// A map with a topographic basemap of the Daraa, Syria.
let map: Map = {
let map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
map.initialViewpoint = Viewpoint(
center: Point(latitude: 32.62, longitude: 36.10),
scale: 200_000
return map
/// The titles of the feature collection infos in the OGC API.
@Published private(set) var featureCollectionTitles: [String] = []
/// The OGC feature collection info from the OCG API.
private(set) var featureCollectionInfos: [String: OGCFeatureCollectionInfo] = [:]
/// The OGC API feature service.
private var service: OGCFeatureService!
/// The query parameters to populate features from the OGC API service.
private let queryParameters: QueryParameters = {
let queryParameters = QueryParameters()
// Set a limit of 1000 on the number of returned features per request,
// because the default on some services could be as low as 10.
queryParameters.maxFeatures = 1_000
return queryParameters
/// Returns a renderer with the appropriate symbol type for a geometry type.
/// - Parameter geometryType: The geometry type.
/// - Returns: A `SimpleRenderer` with the correct symbol for the given geometry.
private func makeRenderer(withType geometryType: Geometry.Type) -> SimpleRenderer? {
let symbol: Symbol
switch geometryType {
case is Point.Type, is Multipoint.Type:
symbol = SimpleMarkerSymbol(style: .circle, color: .blue, size: 5)
case is Polyline.Type:
symbol = SimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .blue, width: 1)
case is ArcGIS.Polygon.Type, is Envelope.Type:
symbol = SimpleFillSymbol(style: .solid, color: .blue)
return nil
return SimpleRenderer(symbol: symbol)
/// Creates and loads the OGC API features service from a URL.
/// - Parameter url: The URL of the OGC service.
/// - Returns: Returns a loaded `OCGFeatureService`.
private func makeService(url: URL) async throws -> OGCFeatureService {
let service = OGCFeatureService(url: url)
try await service.load()
if let serviceInfo = service.serviceInfo {
let infos = serviceInfo.featureCollectionInfos
featureCollectionTitles =\.title)
// The sample assumes there is no duplicate titles in the service.
// Collections with duplicate titles will be discarded.
featureCollectionInfos = Dictionary( { ($0.title, $0) },
uniquingKeysWith: { (title, _) in title }
return service
/// Loads OGC service for a URL so that it can be rendered on the map.
/// - Parameter url: The URL of the OGC service.
func loadOGCFeatureData(url: URL) async throws {
service = try await makeService(url: url)
if let firstFeatureCollectionTitle = featureCollectionTitles.first,
let info = featureCollectionInfos[firstFeatureCollectionTitle] {
try await displayLayer(with: info)
/// Populates and displays a feature layer from an OGC feature collection table.
/// - Parameter info: The `OGCFeatureCollectionInfo` selected by user.
func displayLayer(with info: OGCFeatureCollectionInfo) async throws {
let table = OGCFeatureCollectionTable(featureCollectionInfo: info)
// Set the feature request mode to manual (only manual is currently
// supported). In this mode, you must manually populate the table -
// panning and zooming won't request features automatically.
table.featureRequestMode = .manualCache
_ = try await table.populateFromService(
using: queryParameters,
clearCache: false
let featureLayer = FeatureLayer(featureTable: table)
if let geometryType = table.geometryType {
featureLayer.renderer = makeRenderer(withType: geometryType)
private extension URL {
/// The Daraa, Syria OGC API feature service URL.
static var daraaService: URL { URL(string: "")! }
#Preview {