Use data services or files

You can build applications that use data services and data files without a network connection.

Data services or files

To display a map or scene in an offline application using data services or data files, you need to construct the map or scene in code.

Use data services

To use a data service in an offline application, you need to download offline data from the data service. Offline data is typically used in applications that have an occasional network connection.

Offline data can be downloaded from the following:

  • The basemap styles service
  • A custom basemap style
  • Feature services
  • Vector tile services
  • Image tile services

There are two types of offline data that can be generated and downloaded:

  • Feature data: A feature service can generate a geodatabase file containing offline feature and non-spatial data. This data can be edited and edits can be synchronized with the source feature service when a network connection is available.
  • Tiled data: Other services listed above can generate a package file of read-only tiles, either a vector tile package (VTPK), or an image tile package (TPK).

To learn more, see Offline data.

Use data files

To use a data file in an offline application, you need to sideload or download the data file to the device. You can get data files from many sources, including desktop GIS tools such as ArcGIS Pro, data conversion scripts, and the internet. Data files are typically used in offline applications that are unable to use a network connection.

You can use the following types of data files:

Data file typeSupports editing
Vector tile packageNo
Image tile packageNo
Scene Layer Package. For display in scenes only.No
Local raster file. The following raster formats are supported: ASRP/USRP, CIB, CADRG/ECRG, DTED, GeoPackage Raster, GeoTIFF/TIFF, HFA, HRE, IMG, JPEG, JPEG2000, Mosaic Dataset in SQLite, NITF, PNG, RPF, SRTM, CRF, and MrSID.No
OGC GeoPackage (feature data)Yes
OGC GeoPackage (raster data)No
OGC KML fileYes
Electronic Nautical Chart (S-57). For display in maps only.No
Other (e.g. GeoJSON)Yes

To learn more, see Data files.



API support

Offline mapsOffline dataData filesMobile packagesEditing offline dataSpatial analysis
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
ArcGIS API for Python2
Esri Leaflet
MapLibre GL JS
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Geometry engine
  • 2. Manage offline map areas

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