Interface | Description |
_IObjectClassEvents |
This is a fake interface for the com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IObjectClassEvents.
esriAssociationDeleteType |
Constants from esriAssociationDeleteType' enum.
esriAssociationDirtyStatusFilter |
Constants from esriAssociationDirtyStatusFilter' enum.
esriAssociationErrorStatusFilter |
Constants from esriAssociationErrorStatusFilter' enum.
esriAssociationRoleType |
Constants from esriAssociationRoleType' enum.
esriAssociationTraversalDirection |
Constants from esriAssociationTraversalDirection' enum.
esriAssociationTraversalType |
Constants from esriAssociationTraversalType' enum.
esriAttachmentTableField |
Constants from esriAttachmentTableField' enum.
esriAttributionRuleEvent |
Constants from esriAttributionRuleEvent' enum.
esriConditionType |
Constants from esriConditionType' enum.
esriConfigurationKeywordType |
Constants from esriConfigurationKeywordType' enum.
esriConflictDetectionType |
Constants from esriConflictDetectionType' enum.
esriConflictReportingType |
Constants from esriConflictReportingType' enum.
esriConflictResolutionType |
Constants from esriConflictResolutionType' enum.
esriConnectionDBMS |
Constants from esriConnectionDBMS' enum.
esriContingentValueType |
Constants from esriContingentValueType' enum.
esriCursorStats |
Constants from esriCursorStats' enum.
esriDataChangeType |
Constants from esriDataChangeType' enum.
esriDataConverterError |
Constants from esriDataConverterError' enum.
esriDatasetFileStatAccessMode |
Constants from esriDatasetFileStatAccessMode' enum.
esriDatasetFileStatTimeMode |
Constants from esriDatasetFileStatTimeMode' enum.
esriDatasetType |
Constants from esriDatasetType' enum.
esriDataStatType |
Constants from esriDataStatType' enum.
esriDiagramAccessType |
Constants from esriDiagramAccessType' enum.
esriDiagramAggregationType |
Constants from esriDiagramAggregationType' enum.
esriDiagramConsistencyState |
Constants from esriDiagramConsistencyState' enum.
esriDiagramExtendType |
Constants from esriDiagramExtendType' enum.
esriDiagramFlagType |
Constants from esriDiagramFlagType' enum.
esriDifferenceType |
Constants from esriDifferenceType' enum.
esriDirectionsFieldMappingType |
Constants from esriDirectionsFieldMappingType' enum.
esriDomainType |
Constants from esriDomainType' enum.
esriDrawStyle |
Constants from esriDrawStyle' enum.
esriEditDataChangesType |
Constants from esriEditDataChangesType' enum.
esriEditSearchOption |
Constants from esriEditSearchOption' enum.
esriElementType |
Constants from esriElementType' enum.
esriFeatureBinType |
Constants from esriFeatureBinType' enum.
esriFeatureElementType |
Constants from esriFeatureElementType' enum.
esriFeatureType |
Constants from esriFeatureType' enum.
esriFGDBDatafileFormat |
Constants from esriFGDBDatafileFormat' enum.
esriFieldNameErrorType |
Constants from esriFieldNameErrorType' enum.
esriFieldType |
Constants from esriFieldType' enum.
esriFlowDirection |
Constants from esriFlowDirection' enum.
esriGeodatabaseServerClassType |
Constants from esriGeodatabaseServerClassType' enum.
esriGeoDatabaseServerMessageCode |
Constants from esriGeoDatabaseServerMessageCode' enum.
esriGeodatabaseVersion |
Constants from esriGeodatabaseVersion' enum.
esriGeometryStorage |
Constants from esriGeometryStorage' enum.
esriGPMessageSeverity |
Constants from esriGPMessageSeverity' enum.
esriGPMessageType |
Constants from esriGPMessageType' enum.
esriIdentifierType |
Constants from esriIdentifierType' enum.
esriIndexUpdateInfo |
Constants from esriIndexUpdateInfo' enum.
esriJoinType |
Constants from esriJoinType' enum.
esriJunctionConnectivityStatus |
Constants from esriJunctionConnectivityStatus' enum.
esriLayoutBranchPlacementType |
Constants from esriLayoutBranchPlacementType' enum.
esriLayoutCoolingScheme |
Constants from esriLayoutCoolingScheme' enum.
esriLayoutDegreeOfFreedom |
Constants from esriLayoutDegreeOfFreedom' enum.
esriLayoutEdgesType |
Constants from esriLayoutEdgesType' enum.
esriLayoutGridMode |
Constants from esriLayoutGridMode' enum.
esriLayoutHierarchicalType |
Constants from esriLayoutHierarchicalType' enum.
esriLayoutJunctionsPlacement |
Constants from esriLayoutJunctionsPlacement' enum.
esriLayoutMainRingType |
Constants from esriLayoutMainRingType' enum.
esriLayoutMarkCrossingPosition |
Constants from esriLayoutMarkCrossingPosition' enum.
esriLayoutNumberOfDirection |
Constants from esriLayoutNumberOfDirection' enum.
esriLayoutRepelFactorComputationMethod |
Constants from esriLayoutRepelFactorComputationMethod' enum.
esriLayoutTreeDirection |
Constants from esriLayoutTreeDirection' enum.
esriLayoutVertexRemovalRule |
Constants from esriLayoutVertexRemovalRule' enum.
esriLocatingError |
Constants from esriLocatingError' enum.
esriLocatorQuery |
Constants from esriLocatorQuery' enum.
esriLocatorWorkspaceType |
Constants from esriLocatorWorkspaceType' enum.
esriLockType |
Constants from esriLockType' enum.
esriMergePolicyType |
Constants from esriMergePolicyType' enum.
esriMetadataChangeType |
Constants from esriMetadataChangeType' enum.
esriMetadataSyncAction |
Constants from esriMetadataSyncAction' enum.
esriMultiuserEditSessionMode |
Constants from esriMultiuserEditSessionMode' enum.
esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType |
Constants from esriNetworkAttributeAdjustmentType' enum.
esriNetworkAttributeDataType |
Constants from esriNetworkAttributeDataType' enum.
esriNetworkAttributeParameterUsageType |
Constants from esriNetworkAttributeParameterUsageType' enum.
esriNetworkAttributeUnits |
Constants from esriNetworkAttributeUnits' enum.
esriNetworkAttributeUsageType |
Constants from esriNetworkAttributeUsageType' enum.
esriNetworkDatasetState |
Constants from esriNetworkDatasetState' enum.
esriNetworkDatasetType |
Constants from esriNetworkDatasetType' enum.
esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy |
Constants from esriNetworkEdgeConnectivityPolicy' enum.
esriNetworkEdgeDirection |
Constants from esriNetworkEdgeDirection' enum.
esriNetworkElementType |
Constants from esriNetworkElementType' enum.
esriNetworkElevationModel |
Constants from esriNetworkElevationModel' enum.
esriNetworkErrors |
Constants from esriNetworkErrors' enum.
esriNetworkFeatureAncillaryRole |
Constants from esriNetworkFeatureAncillaryRole' enum.
esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack |
Constants from esriNetworkForwardStarBacktrack' enum.
esriNetworkJunctionConnectivityPolicy |
Constants from esriNetworkJunctionConnectivityPolicy' enum.
esriNetworkRepairType |
Constants from esriNetworkRepairType' enum.
esriNetworkRoadCategory |
Constants from esriNetworkRoadCategory' enum.
esriNetworkSourceSupportedProperty |
Constants from esriNetworkSourceSupportedProperty' enum.
esriNetworkSourceType |
Constants from esriNetworkSourceType' enum.
esriNetworkTimeUsage |
Constants from esriNetworkTimeUsage' enum.
esriNetworkTrafficSupport |
Constants from esriNetworkTrafficSupport' enum.
esriNetworkTravelModeUnitsDomainType |
Constants from esriNetworkTravelModeUnitsDomainType' enum.
esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory |
Constants from esriNetworkTurnAngleCategory' enum.
esriNetworkTurnParticipationType |
Constants from esriNetworkTurnParticipationType' enum.
esriNetworkTurnType |
Constants from esriNetworkTurnType' enum.
esriNetworkValidationType |
Constants from esriNetworkValidationType' enum.
esriNetworkVerificationType |
Constants from esriNetworkVerificationType' enum.
esriPlaneReferenceType |
Constants from esriPlaneReferenceType' enum.
esriRasterCompressionType |
Constants from esriRasterCompressionType' enum.
esriRasterizationType |
Constants from esriRasterizationType' enum.
esriRasterResamplingHint |
Constants from esriRasterResamplingHint' enum.
esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeEnum |
Constants from esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeEnum' enum.
esriRasterStorage |
Constants from esriRasterStorage' enum.
esriRasterTableTypeEnum |
Constants from esriRasterTableTypeEnum' enum.
esriRasterWriteMode |
Constants from esriRasterWriteMode' enum.
esriRelationshipSplitPolicy |
Constants from esriRelationshipSplitPolicy' enum.
esriRelCardinality |
Constants from esriRelCardinality' enum.
esriRelClassCodeType |
Constants from esriRelClassCodeType' enum.
esriRelClassKey |
Constants from esriRelClassKey' enum.
esriRelDirection |
Constants from esriRelDirection' enum.
esriRelKeyRole |
Constants from esriRelKeyRole' enum.
esriRelKeyType |
Constants from esriRelKeyType' enum.
esriRelNotification |
Constants from esriRelNotification' enum.
esriRelRole |
Constants from esriRelRole' enum.
esriRoadClass |
Constants from esriRoadClass' enum.
esriRuleType |
Constants from esriRuleType' enum.
esriSchemaLock |
Constants from esriSchemaLock' enum.
esriSearchOrder |
Constants from esriSearchOrder' enum.
esriSelectionOption |
Constants from esriSelectionOption' enum.
esriSelectionType |
Constants from esriSelectionType' enum.
esriServerCapability |
Constants from esriServerCapability' enum.
esriServiceResponseFormat |
Constants from esriServiceResponseFormat' enum.
esriSetOperation |
Constants from esriSetOperation' enum.
esriSpatialRelEnum |
Constants from esriSpatialRelEnum' enum.
esriSplitModel |
Constants from esriSplitModel' enum.
esriSplitPolicyType |
Constants from esriSplitPolicyType' enum.
esriSQLClauses |
Constants from esriSQLClauses' enum.
esriSQLDatetimeType |
Constants from esriSQLDatetimeType' enum.
esriSQLFunctionName |
Constants from esriSQLFunctionName' enum.
esriSQLInfo |
Constants from esriSQLInfo' enum.
esriSQLOperator |
Constants from esriSQLOperator' enum.
esriSQLPredicates |
Constants from esriSQLPredicates' enum.
esriSQLPrivilege |
Constants from esriSQLPrivilege' enum.
esriSQLSpecialCharacters |
Constants from esriSQLSpecialCharacters' enum.
esriSurfaceConversionType |
Constants from esriSurfaceConversionType' enum.
esriSurfaceInterpolationType |
Constants from esriSurfaceInterpolationType' enum.
esriTableComponents |
Constants from esriTableComponents' enum.
esriTableNameErrorType |
Constants from esriTableNameErrorType' enum.
esriTierDefinition |
Constants from esriTierDefinition' enum.
esriTierTopologyType |
Constants from esriTierTopologyType' enum.
esriTinBoundType |
Constants from esriTinBoundType' enum.
esriTinEdgeType |
Constants from esriTinEdgeType' enum.
esriTinElementType |
Constants from esriTinElementType' enum.
esriTinError |
Constants from esriTinError' enum.
esriTinIgnoredElementType |
Constants from esriTinIgnoredElementType' enum.
esriTinNodeEditInfo |
Constants from esriTinNodeEditInfo' enum.
esriTinNodeSourceType |
Constants from esriTinNodeSourceType' enum.
esriTinQualification |
Constants from esriTinQualification' enum.
esriTinSelectionType |
Constants from esriTinSelectionType' enum.
esriTinSurfaceType |
Constants from esriTinSurfaceType' enum.
esriTinTrianglePropertyType |
Constants from esriTinTrianglePropertyType' enum.
esriTinVersion |
Constants from esriTinVersion' enum.
esriTopoConfiguration |
Constants from esriTopoConfiguration' enum.
esriTopoDirection |
Constants from esriTopoDirection' enum.
esriTopologyElementType |
Constants from esriTopologyElementType' enum.
esriTopologyRuleType |
Constants from esriTopologyRuleType' enum.
esriTopologySelectionResultEnum |
Constants from esriTopologySelectionResultEnum' enum.
esriTopologyState |
Constants from esriTopologyState' enum.
esriTopoSide |
Constants from esriTopoSide' enum.
esriTraceConfigurationMinimumStartingPoints |
Constants from esriTraceConfigurationMinimumStartingPoints' enum.
esriTraceFunctionType |
Constants from esriTraceFunctionType' enum.
esriTraceLocationType |
Constants from esriTraceLocationType' enum.
esriTraceOperator |
Constants from esriTraceOperator' enum.
esriTracePropagatorFunctionType |
Constants from esriTracePropagatorFunctionType' enum.
esriTransformType |
Constants from esriTransformType' enum.
esriTraversabilityScope |
Constants from esriTraversabilityScope' enum.
esriUpdateSubnetworkEditMode |
Constants from esriUpdateSubnetworkEditMode' enum.
esriUserTypeExtension |
Constants from esriUserTypeExtension' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkAssociationType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkAssociationType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkAttributeUsageType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkAttributeUsageType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkFeatureClassUsageType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkRuleType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkRuleType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkTraceResultType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkTraceResultType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkTraceType |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkTraceType' enum.
esriUtilityNetworkTraversabilityModel |
Constants from esriUtilityNetworkTraversabilityModel' enum.
esriVersionAccess |
Constants from esriVersionAccess' enum.
esriVersioningModel |
Constants from esriVersioningModel' enum.
esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus |
Constants from esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus' enum.
esriWorkspacePropertyGroupType |
Constants from esriWorkspacePropertyGroupType' enum.
esriWorkspacePropertyType |
Constants from esriWorkspacePropertyType' enum.
esriWorkspaceTablePropertyType |
Constants from esriWorkspaceTablePropertyType' enum.
esriWorkspaceType |
Constants from esriWorkspaceType' enum.
esriXMLIndexTagDataType |
Constants from esriXMLIndexTagDataType' enum.
esriXMLIndexType |
Constants from esriXMLIndexType' enum.
esriXmlPropertyType |
Constants from esriXmlPropertyType' enum.
esriXmlSetPropertyAction |
Constants from esriXmlSetPropertyAction' enum.
esriXYEventError |
Constants from esriXYEventError' enum.
fdoError |
Constants from fdoError' enum.
IAngleDirectedLayout |
COM Interface 'IAngleDirectedLayout'.
IArchivableClass |
COM Interface 'IArchivableClass'.
IArchivableObject |
COM Interface 'IArchivableObject'.
IArchiveRegistrationInfo |
COM Interface 'IArchiveRegistrationInfo'.
IAssetGroup |
COM Interface 'IAssetGroup'.
IAssetType |
COM Interface 'IAssetType'.
IAssociationObject |
COM Interface 'IAssociationObject'.
IAssociationSource |
COM Interface 'IAssociationSource'.
IAttachment |
COM Interface 'IAttachment'.
IAttachmentData |
COM Interface 'IAttachmentData'.
IAttachmentDataArray |
COM Interface 'IAttachmentDataArray'.
IAttachmentInfo |
COM Interface 'IAttachmentInfo'.
IAttachmentInfoArray |
COM Interface 'IAttachmentInfoArray'.
IAttachmentManager |
COM Interface 'IAttachmentManager'.
IAttributeRule |
COM Interface 'IAttributeRule'.
IBaseNetwork |
COM Interface 'IBaseNetwork'.
IBaseNetworkAssociation |
COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkAssociation'.
IBaseNetworkDefinition |
COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkDefinition'.
IBaseNetworkLocation |
COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkLocation'.
IBaseNetworkTopology |
COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkTopology'.
ICancelOperation |
COM Interface 'ICancelOperation'.
IClass |
COM Interface 'IClass'.
IClassEx |
COM Interface 'IClassEx'.
IClassExtension |
Provides access to members that initialize and shutdown the class extension.
IClassHelper |
COM Interface 'IClassHelper'.
IClassSchemaEdit |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit'.
IClassSchemaEdit2 |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit2'.
IClassSchemaEdit3 |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit3'.
IClassSchemaEdit4 |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit4'.
IClassSchemaEdit5 |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit5'.
IClassSchemaEdit6 |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit6'.
IClassSchemaEditEx |
COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEditEx'.
ICodedValueDomain |
COM Interface 'ICodedValueDomain'.
ICodedValueDomain2 |
COM Interface 'ICodedValueDomain2'.
ICollectionTableVersionChanges |
COM Interface 'ICollectionTableVersionChanges'.
IComplexNativeType |
COM Interface 'IComplexNativeType'.
ICompressionInfo |
COM Interface 'ICompressionInfo'.
ICompressionLayout |
COM Interface 'ICompressionLayout'.
IConfigurationKeyword |
COM Interface 'IConfigurationKeyword'.
IConfigurationParameter |
COM Interface 'IConfigurationParameter'.
IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate and confirms that the event be sent.
IConflictClass |
COM Interface 'IConflictClass'.
IConflictInspection |
COM Interface 'IConflictInspection'.
IConnectionPoint |
COM Interface 'IConnectionPoint'.
IConnectionPointContainer |
COM Interface 'IConnectionPointContainer'.
IConnectivityRule |
COM Interface 'IConnectivityRule'.
IContingentValue |
COM Interface 'IContingentValue'.
IContingentValueEdit |
COM Interface 'IContingentValueEdit'.
IContingentValues |
COM Interface 'IContingentValues'.
IContingentValuesEdit |
COM Interface 'IContingentValuesEdit'.
ICopyHelper |
COM Interface 'ICopyHelper'.
ICoverageAnnotationFeature |
COM Interface 'ICoverageAnnotationFeature'.
ICursor |
COM Interface 'ICursor'.
ICursorStats |
COM Interface 'ICursorStats'.
IDatabaseCompact |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseCompact'.
IDatabaseCompact2 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseCompact2'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo2'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo3 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo3'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo4 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo4'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo5 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo5'.
IDatabaseSequence |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseSequence'.
IDatabaseView |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseView'.
IDatabaseView2 |
COM Interface 'IDatabaseView2'.
IDataChangesEx |
COM Interface 'IDataChangesEx'.
IDataConvertProcess |
COM Interface 'IDataConvertProcess'.
IDataElement |
COM Interface 'IDataElement'.
IDataElementType |
COM Interface 'IDataElementType'.
IDataset |
COM Interface 'IDataset'.
IDatasetAnalyze |
COM Interface 'IDatasetAnalyze'.
IDatasetComponent |
COM Interface 'IDatasetComponent'.
IDatasetContainer |
COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer'.
IDatasetContainer2 |
COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer2'.
IDatasetContainer3 |
COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer3'.
IDatasetContainerName |
COM Interface 'IDatasetContainerName'.
IDatasetEdit |
COM Interface 'IDatasetEdit'.
IDatasetEditEx |
COM Interface 'IDatasetEditEx'.
IDatasetEditInfo |
COM Interface 'IDatasetEditInfo'.
IDatasetFileStat |
COM Interface 'IDatasetFileStat'.
IDatasetFileStat2 |
COM Interface 'IDatasetFileStat2'.
IDatasetMigration |
COM Interface 'IDatasetMigration'.
IDatasetName |
COM Interface 'IDatasetName'.
IDatasetName2 |
COM Interface 'IDatasetName2'.
IDatasetNameFileSize |
COM Interface 'IDatasetNameFileSize'.
IDatasetNameFileStat |
COM Interface 'IDatasetNameFileStat'.
IDatasetNameFileStat2 |
COM Interface 'IDatasetNameFileStat2'.
IDataStatistics |
COM Interface 'IDataStatistics'.
IDEBaseNetwork |
COM Interface 'IDEBaseNetwork'.
IDEDataset |
COM Interface 'IDEDataset'.
IDEDatasetType |
COM Interface 'IDEDatasetType'.
IDEGeoDataset |
COM Interface 'IDEGeoDataset'.
IDEGeoDatasetType |
COM Interface 'IDEGeoDatasetType'.
IDENetworkDataset |
COM Interface 'IDENetworkDataset'.
IDENetworkDatasetType |
COM Interface 'IDENetworkDatasetType'.
IDEUtilityNetwork |
COM Interface 'IDEUtilityNetwork'.
IDEUtilityNetworkType |
COM Interface 'IDEUtilityNetworkType'.
IDiagramDataset |
COM Interface 'IDiagramDataset'.
IDiagramTemplate |
COM Interface 'IDiagramTemplate'.
IDifferenceCursor |
COM Interface 'IDifferenceCursor'.
IDifferenceCursorEx |
COM Interface 'IDifferenceCursorEx'.
IDirectionsAttributeMapping |
COM Interface 'IDirectionsAttributeMapping'.
IDirectionsAttributeMappingDescriptor |
COM Interface 'IDirectionsAttributeMappingDescriptor'.
IDirectionsFieldMapping |
COM Interface 'IDirectionsFieldMapping'.
IDirectionsFieldMappingDescriptor |
COM Interface 'IDirectionsFieldMappingDescriptor'.
IDirectionsLandmarkSource |
COM Interface 'IDirectionsLandmarkSource'.
IDocumentationInfo |
COM Interface 'IDocumentationInfo'.
IDomain |
COM Interface 'IDomain'.
IDomainNetwork |
COM Interface 'IDomainNetwork'.
IDynamicTrafficData |
COM Interface 'IDynamicTrafficData'.
IEdgeConnectivityRule |
COM Interface 'IEdgeConnectivityRule'.
IEdgeFeatureSource |
COM Interface 'IEdgeFeatureSource'.
IEdgeSource |
COM Interface 'IEdgeSource'.
IEditorTrackingInfo |
COM Interface 'IEditorTrackingInfo'.
IEnterpriseWorkspaceFactory |
COM Interface 'IEnterpriseWorkspaceFactory'.
IEnumAttachment |
COM Interface 'IEnumAttachment'.
IEnumAttributedRelationship |
COM Interface 'IEnumAttributedRelationship'.
IEnumConfigurationKeyword |
COM Interface 'IEnumConfigurationKeyword'.
IEnumConfigurationParameter |
COM Interface 'IEnumConfigurationParameter'.
IEnumConflictClass |
COM Interface 'IEnumConflictClass'.
IEnumConflictInspection |
COM Interface 'IEnumConflictInspection'.
IEnumConnectionPoints |
COM Interface 'IEnumConnectionPoints'.
IEnumConnections |
COM Interface 'IEnumConnections'.
IEnumContingentValue |
COM Interface 'IEnumContingentValue'.
IEnumDataset |
COM Interface 'IEnumDataset'.
IEnumDatasetName |
COM Interface 'IEnumDatasetName'.
IEnumDatasetType |
COM Interface 'IEnumDatasetType'.
IEnumDiagramTemplate |
COM Interface 'IEnumDiagramTemplate'.
IEnumDomain |
COM Interface 'IEnumDomain'.
IEnumEventError |
COM Interface 'IEnumEventError'.
IEnumFeature |
COM Interface 'IEnumFeature'.
IEnumFeatureClass |
COM Interface 'IEnumFeatureClass'.
IEnumFeatureSetup |
COM Interface 'IEnumFeatureSetup'.
IEnumFieldError |
COM Interface 'IEnumFieldError'.
IEnumFieldGroup |
COM Interface 'IEnumFieldGroup'.
IEnumGeometryBind |
COM Interface 'IEnumGeometryBind'.
IEnumGPName |
COM Interface 'IEnumGPName'.
IEnumGPValue |
COM Interface 'IEnumGPValue'.
IEnumGUIDSet |
COM Interface 'IEnumGUIDSet'.
IEnumHierarchyRange |
COM Interface 'IEnumHierarchyRange'.
IEnumHistoricalMarker |
COM Interface 'IEnumHistoricalMarker'.
IEnumIDs |
COM Interface 'IEnumIDs'.
IEnumIndex |
COM Interface 'IEnumIndex'.
IEnumInvalidObject |
COM Interface 'IEnumInvalidObject'.
IEnumLocator |
COM Interface 'IEnumLocator'.
IEnumLocatorName |
COM Interface 'IEnumLocatorName'.
IEnumLockInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumLockInfo'.
IEnumNameMapping |
COM Interface 'IEnumNameMapping'.
IEnumNetworkDiagram |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagram'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramAggregation |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramAggregation'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramContainer'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramEdge |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramEdge'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramFlag |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramFlag'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramJunction |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramJunction'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramRelation |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkDiagramRelation'.
IEnumNetworkElement |
COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkElement'.
IEnumNodeEdge |
COM Interface 'IEnumNodeEdge'.
IEnumObject |
COM Interface 'IEnumObject'.
IEnumObjectClass |
COM Interface 'IEnumObjectClass'.
IEnumProperty |
COM Interface 'IEnumProperty'.
IEnumRelationship |
COM Interface 'IEnumRelationship'.
IEnumRelationshipClass |
COM Interface 'IEnumRelationshipClass'.
IEnumRule |
COM Interface 'IEnumRule'.
IEnumSchemaLockInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumSchemaLockInfo'.
IEnumSdeVersionHistoryInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumSdeVersionHistoryInfo'.
IEnumSequence |
COM Interface 'IEnumSequence'.
IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo'.
IEnumSubtype |
COM Interface 'IEnumSubtype'.
IEnumTable |
COM Interface 'IEnumTable'.
IEnumTableVersionChanges |
COM Interface 'IEnumTableVersionChanges'.
IEnumTGHitInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumTGHitInfo'.
IEnumTinEdge |
COM Interface 'IEnumTinEdge'.
IEnumTinElement |
COM Interface 'IEnumTinElement'.
IEnumTinNode |
COM Interface 'IEnumTinNode'.
IEnumTinTriangle |
COM Interface 'IEnumTinTriangle'.
IEnumTopologyEdge |
COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyEdge'.
IEnumTopologyErrorFeature |
COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyErrorFeature'.
IEnumTopologyNode |
COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyNode'.
IEnumTopologyParent |
COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyParent'.
IEnumUserInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumUserInfo'.
IEnumVersionInfo |
COM Interface 'IEnumVersionInfo'.
IEnumVersionInfo2 |
COM Interface 'IEnumVersionInfo2'.
IEnumWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspace'.
IEnumWorkspaceEx |
COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspaceEx'.
IEnumWorkspaceStatus |
COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspaceStatus'.
IEnumXMLIndexTemplate |
COM Interface 'IEnumXMLIndexTemplate'.
IErrorFeatureContainer |
COM Interface 'IErrorFeatureContainer'.
IErrorFeatureContainerEx |
COM Interface 'IErrorFeatureContainerEx'.
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute |
COM Interface 'IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute'.
IEventSource |
COM Interface 'IEventSource'.
IEventSourceErrors |
COM Interface 'IEventSourceErrors'.
IExternalDeserializerGdb |
COM Interface 'IExternalDeserializerGdb'.
IExternalSerializerGdb |
COM Interface 'IExternalSerializerGdb'.
IExternalSerializerGdb2 |
COM Interface 'IExternalSerializerGdb2'.
IFeature |
COM Interface 'IFeature'.
IFeatureBuffer |
COM Interface 'IFeatureBuffer'.
IFeatureChanges |
COM Interface 'IFeatureChanges'.
IFeatureClass |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClass'.
IFeatureClassContainer |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassContainer'.
IFeatureClassCreation |
Provides access to a member that determines if features can be created from a point.
IFeatureClassDescription |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassDescription'.
IFeatureClassDraw |
Provides access to members that set customized drawing properties.
IFeatureClassEdit |
Provides access to information about feature class editing properties.
IFeatureClassExtension |
Indicator interface for feature class extensions.
IFeatureClassLoad |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassLoad'.
IFeatureClassManage |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassManage'.
IFeatureClassName |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassName'.
IFeatureClassSpatialIndex |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassSpatialIndex'.
IFeatureClassStorage |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassStorage'.
IFeatureClassStorage2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassStorage2'.
IFeatureClassUtil |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassUtil'.
IFeatureClassWrite |
COM Interface 'IFeatureClassWrite'.
IFeatureConnect |
COM Interface 'IFeatureConnect'.
IFeatureCursor |
COM Interface 'IFeatureCursor'.
IFeatureDataConverter |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDataConverter'.
IFeatureDataConverter2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDataConverter2'.
IFeatureDataset |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDataset'.
IFeatureDatasetExtension |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtension'.
IFeatureDatasetExtension2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtension2'.
IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer'.
IFeatureDatasetManage |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetManage'.
IFeatureDatasetName |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetName'.
IFeatureDatasetName2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetName2'.
IFeatureElement |
COM Interface 'IFeatureElement'.
IFeatureElementEdit |
COM Interface 'IFeatureElementEdit'.
IFeatureEvents |
COM Interface 'IFeatureEvents'.
IFeatureNameFields |
COM Interface 'IFeatureNameFields'.
IFeatureProgress |
COM Interface 'IFeatureProgress'.
IFeatureProject |
COM Interface 'IFeatureProject'.
IFeatureSimplify |
COM Interface 'IFeatureSimplify'.
IFeatureSimplify2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureSimplify2'.
IFeatureWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspace'.
IFeatureWorkspaceAnno |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceAnno'.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceManage'.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage2 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceManage2'.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage3 |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceManage3'.
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit |
COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit'.
COM Interface 'IFIDSet'.
IFIDSetOperator |
COM Interface 'IFIDSetOperator'.
IField |
COM Interface 'IField'.
IFieldChecker |
COM Interface 'IFieldChecker'.
IFieldEdit |
COM Interface 'IFieldEdit'.
IFieldError |
COM Interface 'IFieldError'.
IFieldGroup |
COM Interface 'IFieldGroup'.
IFieldGroupEdit |
COM Interface 'IFieldGroupEdit'.
IFieldInfo |
COM Interface 'IFieldInfo'.
IFields |
COM Interface 'IFields'.
IFieldsEdit |
COM Interface 'IFieldsEdit'.
IFileDataLock |
COM Interface 'IFileDataLock'.
IFileGDBLockWaiting |
COM Interface 'IFileGDBLockWaiting'.
IFilterDef |
COM Interface 'IFilterDef'.
IFilterDefs |
COM Interface 'IFilterDefs'.
IFlowDirection |
COM Interface 'IFlowDirection'.
IForceDirectedLayout |
COM Interface 'IForceDirectedLayout'.
IFullTextIndexDefinition |
COM Interface 'IFullTextIndexDefinition'.
IFullTextIndexDefinitionEdit |
COM Interface 'IFullTextIndexDefinitionEdit'.
IFullTextSearch |
COM Interface 'IFullTextSearch'.
IGeoDatabaseBridge |
COM Interface 'IGeoDatabaseBridge'.
IGeoDatabaseBridge2 |
COM Interface 'IGeoDatabaseBridge2'.
IGeoDatabaseErrorRecords |
COM Interface 'IGeoDatabaseErrorRecords'.
IGeodatabaseRelease |
COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease'.
IGeodatabaseRelease2 |
COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease2'.
IGeodatabaseRelease3 |
COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease3'.
IGeodatabaseRelease4 |
COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease4'.
IGeodatabaseRelease5 |
COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease5'.
IGeoDataset |
Provides access to members that provide information about a Geographic Dataset.
IGeoDataset2 |
COM Interface 'IGeoDataset2'.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit |
COM Interface 'IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit'.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2 |
COM Interface 'IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2'.
IGeodataXform |
COM Interface 'IGeodataXform'.
IGeoDBDataTransfer |
COM Interface 'IGeoDBDataTransfer'.
IGeoDBDataTransfer2 |
COM Interface 'IGeoDBDataTransfer2'.
IGeoDBProtectNames |
COM Interface 'IGeoDBProtectNames'.
IGeometricNetworkName |
COM Interface 'IGeometricNetworkName'.
IGeometryDef |
COM Interface 'IGeometryDef'.
IGeometryDefEdit |
COM Interface 'IGeometryDefEdit'.
IGeometryResultOptions |
COM Interface 'IGeometryResultOptions'.
IGeoPositionsLayout |
COM Interface 'IGeoPositionsLayout'.
IGlobalIDSet |
COM Interface 'IGlobalIDSet'.
IGPChoiceList |
COM Interface 'IGPChoiceList'.
IGPCodedValueDomain |
COM Interface 'IGPCodedValueDomain'.
IGPControllerMembership |
COM Interface 'IGPControllerMembership'.
IGPDataType |
COM Interface 'IGPDataType'.
IGPDataTypeFactory |
COM Interface 'IGPDataTypeFactory'.
IGPDataTypeName |
COM Interface 'IGPDataTypeName'.
IGPDescribe |
Provides access to a Geoprocessing description.
IGPDomain |
COM Interface 'IGPDomain'.
IGPMessage |
COM Interface 'IGPMessage'.
IGPMessage2 |
COM Interface 'IGPMessage2'.
IGPMessages |
COM Interface 'IGPMessages'.
IGPMessagesCallback |
COM Interface 'IGPMessagesCallback'.
IGPName |
COM Interface 'IGPName'.
IGPNetworkDatasetMembership |
COM Interface 'IGPNetworkDatasetMembership'.
IGPToolTip |
COM Interface 'IGPToolTip'.
IGPUtilityNetworkMembership |
COM Interface 'IGPUtilityNetworkMembership'.
IGPValue |
COM Interface 'IGPValue'.
IGPVariable |
COM Interface 'IGPVariable'.
IGridLayout |
COM Interface 'IGridLayout'.
IGUIDGenerator |
COM Interface 'IGUIDGenerator'.
COM Interface 'IGUIDSet'.
IGxFilterInfo |
COM Interface 'IGxFilterInfo'.
IHistoricalClass |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalClass'.
IHistoricalMarker |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalMarker'.
IHistoricalTrafficData |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalTrafficData'.
IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator'.
IHistoricalVersion |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalVersion'.
IHistoricalWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IHistoricalWorkspace'.
IIdentityXform |
COM Interface 'IIdentityXform'.
IIndex |
COM Interface 'IIndex'.
IIndexedGUIDSets |
COM Interface 'IIndexedGUIDSets'.
IIndexEdit |
COM Interface 'IIndexEdit'.
IIndexes |
COM Interface 'IIndexes'.
IIndexesEdit |
COM Interface 'IIndexesEdit'.
IInvalidObjectInfo |
COM Interface 'IInvalidObjectInfo'.
IItemInfo |
COM Interface 'IItemInfo'.
IItemInfo2 |
COM Interface 'IItemInfo2'.
IItemInfos |
COM Interface 'IItemInfos'.
IJSONConverterGdb |
COM Interface 'IJSONConverterGdb'.
IJunctionConnectivityRule |
COM Interface 'IJunctionConnectivityRule'.
IJunctionConnectivityRule2 |
COM Interface 'IJunctionConnectivityRule2'.
IJunctionFeatureSource |
COM Interface 'IJunctionFeatureSource'.
IJunctionSource |
COM Interface 'IJunctionSource'.
ILinearDispatchLayout |
COM Interface 'ILinearDispatchLayout'.
ILocalDatabaseCompact |
COM Interface 'ILocalDatabaseCompact'.
ILocator |
COM Interface 'ILocator'.
ILocatorDataset |
COM Interface 'ILocatorDataset'.
ILocatorName |
COM Interface 'ILocatorName'.
ILocatorStyle |
COM Interface 'ILocatorStyle'.
ILocatorUI |
COM Interface 'ILocatorUI'.
ILocatorUI2 |
COM Interface 'ILocatorUI2'.
ILocatorWorkspace |
COM Interface 'ILocatorWorkspace'.
ILocatorWorkspace2 |
COM Interface 'ILocatorWorkspace2'.
ILocatorWorkspaceName |
COM Interface 'ILocatorWorkspaceName'.
ILockInfo |
COM Interface 'ILockInfo'.
ILockInfo2 |
COM Interface 'ILockInfo2'.
IMainLineTreeLayout |
COM Interface 'IMainLineTreeLayout'.
IMainRingLayout |
COM Interface 'IMainRingLayout'.
IMarkCrossingEdgesLayout |
COM Interface 'IMarkCrossingEdgesLayout'.
IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory |
COM Interface 'IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory'.
IMemoryRelationshipClassName |
COM Interface 'IMemoryRelationshipClassName'.
IMetadata |
COM Interface 'IMetadata'.
IMetadataEdit |
COM Interface 'IMetadataEdit'.
IMetadataSynchronizer |
COM Interface 'IMetadataSynchronizer'.
IMetadataSynchronizerManager |
COM Interface 'IMetadataSynchronizerManager'.
IModelInfo |
COM Interface 'IModelInfo'.
IMosaicDatasetName |
COM Interface 'IMosaicDatasetName'.
IMosaicDatasetName2 |
COM Interface 'IMosaicDatasetName2'.
IMosaicDatasetName3 |
COM Interface 'IMosaicDatasetName3'.
IMultidimensionalInfo |
COM Interface 'IMultidimensionalInfo'.
IMultidimensionalInfoContainerPS |
COM Interface 'IMultidimensionalInfoContainerPS'.
IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit |
COM Interface 'IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit'.
INAClass |
COM Interface 'INAClass'.
INamedProperty |
COM Interface 'INamedProperty'.
INameMapping |
COM Interface 'INameMapping'.
INameMapping2 |
COM Interface 'INameMapping2'.
INativeType |
COM Interface 'INativeType'.
INativeTypeInfo |
COM Interface 'INativeTypeInfo'.
INativeTypeSearch |
COM Interface 'INativeTypeSearch'.
INetworkAttribute |
COM Interface 'INetworkAttribute'.
INetworkAttributeParameter |
COM Interface 'INetworkAttributeParameter'.
INetworkBuild |
COM Interface 'INetworkBuild'.
INetworkClassDescription |
COM Interface 'INetworkClassDescription'.
INetworkConstantEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkConstantEvaluator'.
INetworkDataset |
COM Interface 'INetworkDataset'.
INetworkDatasetName |
COM Interface 'INetworkDatasetName'.
INetworkDatasetProtectNames |
COM Interface 'INetworkDatasetProtectNames'.
INetworkDiagram |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagram'.
INetworkDiagramCustomEdit |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagramCustomEdit'.
INetworkDiagramEdit |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagramEdit'.
INetworkDiagramFlags |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagramFlags'.
INetworkDiagramInfo |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagramInfo'.
INetworkDiagramLayout |
COM Interface 'INetworkDiagramLayout'.
INetworkDirections |
COM Interface 'INetworkDirections'.
INetworkEdge |
COM Interface 'INetworkEdge'.
INetworkElement |
COM Interface 'INetworkElement'.
INetworkElementSet |
COM Interface 'INetworkElementSet'.
INetworkEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkEvaluator'.
INetworkFeatureEvents |
COM Interface 'INetworkFeatureEvents'.
INetworkFieldEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkFieldEvaluator'.
INetworkForwardStar |
COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStar'.
INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies |
COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies'.
INetworkForwardStarSetup |
COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStarSetup'.
INetworkFunctionEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkFunctionEvaluator'.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory |
COM Interface 'INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory'.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator'.
INetworkJunction |
COM Interface 'INetworkJunction'.
INetworkProtectNames |
COM Interface 'INetworkProtectNames'.
INetworkQuery |
COM Interface 'INetworkQuery'.
INetworkScriptEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkScriptEvaluator'.
INetworkSource |
COM Interface 'INetworkSource'.
INetworkSourceDirections |
COM Interface 'INetworkSourceDirections'.
INetworkTraceConfiguration |
COM Interface 'INetworkTraceConfiguration'.
INetworkTransitEvaluator |
COM Interface 'INetworkTransitEvaluator'.
INetworkTravelMode |
COM Interface 'INetworkTravelMode'.
INetworkTravelModeParameterValue |
COM Interface 'INetworkTravelModeParameterValue'.
INetworkTravelModeType |
COM Interface 'INetworkTravelModeType'.
INetworkTurn |
COM Interface 'INetworkTurn'.
IObject |
COM Interface 'IObject'.
IObjectClass |
COM Interface 'IObjectClass'.
IObjectClass2 |
COM Interface 'IObjectClass2'.
IObjectClassContainer |
COM Interface 'IObjectClassContainer'.
IObjectClassDescription |
COM Interface 'IObjectClassDescription'.
IObjectClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with an object class.
IObjectClassExtension |
COM Interface 'IObjectClassExtension'.
IObjectClassInfo |
Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can bypass the store method.
IObjectClassInfo2 |
Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can be modified outside of an edit session.
IObjectClassName |
COM Interface 'IObjectClassName'.
IObjectClassSchemaEvents |
COM Interface 'IObjectClassSchemaEvents'.
IObjectClassValidation |
Provides access to members that validate row information.
IObjects |
COM Interface 'IObjects'.
IOleDBConnectionInfo |
COM Interface 'IOleDBConnectionInfo'.
IOrganicLayout |
COM Interface 'IOrganicLayout'.
IOwnershipBasedAccessControl |
COM Interface 'IOwnershipBasedAccessControl'.
IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout |
COM Interface 'IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayout'.
IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension |
COM Interface 'IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension'.
IPersistStreamInit |
COM Interface 'IPersistStreamInit'.
IPixelBlock |
COM Interface 'IPixelBlock'.
IPnt |
COM Interface 'IPnt'.
IPortalItemInfoInternal |
COM Interface 'IPortalItemInfoInternal'.
IProperty |
COM Interface 'IProperty'.
IQueryDef |
COM Interface 'IQueryDef'.
IQueryDef2 |
COM Interface 'IQueryDef2'.
IQueryDescription |
COM Interface 'IQueryDescription'.
IQueryFilter |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilter'.
IQueryFilter2 |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilter2'.
IQueryFilterDefinition |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilterDefinition'.
IQueryFilterDefinition2 |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilterDefinition2'.
IQueryFilterDefinition3 |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilterDefinition3'.
IQueryFilterFIDSet |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilterFIDSet'.
IQueryFilterOptions |
COM Interface 'IQueryFilterOptions'.
IQueryName |
COM Interface 'IQueryName'.
IQueryName2 |
COM Interface 'IQueryName2'.
IQueryStatistics |
COM Interface 'IQueryStatistics'.
IQueryTableName |
COM Interface 'IQueryTableName'.
IRadialTreeLayout |
COM Interface 'IRadialTreeLayout'.
IRandomAccessCursor |
COM Interface 'IRandomAccessCursor'.
IRandomAccessTable |
COM Interface 'IRandomAccessTable'.
IRangeDomain |
COM Interface 'IRangeDomain'.
IRaster |
COM Interface 'IRaster'.
IRasterBandName |
COM Interface 'IRasterBandName'.
IRasterCatalog |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalog'.
IRasterCatalogHelper |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalogHelper'.
IRasterCatalogHelper2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalogHelper2'.
IRasterCatalogItem |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalogItem'.
IRasterCatalogItem2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalogItem2'.
IRasterCatalogName |
COM Interface 'IRasterCatalogName'.
IRasterColormap |
COM Interface 'IRasterColormap'.
IRasterCursor |
COM Interface 'IRasterCursor'.
IRasterDataset |
COM Interface 'IRasterDataset'.
IRasterDataset2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDataset2'.
IRasterDataset3 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDataset3'.
IRasterDatasetContainerName |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetContainerName'.
IRasterDatasetEdit |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetEdit'.
IRasterDatasetEdit2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetEdit2'.
IRasterDatasetEdit3 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetEdit3'.
IRasterDatasetInfo |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetInfo'.
IRasterDatasetName |
COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetName'.
IRasterDef |
COM Interface 'IRasterDef'.
IRasterDef2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDef2'.
IRasterDef3 |
COM Interface 'IRasterDef3'.
IRasterFieldInfo |
COM Interface 'IRasterFieldInfo'.
IRasterLODInfos |
COM Interface 'IRasterLODInfos'.
IRasterLODInfos2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterLODInfos2'.
IRasterStorageDef |
COM Interface 'IRasterStorageDef'.
IRasterStorageDef2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterStorageDef2'.
IRasterStorageDef3 |
COM Interface 'IRasterStorageDef3'.
IRasterValue |
COM Interface 'IRasterValue'.
IRasterValue2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterValue2'.
IRasterWorkspace2 |
COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspace2'.
IRasterWorkspace4 |
COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspace4'.
IRasterWorkspaceEx |
COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspaceEx'.
IRebuildIndexes |
COM Interface 'IRebuildIndexes'.
IRecord |
COM Interface 'IRecord'.
IRecordArray |
COM Interface 'IRecordArray'.
IRecordNumberSet |
COM Interface 'IRecordNumberSet'.
IRecordSet |
COM Interface 'IRecordSet'.
IRecordSet2 |
COM Interface 'IRecordSet2'.
IRecordSetInit |
COM Interface 'IRecordSetInit'.
IReduceVerticesByAngleLayout |
COM Interface 'IReduceVerticesByAngleLayout'.
IReduceVerticesLayout |
COM Interface 'IReduceVerticesLayout'.
IRefreshSchema |
COM Interface 'IRefreshSchema'.
IRelatedObjectClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects are created.
IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects are modified.
IRelatedObjectEvents |
COM Interface 'IRelatedObjectEvents'.
IRelationship |
COM Interface 'IRelationship'.
IRelationshipChanges |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipChanges'.
IRelationshipClass |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass'.
IRelationshipClass2 |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass2'.
IRelationshipClass3 |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass3'.
IRelationshipClass4 |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass4'.
IRelationshipClassContainer |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClassContainer'.
IRelationshipClassEvents |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClassEvents'.
IRelationshipClassName |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipClassName'.
IRelationshipRule |
COM Interface 'IRelationshipRule'.
IRelativeMainlineLayout |
COM Interface 'IRelativeMainlineLayout'.
IRelClassEnumRowPairs |
COM Interface 'IRelClassEnumRowPairs'.
IRelClassSchemaEdit |
COM Interface 'IRelClassSchemaEdit'.
IRelQueryTable |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTable'.
IRelQueryTableFactory |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableFactory'.
IRelQueryTableInfo |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableInfo'.
IRelQueryTableInfo2 |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableInfo2'.
IRelQueryTableManage |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableManage'.
IRelQueryTableName |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableName'.
IRelQueryTableName2 |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableName2'.
IRelQueryTableSelectionSet |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableSelectionSet'.
IRelQueryTableSettings |
COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableSettings'.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IRemoteDatabaseWorkspace'.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory |
COM Interface 'IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory'.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory2 |
COM Interface 'IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory2'.
IRotateTreeLayout |
COM Interface 'IRotateTreeLayout'.
IRouteEventProperties |
COM Interface 'IRouteEventProperties'.
IRouteEventProperties2 |
COM Interface 'IRouteEventProperties2'.
IRouteEventSourceName |
COM Interface 'IRouteEventSourceName'.
IRouteLocatorName |
COM Interface 'IRouteLocatorName'.
IRow |
COM Interface 'IRow'.
IRowBuffer |
COM Interface 'IRowBuffer'.
IRowBuffer2 |
COM Interface 'IRowBuffer2'.
IRowChanges |
COM Interface 'IRowChanges'.
IRowCompare |
COM Interface 'IRowCompare'.
IRowEvents |
COM Interface 'IRowEvents'.
IRowSubtypes |
COM Interface 'IRowSubtypes'.
IRule |
COM Interface 'IRule'.
ISaveAs |
COM Interface 'ISaveAs'.
ISaveAs2 |
COM Interface 'ISaveAs2'.
ISchemaLock |
COM Interface 'ISchemaLock'.
ISchemaLockInfo |
COM Interface 'ISchemaLockInfo'.
IScratchWorkspaceFactory |
COM Interface 'IScratchWorkspaceFactory'.
IScratchWorkspaceFactory2 |
COM Interface 'IScratchWorkspaceFactory2'.
ISdeVersionHistoryInfo |
COM Interface 'ISdeVersionHistoryInfo'.
ISelectionSet |
COM Interface 'ISelectionSet'.
ISelectionSet2 |
COM Interface 'ISelectionSet2'.
ISelectionSet3 |
COM Interface 'ISelectionSet3'.
ISeparateOverlappingEdgesLayout |
COM Interface 'ISeparateOverlappingEdgesLayout'.
ISequence |
COM Interface 'ISequence'.
IServerCapability |
COM Interface 'IServerCapability'.
IServiceResponseFormat |
COM Interface 'IServiceResponseFormat'.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo |
COM Interface 'ISetDefaultConnectionInfo'.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 |
COM Interface 'ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2'.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3 |
COM Interface 'ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3'.
IShields |
COM Interface 'IShields'.
ISimpleDataConverter |
COM Interface 'ISimpleDataConverter'.
ISimpleDataConverter2 |
COM Interface 'ISimpleDataConverter2'.
ISimpleRelationshipChanges |
COM Interface 'ISimpleRelationshipChanges'.
ISmartTreeLayout |
COM Interface 'ISmartTreeLayout'.
ISpatialCacheManager |
COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager'.
ISpatialCacheManager2 |
COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager2'.
ISpatialCacheManager3 |
COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager3'.
ISpatialDispatchLayout |
COM Interface 'ISpatialDispatchLayout'.
ISpatialFilter |
COM Interface 'ISpatialFilter'.
ISQLCheck |
COM Interface 'ISQLCheck'.
ISQLCheck2 |
COM Interface 'ISQLCheck2'.
ISQLCheck3 |
COM Interface 'ISQLCheck3'.
ISqlDefaultConnectionInfo |
COM Interface 'ISqlDefaultConnectionInfo'.
ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionary |
COM Interface 'ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionary'.
ISqlKeywordDictionary |
COM Interface 'ISqlKeywordDictionary'.
ISQLPrivilege |
COM Interface 'ISQLPrivilege'.
ISQLSyntax |
COM Interface 'ISQLSyntax'.
ISQLSyntax2 |
COM Interface 'ISQLSyntax2'.
ISQLSyntax3 |
COM Interface 'ISQLSyntax3'.
ISqlWorkspace |
COM Interface 'ISqlWorkspace'.
ISqlWorkspace2 |
COM Interface 'ISqlWorkspace2'.
ISquareEdgesLayout |
COM Interface 'ISquareEdgesLayout'.
IStatisticDescription |
COM Interface 'IStatisticDescription'.
IStatisticDescriptions |
COM Interface 'IStatisticDescriptions'.
IStatisticsRequest |
COM Interface 'IStatisticsRequest'.
IStatisticsRequest2 |
COM Interface 'IStatisticsRequest2'.
IStringDomain |
COM Interface 'IStringDomain'.
ISubtypes |
COM Interface 'ISubtypes'.
ISurface |
COM Interface 'ISurface'.
ISurfaceIntersectionEvents |
COM Interface 'ISurfaceIntersectionEvents'.
ISynchronizationHelper |
COM Interface 'ISynchronizationHelper'.
ISystemJunctionObjectSource |
COM Interface 'ISystemJunctionObjectSource'.
ISystemJunctionSource |
COM Interface 'ISystemJunctionSource'.
ITable |
COM Interface 'ITable'.
ITableAttachments |
COM Interface 'ITableAttachments'.
ITableCapabilities |
COM Interface 'ITableCapabilities'.
ITableFields |
COM Interface 'ITableFields'.
ITableName |
COM Interface 'ITableName'.
ITableNameSet |
COM Interface 'ITableNameSet'.
ITableSort |
COM Interface 'ITableSort'.
ITableSort2 |
COM Interface 'ITableSort2'.
ITableSortCallBack |
COM Interface 'ITableSortCallBack'.
ITableSortValueCallBack |
COM Interface 'ITableSortValueCallBack'.
ITableUpsert |
COM Interface 'ITableUpsert'.
ITableUtil |
COM Interface 'ITableUtil'.
ITableWrite |
COM Interface 'ITableWrite'.
ITableWrite2 |
COM Interface 'ITableWrite2'.
ITerminal |
COM Interface 'ITerminal'.
ITerminalConfiguration |
COM Interface 'ITerminalConfiguration'.
ITerminalPath |
COM Interface 'ITerminalPath'.
IThumbnailInfo |
COM Interface 'IThumbnailInfo'.
ITier |
COM Interface 'ITier'.
ITierGroup |
COM Interface 'ITierGroup'.
ITimeQueryFilter |
COM Interface 'ITimeQueryFilter'.
ITin |
COM Interface 'ITin'.
ITinAdvanced |
COM Interface 'ITinAdvanced'.
ITinAdvanced2 |
COM Interface 'ITinAdvanced2'.
ITinAdvanced3 |
COM Interface 'ITinAdvanced3'.
ITinClock |
COM Interface 'ITinClock'.
ITinDynamicFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinDynamicFilter'.
ITinEdge |
COM Interface 'ITinEdge'.
ITinEdgeArray |
COM Interface 'ITinEdgeArray'.
ITinEdgeTypeFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinEdgeTypeFilter'.
ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 |
COM Interface 'ITinEdgeTypeFilter2'.
ITinEdit |
COM Interface 'ITinEdit'.
ITinEdit2 |
COM Interface 'ITinEdit2'.
ITinEditErrorLog |
COM Interface 'ITinEditErrorLog'.
ITinElement |
COM Interface 'ITinElement'.
ITinFeatureEdit |
COM Interface 'ITinFeatureEdit'.
ITinFeatureSeed |
COM Interface 'ITinFeatureSeed'.
ITinFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinFilter'.
ITinImporter |
COM Interface 'ITinImporter'.
ITinNode |
COM Interface 'ITinNode'.
ITinNode2 |
COM Interface 'ITinNode2'.
ITinNodeArray |
COM Interface 'ITinNodeArray'.
ITinNodeCollection |
COM Interface 'ITinNodeCollection'.
ITinNodeInfo |
COM Interface 'ITinNodeInfo'.
ITinNodeSourceFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinNodeSourceFilter'.
ITinPolygon |
COM Interface 'ITinPolygon'.
ITinPolyline |
COM Interface 'ITinPolyline'.
ITinSelection |
COM Interface 'ITinSelection'.
ITinSurface |
COM Interface 'ITinSurface'.
ITinSurface2 |
COM Interface 'ITinSurface2'.
ITinSurface3 |
COM Interface 'ITinSurface3'.
ITinSurfaceElement |
COM Interface 'ITinSurfaceElement'.
ITinTriangle |
COM Interface 'ITinTriangle'.
ITinTriangleArray |
COM Interface 'ITinTriangleArray'.
ITinTriangleFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinTriangleFilter'.
ITinValueFilter |
COM Interface 'ITinValueFilter'.
ITinValueFilter2 |
COM Interface 'ITinValueFilter2'.
ITinWorkspace |
COM Interface 'ITinWorkspace'.
ITopology |
COM Interface 'ITopology'.
ITopologyClassEvents |
COM Interface 'ITopologyClassEvents'.
ITopologyContainer |
COM Interface 'ITopologyContainer'.
ITopologyEdge |
COM Interface 'ITopologyEdge'.
ITopologyElement |
COM Interface 'ITopologyElement'.
ITopologyErrorFeature |
COM Interface 'ITopologyErrorFeature'.
ITopologyFeature |
COM Interface 'ITopologyFeature'.
ITopologyGraph |
COM Interface 'ITopologyGraph'.
ITopologyGraphEvents |
COM Interface 'ITopologyGraphEvents'.
ITopologyName |
COM Interface 'ITopologyName'.
ITopologyNode |
COM Interface 'ITopologyNode'.
ITopologyProperties |
COM Interface 'ITopologyProperties'.
ITopologyProtectNames |
COM Interface 'ITopologyProtectNames'.
ITopologyRule |
COM Interface 'ITopologyRule'.
ITopologyRuleContainer |
COM Interface 'ITopologyRuleContainer'.
ITopologyWorkspace |
COM Interface 'ITopologyWorkspace'.
ITraceConfiguration |
COM Interface 'ITraceConfiguration'.
ITracer |
COM Interface 'ITracer'.
ITraceResults |
COM Interface 'ITraceResults'.
ITraceResults2 |
COM Interface 'ITraceResults2'.
ITraceResults3 |
COM Interface 'ITraceResults3'.
ITrafficData |
COM Interface 'ITrafficData'.
ITrafficDataManager |
COM Interface 'ITrafficDataManager'.
ITrafficFeedDirectory |
COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedDirectory'.
ITrafficFeedGPService |
COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedGPService'.
ITrafficFeedLocation |
COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedLocation'.
ITransactions |
COM Interface 'ITransactions'.
ITransactionsOptions |
COM Interface 'ITransactionsOptions'.
ITransformGroup |
COM Interface 'ITransformGroup'.
ITransitData |
COM Interface 'ITransitData'.
ITurnFeatureSource |
COM Interface 'ITurnFeatureSource'.
IUNAsset |
COM Interface 'IUNAsset'.
IUNCategory |
COM Interface 'IUNCategory'.
IUNCondition |
COM Interface 'IUNCondition'.
IUNFunction |
COM Interface 'IUNFunction'.
IUNFunctionBarrier |
COM Interface 'IUNFunctionBarrier'.
IUNLocation |
COM Interface 'IUNLocation'.
IUNNearestNeighbor |
COM Interface 'IUNNearestNeighbor'.
IUNOutputFilter |
COM Interface 'IUNOutputFilter'.
IUNPropagator |
COM Interface 'IUNPropagator'.
IUNResultType |
COM Interface 'IUNResultType'.
IUNResultTypeField |
COM Interface 'IUNResultTypeField'.
IUNSubnetworkManager |
COM Interface 'IUNSubnetworkManager'.
IUNTraceConfiguration |
COM Interface 'IUNTraceConfiguration'.
IUNTraceConfiguration2 |
COM Interface 'IUNTraceConfiguration2'.
IUNTracer |
COM Interface 'IUNTracer'.
IUNTraceResults |
COM Interface 'IUNTraceResults'.
IUNTraceResults2 |
COM Interface 'IUNTraceResults2'.
IUNTraceResults3 |
COM Interface 'IUNTraceResults3'.
IUpsertCursor |
COM Interface 'IUpsertCursor'.
IUserInfo |
COM Interface 'IUserInfo'.
IUtilityNetworkAssignment |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAssignment'.
IUtilityNetworkAssociation |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAssociation'.
IUtilityNetworkAttribute |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAttribute'.
IUtilityNetworkCore |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkCore'.
IUtilityNetworkCoreRule |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkCoreRule'.
IUtilityNetworkDefinition |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkDefinition'.
IUtilityNetworkEvaluator |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkEvaluator'.
IUtilityNetworkName |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkName'.
IUtilityNetworkQuery |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQuery'.
IUtilityNetworkQuery2 |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQuery2'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryAssociation |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryAssociation'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryDefinition |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryDefinition'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2 |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2'.
IUtilityNetworkRule |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkRule'.
IUtilityNetworkSource |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkSource'.
IUtilityNetworkSubnetwork |
COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkSubnetwork'.
IValidate |
COM Interface 'IValidate'.
IValidation |
COM Interface 'IValidation'.
IValidation2 |
COM Interface 'IValidation2'.
IValidConfigurationPath |
COM Interface 'IValidConfigurationPath'.
IVersion |
COM Interface 'IVersion'.
IVersionEdit |
COM Interface 'IVersionEdit'.
IVersionedObject |
COM Interface 'IVersionedObject'.
IVersionedTable |
COM Interface 'IVersionedTable'.
IVersionedView |
COM Interface 'IVersionedView'.
IVersionedWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IVersionedWorkspace'.
IVersionEvents |
COM Interface 'IVersionEvents'.
IVersionEventsServices |
COM Interface 'IVersionEventsServices'.
IVersionInfo |
COM Interface 'IVersionInfo'.
IVirtualTable |
COM Interface 'IVirtualTable'.
IWorkspace |
COM Interface 'IWorkspace'.
IWorkspace2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspace2'.
IWorkspaceConfiguration |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceConfiguration'.
IWorkspaceDomains |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceDomains'.
IWorkspaceDomains2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceDomains2'.
IWorkspaceDomains3 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceDomains3'.
IWorkspaceEdit |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEdit'.
IWorkspaceEdit2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEdit2'.
IWorkspaceEditControl |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditControl'.
IWorkspaceEditEvents |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditEvents'.
IWorkspaceEditEvents2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditEvents2'.
IWorkspaceEditInfo |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditInfo'.
IWorkspaceEvents |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEvents'.
IWorkspaceEvents2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEvents2'.
IWorkspaceExtension |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtension'.
IWorkspaceExtension2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtension2'.
IWorkspaceExtension3 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtension3'.
IWorkspaceExtensionControl |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtensionControl'.
IWorkspaceExtensionManager |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtensionManager'.
IWorkspaceFactory |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactory'.
IWorkspaceFactory2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactory2'.
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions'.
IWorkspaceFactoryLockControl |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactoryLockControl'.
IWorkspaceFactorySchemaCache |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactorySchemaCache'.
IWorkspaceFactoryStatus |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactoryStatus'.
IWorkspaceHelper |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceHelper'.
IWorkspaceName |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceName'.
IWorkspaceName2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceName2'.
IWorkspaceProgressTracker |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProgressTracker'.
IWorkspaceProperties |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProperties'.
IWorkspaceProperties2 |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProperties2'.
IWorkspaceProperty |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProperty'.
IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo'.
IWorkspaceStatus |
COM Interface 'IWorkspaceStatus'.
IXMLFilterDef |
COM Interface 'IXMLFilterDef'.
IXMLIndex |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndex'.
IXMLIndexEdit |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexEdit'.
IXMLIndexTag |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexTag'.
IXMLIndexTags |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexTags'.
IXMLIndexTemplate |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexTemplate'.
IXMLIndexTemplateManage |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexTemplateManage'.
IXMLIndexUtil |
COM Interface 'IXMLIndexUtil'.
IXmlPropertySet |
COM Interface 'IXmlPropertySet'.
IXmlPropertySet2 |
COM Interface 'IXmlPropertySet2'.
IXmlPropertySetEdit |
COM Interface 'IXmlPropertySetEdit'.
IXYEvent2FieldsProperties |
COM Interface 'IXYEvent2FieldsProperties'.
IXYEventProperties |
COM Interface 'IXYEventProperties'.
IXYEventSource |
COM Interface 'IXYEventSource'.
IXYEventSourceName |
COM Interface 'IXYEventSourceName'.
rstPixelType |
Constants from rstPixelType' enum.
rstResamplingTypes |
Constants from rstResamplingTypes' enum.
Class | Description |
ArchiveRegistrationInfo |
COM Class 'ArchiveRegistrationInfo'.
AssociationObject |
COM Class 'AssociationObject'.
Attachment |
COM Class 'Attachment'.
AttachmentData |
COM Class 'AttachmentData'.
AttachmentDataArray |
COM Class 'AttachmentDataArray'.
AttachmentInfo |
COM Class 'AttachmentInfo'.
AttachmentInfoArray |
COM Class 'AttachmentInfoArray'.
AttachmentManager |
COM Class 'AttachmentManager'.
AttributedRelationshipClass |
COM Class 'AttributedRelationshipClass'.
AttributeRule |
COM Class 'AttributeRule'.
ClassHelper |
COM Class 'ClassHelper'.
CodedValueDomain |
COM Class 'CodedValueDomain'.
ConfigurationKeyword |
COM Class 'ConfigurationKeyword'.
ConfigurationParameter |
COM Class 'ConfigurationParameter'.
ConflictInspection |
COM Class 'ConflictInspection'.
ContingentValue |
COM Class 'ContingentValue'.
Cursor |
COM Class 'Cursor'.
DataStatistics |
COM Class 'DataStatistics'.
DddServerEnvironment |
COM Class 'DddServerEnvironment'.
DENetworkDataset |
COM Class 'DENetworkDataset'.
DENetworkDatasetType |
COM Class 'DENetworkDatasetType'.
DifferenceCursor |
COM Class 'DifferenceCursor'.
DirectionsAttributeMapping |
COM Class 'DirectionsAttributeMapping'.
DirectionsFieldMapping |
COM Class 'DirectionsFieldMapping'.
DirectionsLandmarkSource |
COM Class 'DirectionsLandmarkSource'.
DocumentationInfo |
COM Class 'DocumentationInfo'.
EdgeConnectivityRule |
COM Class 'EdgeConnectivityRule'.
EdgeFeatureSource |
COM Class 'EdgeFeatureSource'.
EditorTrackingInfo |
COM Class 'EditorTrackingInfo'.
EnumAttachment |
COM Class 'EnumAttachment'.
EnumConflictClass |
COM Class 'EnumConflictClass'.
EnumDatasetType |
COM Class 'EnumDatasetType'.
EnumFeatureGeometry |
COM Class 'EnumFeatureGeometry'.
EnumFieldError |
COM Class 'EnumFieldError'.
EnumHistoricalMarker |
COM Class 'EnumHistoricalMarker'.
EnumIDs |
COM Class 'EnumIDs'.
EnumInvalidObject |
COM Class 'EnumInvalidObject'.
EnumTableVersionChanges |
COM Class 'EnumTableVersionChanges'.
EnumVersionInfo |
COM Class 'EnumVersionInfo'.
EnumXMLIndexTemplate |
COM Class 'EnumXMLIndexTemplate'.
EvaluatedNetworkAttribute |
COM Class 'EvaluatedNetworkAttribute'.
Feature |
COM Class 'Feature'.
FeatureClass |
COM Class 'FeatureClass'.
FeatureClassDescription |
COM Class 'FeatureClassDescription'.
FeatureCursor |
COM Class 'FeatureCursor'.
FeatureDataConverter |
COM Class 'FeatureDataConverter'.
FeatureDatasetName |
COM Class 'FeatureDatasetName'.
FeatureNameFields |
COM Class 'FeatureNameFields'.
FeatureQueryName |
COM Class 'FeatureQueryName'.
FGDCSynchronizationHelper |
COM Class 'FGDCSynchronizationHelper'.
FGDCSynchronizer |
COM Class 'FGDCSynchronizer'.
FIDSet |
COM Class 'FIDSet'.
Field |
COM Class 'Field'.
FieldChecker |
COM Class 'FieldChecker'.
FieldError |
COM Class 'FieldError'.
FieldGroup |
COM Class 'FieldGroup'.
Fields |
COM Class 'Fields'.
FilterDefs |
COM Class 'FilterDefs'.
FullTextIndexDefinition |
COM Class 'FullTextIndexDefinition'.
GeoDatabaseHelper |
COM Class 'GeoDatabaseHelper'.
GeoDBDataTransfer |
COM Class 'GeoDBDataTransfer'.
GeometricNetworkName |
COM Class 'GeometricNetworkName'.
GeometryDef |
COM Class 'GeometryDef'.
GeometryResultOptions |
COM Class 'GeometryResultOptions'.
GeometryServer |
COM Class 'GeometryServer'.
GlobalIDSet |
COM Class 'GlobalIDSet'.
GPNetworkDatasetMembership |
COM Class 'GPNetworkDatasetMembership'.
HistoricalVersionMarker |
COM Class 'HistoricalVersionMarker'.
IAngleDirectedLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IArchivableClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IArchivableClass'.
IArchivableObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IArchivableObject'.
IArchiveRegistrationInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IAssetGroupProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAssetGroup'.
IAssetTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAssetType'.
IAssociationObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAssociationObject'.
IAssociationSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAssociationSource'.
IAttachmentDataArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAttachmentDataArray'.
IAttachmentDataProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IAttachmentInfoArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAttachmentInfoArray'.
IAttachmentInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IAttachmentManagerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IAttachmentManager'.
IAttachmentProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IAttributeRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IBaseNetworkAssociationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkAssociation'.
IBaseNetworkDefinitionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkDefinition'.
IBaseNetworkLocationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkLocation'.
IBaseNetworkProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IBaseNetwork'.
IBaseNetworkTopologyProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IBaseNetworkTopology'.
ICancelOperationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ICancelOperation'.
IClassExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassEx'.
IClassExtensionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IClassHelperProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassHelper'.
IClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClass'.
IClassSchemaEdit2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit2'.
IClassSchemaEdit3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit3'.
IClassSchemaEdit4Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IClassSchemaEdit5Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IClassSchemaEdit6Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IClassSchemaEditExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEditEx'.
IClassSchemaEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IClassSchemaEdit'.
ICodedValueDomain2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICodedValueDomainProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICollectionTableVersionChangesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IComplexNativeTypeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICompressionInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICompressionLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IConfigurationKeywordProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IConfigurationKeyword'.
IConfigurationParameterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IConfigurationParameter'.
IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEventsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IConflictClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IConflictClass'.
IConflictInspectionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IConnectionPointContainerProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IConnectionPointProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IConnectivityRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IContingentValueEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IContingentValueProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IContingentValuesEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IContingentValuesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICopyHelperProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICoverageAnnotationFeatureProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ICursorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ICursor'.
ICursorStatsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseCompact2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseCompactProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatabaseCompact'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo2'.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo4Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseConnectionInfo5Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseConnectionInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatabaseConnectionInfo'.
IDatabaseSequenceProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseView2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatabaseViewProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDataChangesExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDataChangesEx'.
IDataConvertProcessProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDataConvertProcess'.
IDataElementProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDataElementTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDataElementType'.
IDatasetAnalyzeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetAnalyze'.
IDatasetComponentProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetComponent'.
IDatasetContainer2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer2'.
IDatasetContainer3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer3'.
IDatasetContainerNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatasetContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetContainer'.
IDatasetEditExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetEditEx'.
IDatasetEditInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetEditInfo'.
IDatasetEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetEdit'.
IDatasetFileStat2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetFileStat2'.
IDatasetFileStatProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatasetMigrationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetMigration'.
IDatasetName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatasetNameFileSizeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatasetNameFileStat2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetNameFileStat2'.
IDatasetNameFileStatProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDatasetNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDatasetName'.
IDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDataset'.
IDataStatisticsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDEBaseNetworkProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEBaseNetwork'.
IDEDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEDataset'.
IDEDatasetTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEDatasetType'.
IDEGeoDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEGeoDataset'.
IDEGeoDatasetTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEGeoDatasetType'.
IDENetworkDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDENetworkDataset'.
IDENetworkDatasetTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDENetworkDatasetType'.
IDEUtilityNetworkProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEUtilityNetwork'.
IDEUtilityNetworkTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDEUtilityNetworkType'.
IDiagramDatasetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDiagramTemplateProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDifferenceCursorExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDifferenceCursorEx'.
IDifferenceCursorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDifferenceCursor'.
IDirectionsAttributeMappingDescriptorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDirectionsAttributeMappingDescriptor'.
IDirectionsAttributeMappingProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDirectionsAttributeMapping'.
IDirectionsFieldMappingDescriptorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDirectionsFieldMappingDescriptor'.
IDirectionsFieldMappingProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDirectionsFieldMapping'.
IDirectionsLandmarkSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDirectionsLandmarkSource'.
IDocumentationInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDomainNetworkProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDomainNetwork'.
IDomainProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IDynamicTrafficDataProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IDynamicTrafficData'.
IEdgeConnectivityRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEdgeFeatureSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEdgeFeatureSource'.
IEdgeSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEdgeSource'.
IEditorTrackingInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnterpriseWorkspaceFactoryProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumAttachmentProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumAttachment'.
IEnumAttributedRelationshipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumAttributedRelationship'.
IEnumConfigurationKeywordProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumConfigurationKeyword'.
IEnumConfigurationParameterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumConfigurationParameter'.
IEnumConflictClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumConflictClass'.
IEnumConflictInspectionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumConnectionPointsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumConnectionsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumContingentValueProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumDatasetNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumDatasetName'.
IEnumDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumDataset'.
IEnumDatasetTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumDatasetType'.
IEnumDiagramTemplateProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumDomainProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumDomain'.
IEnumEventErrorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumEventError'.
IEnumFeatureClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumFeatureClass'.
IEnumFeatureProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumFeature'.
IEnumFeatureSetupProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumFeatureSetup'.
IEnumFieldErrorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumFieldError'.
IEnumFieldGroupProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumGeometryBindProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumGPNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumGPValueProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumGPValue'.
IEnumGUIDSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumHierarchyRangeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumHierarchyRange'.
IEnumHistoricalMarkerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumHistoricalMarker'.
IEnumIDsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumIDs'.
IEnumIndexProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumIndex'.
IEnumInvalidObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumInvalidObject'.
IEnumLocatorNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumLocatorName'.
IEnumLocatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumLocator'.
IEnumLockInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumLockInfo'.
IEnumNameMappingProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumNameMapping'.
IEnumNetworkDiagramAggregationProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramContainerProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramEdgeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramFlagProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramJunctionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkDiagramRelationProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumNetworkElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumNetworkElement'.
IEnumNodeEdgeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumNodeEdge'.
IEnumObjectClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumObjectClass'.
IEnumObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumObject'.
IEnumPropertyProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumProperty'.
IEnumRelationshipClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumRelationshipClass'.
IEnumRelationshipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumRelationship'.
IEnumRuleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumRule'.
IEnumSchemaLockInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumSchemaLockInfo'.
IEnumSdeVersionHistoryInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumSequenceProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumSpatialReferenceInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo'.
IEnumSubtypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumSubtype'.
IEnumTableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTable'.
IEnumTableVersionChangesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumTGHitInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTGHitInfo'.
IEnumTinEdgeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTinEdge'.
IEnumTinElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTinElement'.
IEnumTinNodeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTinNode'.
IEnumTinTriangleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTinTriangle'.
IEnumTopologyEdgeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyEdge'.
IEnumTopologyErrorFeatureProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyErrorFeature'.
IEnumTopologyNodeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyNode'.
IEnumTopologyParentProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumTopologyParent'.
IEnumUserInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumVersionInfo2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IEnumVersionInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumVersionInfo'.
IEnumWorkspaceExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspaceEx'.
IEnumWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspace'.
IEnumWorkspaceStatusProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumWorkspaceStatus'.
IEnumXMLIndexTemplateProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEnumXMLIndexTemplate'.
IErrorFeatureContainerExProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IErrorFeatureContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IErrorFeatureContainer'.
IEvaluatedNetworkAttributeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute'.
IEventSourceErrorsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEventSourceErrors'.
IEventSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IEventSource'.
IExternalDeserializerGdbProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IExternalSerializerGdb2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IExternalSerializerGdbProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureBufferProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureBuffer'.
IFeatureChangesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureChanges'.
IFeatureClassContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassContainer'.
IFeatureClassCreationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassCreation'.
IFeatureClassDescriptionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureClassDrawProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassDraw'.
IFeatureClassEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureClassExtensionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassExtension'.
IFeatureClassLoadProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassLoad'.
IFeatureClassManageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassManage'.
IFeatureClassNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClass'.
IFeatureClassSpatialIndexProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureClassStorage2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureClassStorageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassStorage'.
IFeatureClassUtilProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassUtil'.
IFeatureClassWriteProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureClassWrite'.
IFeatureConnectProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureCursorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureCursor'.
IFeatureDataConverter2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureDataConverterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureDatasetExtension2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtension2'.
IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer'.
IFeatureDatasetExtensionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetExtension'.
IFeatureDatasetManageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureDatasetManage'.
IFeatureDatasetName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureDatasetNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureDataset'.
IFeatureElementEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureElementEdit'.
IFeatureElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureElement'.
IFeatureEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureEvents'.
IFeatureNameFieldsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureNameFields'.
IFeatureProgressAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IFeatureProgress'.
IFeatureProgressIsCancelledEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressIsCancelledEvent'.
IFeatureProgressProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureProgressSetFeatureClassNameEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressSetFeatureClassNameEvent'.
IFeatureProgressSetMaxFeaturesEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressSetMaxFeaturesEvent'.
IFeatureProgressSetMinFeaturesEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressSetMinFeaturesEvent'.
IFeatureProgressSetPositionEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressSetPositionEvent'.
IFeatureProgressSetStepValueEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressSetStepValueEvent'.
IFeatureProgressStepEvent |
Event Class 'IFeatureProgressStepEvent'.
IFeatureProjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureProject'.
IFeatureProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeature'.
IFeatureSimplify2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureSimplifyProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureSimplify'.
IFeatureWorkspaceAnnoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceAnno'.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceManage2'.
IFeatureWorkspaceManage3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFeatureWorkspaceManageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceManage'.
IFeatureWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspace'.
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit'.
IFIDSetOperatorProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFIDSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldCheckerProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldErrorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFieldError'.
IFieldGroupEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldGroupProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldsEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFieldsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFileDataLockProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFileDataLock'.
IFileGDBLockWaitingProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFilterDefProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFilterDefsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFlowDirectionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IFlowDirection'.
IForceDirectedLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFullTextIndexDefinitionEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFullTextIndexDefinitionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IFullTextSearchProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDatabaseBridge2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDatabaseBridgeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDatabaseErrorRecordsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDatabaseErrorRecords'.
IGeodatabaseRelease2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease2'.
IGeodatabaseRelease3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease3'.
IGeodatabaseRelease4Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeodatabaseRelease5Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeodatabaseReleaseProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeodatabaseRelease'.
IGeoDataset2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDataset2'.
IGeoDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDataset'.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2'.
IGeoDatasetSchemaEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit'.
IGeodataXformProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDBDataTransfer2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDBDataTransferProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoDBProtectNamesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGeoDBProtectNames'.
IGeometricNetworkNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeometryDefEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeometryDefProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeometryResultOptionsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGeoPositionsLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGlobalIDSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPChoiceListProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPCodedValueDomainProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPControllerMembershipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGPControllerMembership'.
IGPDataTypeFactoryProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPDataTypeNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPDataTypeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPDescribeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPDomainProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPMessage2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPMessageProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPMessagesCallbackProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPMessagesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPNetworkDatasetMembershipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGPNetworkDatasetMembership'.
IGPToolTipProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPUtilityNetworkMembershipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGPUtilityNetworkMembership'.
IGPValueProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGPVariableProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGridLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGUIDGeneratorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGUIDGenerator'.
IGUIDSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IGxFilterInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IGxFilterInfo'.
IHistoricalClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalClass'.
IHistoricalMarkerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalMarker'.
IHistoricalTrafficDataProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalTrafficData'.
IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator'.
IHistoricalVersionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalVersion'.
IHistoricalWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IHistoricalWorkspace'.
IIdentityXformProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IIndexedGUIDSetsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IIndexEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IIndexesEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IIndexesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IIndexProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IInvalidObjectInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IInvalidObjectInfo'.
IItemInfo2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IItemInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IItemInfosProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IJSONConverterGdbProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IJunctionConnectivityRule2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IJunctionConnectivityRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IJunctionFeatureSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IJunctionFeatureSource'.
IJunctionSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IJunctionSource'.
ILinearDispatchLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ILocalDatabaseCompactProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ILocatorDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorDataset'.
ILocatorNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ILocatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocator'.
ILocatorStyleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorStyle'.
ILocatorUI2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorUI2'.
ILocatorUIProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorUI'.
ILocatorWorkspace2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorWorkspace2'.
ILocatorWorkspaceNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ILocatorWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILocatorWorkspace'.
ILockInfo2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ILockInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ILockInfo'.
IMainLineTreeLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMainRingLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMarkCrossingEdgesLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMemoryRelationshipClassFactoryProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMemoryRelationshipClassNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMetadataEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IMetadataEdit'.
IMetadataProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IMetadata'.
IMetadataSynchronizerManagerProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMetadataSynchronizerProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IModelInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IModelInfo'.
IMosaicDatasetName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMosaicDatasetName3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMosaicDatasetNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMultidimensionalInfoContainerPSProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMultidimensionalInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IMultiuserWorkspaceEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit'.
INAClassProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INamedPropertyProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INameMapping2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INameMapping2'.
INameMappingProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INameMapping'.
INativeTypeInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INativeTypeInfo'.
INativeTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INativeType'.
INativeTypeSearchProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INativeTypeSearch'.
Index |
COM Class 'Index'.
Indexes |
COM Class 'Indexes'.
INetworkAttributeParameterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkAttributeParameter'.
INetworkAttributeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkAttribute'.
INetworkBuildProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkBuild'.
INetworkClassDescriptionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkClassDescription'.
INetworkConstantEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkConstantEvaluator'.
INetworkDatasetNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkDatasetName'.
INetworkDatasetProtectNamesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkDatasetProtectNames'.
INetworkDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkDataset'.
INetworkDiagramCustomEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDiagramEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDiagramFlagsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDiagramInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDiagramLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDiagramProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkDirectionsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkDirections'.
INetworkEdgeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkEdge'.
INetworkElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkElement'.
INetworkElementSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkEvaluator'.
INetworkFeatureEventsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkFieldEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkFieldEvaluator'.
INetworkForwardStarAdjacenciesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies'.
INetworkForwardStarProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStar'.
INetworkForwardStarSetupProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkForwardStarSetup'.
INetworkFunctionEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkFunctionEvaluator'.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategoryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory'.
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator'.
INetworkJunctionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkJunction'.
INetworkProtectNamesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkProtectNames'.
INetworkQueryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkQuery'.
INetworkScriptEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkScriptEvaluator'.
INetworkSourceDirectionsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkSourceDirections'.
INetworkSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkSource'.
INetworkTraceConfigurationProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
INetworkTransitEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkTransitEvaluator'.
INetworkTravelModeParameterValueProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkTravelModeParameterValue'.
INetworkTravelModeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkTravelMode'.
INetworkTravelModeTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkTravelModeType'.
INetworkTurnProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'INetworkTurn'.
InvalidObjectInfo |
COM Class 'InvalidObjectInfo'.
IObjectClass2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IObjectClassContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassContainer'.
IObjectClassDescriptionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IObjectClassEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IObjectClassEvents'.
IObjectClassEventsOnChangeEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassEventsOnChangeEvent'.
IObjectClassEventsOnCreateEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassEventsOnCreateEvent'.
IObjectClassEventsOnDeleteEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassEventsOnDeleteEvent'.
IObjectClassEventsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IObjectClassExtensionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IObjectClassInfo2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassInfo2'.
IObjectClassInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassInfo'.
IObjectClassNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassName'.
IObjectClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClass'.
IObjectClassSchemaEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IObjectClassSchemaEvents'.
IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnAddFieldEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnAddFieldEvent'.
IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnBehaviorChangedEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnBehaviorChangedEvent'.
IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnDeleteFieldEvent |
Event Class 'IObjectClassSchemaEventsOnDeleteFieldEvent'.
IObjectClassSchemaEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassSchemaEvents'.
IObjectClassValidationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjectClassValidation'.
IObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObject'.
IObjectsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IObjects'.
IOleDBConnectionInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IOrganicLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IOwnershipBasedAccessControlProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IPartialOverlappingEdgesLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IPersistCustomFeaturesExtensionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IPersistStreamInitProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IPersistStreamInit'.
IPixelBlockProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IPixelBlock'.
IPntProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IPortalItemInfoInternalProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IPropertyProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IProperty'.
IQueryDef2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryDef2'.
IQueryDefProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryDef'.
IQueryDescriptionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryDescription'.
IQueryFilter2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryFilter2'.
IQueryFilterDefinition2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryFilterDefinition2'.
IQueryFilterDefinition3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryFilterDefinitionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryFilterDefinition'.
IQueryFilterFIDSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryFilterOptionsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryFilterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IQueryFilter'.
IQueryName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryStatisticsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IQueryTableNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRadialTreeLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRandomAccessCursorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRandomAccessCursor'.
IRandomAccessTableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRandomAccessTable'.
IRangeDomainProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterBandNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogHelper2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogHelperProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogItem2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogItemProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCatalogProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterCatalog'.
IRasterColormapProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterCursorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterCursor'.
IRasterDataset2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDataset3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetContainerNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetEdit2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetEdit3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterDatasetInfo'.
IRasterDatasetNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDatasetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterDataset'.
IRasterDef2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDef3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterDefProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterFieldInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterFieldInfo'.
IRasterLODInfos2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterLODInfos2'.
IRasterLODInfosProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterLODInfos'.
IRasterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterStorageDef2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterStorageDef3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterStorageDef3'.
IRasterStorageDefProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterValue2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterValueProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRasterWorkspace2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspace2'.
IRasterWorkspace4Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspace4'.
IRasterWorkspaceExProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRasterWorkspaceEx'.
IRebuildIndexesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRecordArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRecordArray'.
IRecordNumberSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRecordProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRecordSet2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRecordSetInitProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRecordSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IReduceVerticesByAngleLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IReduceVerticesLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRefreshSchemaProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelatedObjectClassEvents2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelatedObjectClassEventsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelatedObjectEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelatedObjectEvents'.
IRelationshipChangesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipChanges'.
IRelationshipClass2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass2'.
IRelationshipClass3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass3'.
IRelationshipClass4Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelationshipClassContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipClassContainer'.
IRelationshipClassEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IRelationshipClassEvents'.
IRelationshipClassEventsOnChangeEvent |
Event Class 'IRelationshipClassEventsOnChangeEvent'.
IRelationshipClassEventsOnCreateEvent |
Event Class 'IRelationshipClassEventsOnCreateEvent'.
IRelationshipClassEventsOnDeleteEvent |
Event Class 'IRelationshipClassEventsOnDeleteEvent'.
IRelationshipClassEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipClassEvents'.
IRelationshipClassNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelationshipClassProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationshipClass'.
IRelationshipProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelationship'.
IRelationshipRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelativeMainlineLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelClassEnumRowPairsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelClassEnumRowPairs'.
IRelClassSchemaEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelClassSchemaEdit'.
IRelQueryTableFactoryProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelQueryTableInfo2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelQueryTableInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableInfo'.
IRelQueryTableManageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableManage'.
IRelQueryTableName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelQueryTableNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRelQueryTableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelQueryTable'.
IRelQueryTableSelectionSetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableSelectionSet'.
IRelQueryTableSettingsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRelQueryTableSettings'.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactoryProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRemoteDatabaseWorkspace'.
IRotateTreeLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRouteEventProperties2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRouteEventPropertiesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRouteEventSourceNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRouteLocatorNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRowBuffer2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IRowBufferProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRowBuffer'.
IRowChangesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRowChanges'.
IRowCompareProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRowCompare'.
IRowEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRowEvents'.
IRowProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRow'.
IRowSubtypesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IRowSubtypes'.
IRuleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISaveAs2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISaveAsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISchemaLockInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISchemaLockInfo'.
ISchemaLockProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISchemaLock'.
IScratchWorkspaceFactory2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IScratchWorkspaceFactory2'.
IScratchWorkspaceFactoryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IScratchWorkspaceFactory'.
ISdeVersionHistoryInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISelectionSet2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISelectionSet2'.
ISelectionSet3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISelectionSetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISelectionSet'.
ISeparateOverlappingEdgesLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISequenceProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IServerCapabilityProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IServerCapability'.
IServiceResponseFormatProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISetDefaultConnectionInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IShieldsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IShields'.
ISimpleDataConverter2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISimpleDataConverterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISimpleRelationshipChangesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISimpleRelationshipChanges'.
ISmartTreeLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISpatialCacheManager2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager2'.
ISpatialCacheManager3Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager3'.
ISpatialCacheManagerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISpatialCacheManager'.
ISpatialDispatchLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISpatialFilterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISpatialFilter'.
ISQLCheck2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISQLCheck3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISQLCheckProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISqlDefaultConnectionInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionaryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionary'.
ISqlKeywordDictionaryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISqlKeywordDictionary'.
ISQLPrivilegeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISQLPrivilege'.
ISQLSyntax2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISQLSyntax3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISQLSyntaxProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISQLSyntax'.
ISqlWorkspace2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISqlWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISqlWorkspace'.
ISquareEdgesLayoutProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IStatisticDescriptionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IStatisticDescriptionsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IStatisticsRequest2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IStatisticsRequestProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IStringDomainProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IStringDomain'.
ISubtypesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISubtypes'.
ISurfaceIntersectionEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.ISurfaceIntersectionEvents'.
ISurfaceIntersectionEventsOnIntersectEvent |
Event Class 'ISurfaceIntersectionEventsOnIntersectEvent'.
ISurfaceIntersectionEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISurfaceIntersectionEvents'.
ISurfaceProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISynchronizationHelperProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ISystemJunctionObjectSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISystemJunctionObjectSource'.
ISystemJunctionSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ISystemJunctionSource'.
ITableAttachmentsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableAttachments'.
ITableCapabilitiesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableCapabilities'.
ITableFieldsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableFields'.
ITableNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableName'.
ITableNameSetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITable'.
ITableSort2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITableSortCallBackProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableSortCallBack'.
ITableSortProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITableSortValueCallBackProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITableUpsertProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITableUtilProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableUtil'.
ITableWrite2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableWrite2'.
ITableWriteProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITableWrite'.
ItemInfo |
COM Class 'ItemInfo'.
ItemInfos |
COM Class 'ItemInfos'.
ITerminalConfigurationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITerminalConfiguration'.
ITerminalPathProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITerminalPath'.
ITerminalProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITerminal'.
IThumbnailInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITierGroupProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITierGroup'.
ITierProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITier'.
ITimeQueryFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinAdvanced2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinAdvanced3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinAdvancedProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinClockProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinDynamicFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEdgeArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinEdgeArray'.
ITinEdgeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEdgeTypeFilter2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEdgeTypeFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEdit2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEditErrorLogProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinElementProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinFeatureEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinFeatureSeedProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinImporterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinNode2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinNodeArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinNodeArray'.
ITinNodeCollectionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinNodeInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinNodeProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinNodeSourceFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinPolygonProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinPolygon'.
ITinPolylineProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinPolyline'.
ITinProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinSelectionProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinSurface2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinSurface3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinSurfaceElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinSurfaceElement'.
ITinSurfaceProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinTriangleArrayProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinTriangleArray'.
ITinTriangleFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinTriangleProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinValueFilter2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinValueFilterProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITinWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITinWorkspace'.
ITopologyClassEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyClassEvents'.
ITopologyContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyContainer'.
ITopologyEdgeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyEdge'.
ITopologyElementProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyElement'.
ITopologyErrorFeatureProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyErrorFeature'.
ITopologyFeatureProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyFeature'.
ITopologyGraphEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyGraphEvents'.
ITopologyGraphProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyGraph'.
ITopologyNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITopologyNodeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyNode'.
ITopologyPropertiesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyProperties'.
ITopologyProtectNamesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyProtectNames'.
ITopologyProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopology'.
ITopologyRuleContainerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyRuleContainer'.
ITopologyRuleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyRule'.
ITopologyWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITopologyWorkspace'.
ITraceConfigurationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITraceConfiguration'.
ITraceResults2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITraceResults3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITraceResultsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITraceResults'.
ITracerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITracer'.
ITrafficDataManagerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITrafficDataManager'.
ITrafficDataProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITrafficData'.
ITrafficFeedDirectoryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedDirectory'.
ITrafficFeedGPServiceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedGPService'.
ITrafficFeedLocationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITrafficFeedLocation'.
ITransactionsOptionsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITransactionsOptions'.
ITransactionsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITransactions'.
ITransformGroupProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
ITransitDataProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITransitData'.
ITurnFeatureSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'ITurnFeatureSource'.
IUNAssetProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNAsset'.
IUNCategoryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNCategory'.
IUNConditionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNCondition'.
IUNFunctionBarrierProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNFunctionBarrier'.
IUNFunctionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNFunction'.
IUNLocationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNLocation'.
IUNNearestNeighborProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNNearestNeighbor'.
IUNOutputFilterProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNOutputFilter'.
IUNPropagatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNPropagator'.
IUNResultTypeFieldProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNResultTypeField'.
IUNResultTypeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNResultType'.
IUNSubnetworkManagerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNSubnetworkManager'.
IUNTraceConfiguration2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUNTraceConfigurationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNTraceConfiguration'.
IUNTraceResults2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUNTraceResults3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUNTraceResultsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNTraceResults'.
IUNTracerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUNTracer'.
IUpsertCursorProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUserInfoProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUtilityNetworkAssignmentProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAssignment'.
IUtilityNetworkAssociationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAssociation'.
IUtilityNetworkAttributeProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkAttribute'.
IUtilityNetworkCoreProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkCore'.
IUtilityNetworkCoreRuleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkCoreRule'.
IUtilityNetworkDefinitionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkDefinition'.
IUtilityNetworkEvaluatorProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkEvaluator'.
IUtilityNetworkNameProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkName'.
IUtilityNetworkQuery2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUtilityNetworkQueryAssociationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryAssociation'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryDefinitionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryDefinition'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQuery'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryStatisticsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryStatistics'.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer'.
IUtilityNetworkRuleProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkRule'.
IUtilityNetworkSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkSource'.
IUtilityNetworkSubnetworkProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IUtilityNetworkSubnetwork'.
IValidateProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IValidate'.
IValidation2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IValidation2'.
IValidationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IValidation'.
IValidConfigurationPathProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IValidConfigurationPath'.
IVersionEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionEdit'.
IVersionedObjectProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionedObject'.
IVersionedTableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionedTable'.
IVersionedViewProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IVersionedWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionedWorkspace'.
IVersionEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IVersionEvents'.
IVersionEventsOnArchiveUpdatedEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnArchiveUpdatedEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnBeginReconcileEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnBeginReconcileEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnConflictsDetectedEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnConflictsDetectedEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnDeleteVersionEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnDeleteVersionEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnPostEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnPostEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnReconcileEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnReconcileEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnRedefineVersionEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnRedefineVersionEvent'.
IVersionEventsOnRefreshVersionEvent |
Event Class 'IVersionEventsOnRefreshVersionEvent'.
IVersionEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionEvents'.
IVersionEventsServicesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IVersionInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersionInfo'.
IVersionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVersion'.
IVirtualTableProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IVirtualTable'.
IWorkspace2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspace2'.
IWorkspaceConfigurationProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceConfiguration'.
IWorkspaceDomains2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceDomains2'.
IWorkspaceDomains3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceDomainsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceDomains'.
IWorkspaceEdit2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEdit2'.
IWorkspaceEditControlProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditControl'.
IWorkspaceEditEvents2Adapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IWorkspaceEditEvents2'.
IWorkspaceEditEvents2OnBeginStopEditingEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEvents2OnBeginStopEditingEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEvents2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditEvents2'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IWorkspaceEditEvents'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnAbortEditOperationEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnAbortEditOperationEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnRedoEditOperationEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnRedoEditOperationEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStartEditingEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStartEditingEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStartEditOperationEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStartEditOperationEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStopEditingEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStopEditingEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStopEditOperationEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnStopEditOperationEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsOnUndoEditOperationEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEditEventsOnUndoEditOperationEvent'.
IWorkspaceEditEventsProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditEvents'.
IWorkspaceEditInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEditInfo'.
IWorkspaceEditProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEdit'.
IWorkspaceEvents2Adapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IWorkspaceEvents2'.
IWorkspaceEvents2OnModifyDatasetEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEvents2OnModifyDatasetEvent'.
IWorkspaceEvents2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceEvents2'.
IWorkspaceEventsAdapter |
Adapter for COM Event Interface 'com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.IWorkspaceEvents'.
IWorkspaceEventsOnCreateDatasetEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEventsOnCreateDatasetEvent'.
IWorkspaceEventsOnDeleteDatasetEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEventsOnDeleteDatasetEvent'.
IWorkspaceEventsOnRenameDatasetEvent |
Event Class 'IWorkspaceEventsOnRenameDatasetEvent'.
IWorkspaceEventsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceExtension2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtension2'.
IWorkspaceExtension3Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceExtensionControlProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtensionControl'.
IWorkspaceExtensionManagerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtensionManager'.
IWorkspaceExtensionProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceExtension'.
IWorkspaceFactory2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactory2'.
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensionsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceFactoryLockControlProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactoryLockControl'.
IWorkspaceFactoryProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceFactory'.
IWorkspaceFactorySchemaCacheProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceFactoryStatusProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceHelperProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceName2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceProgressTrackerProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProgressTracker'.
IWorkspaceProperties2Proxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProperties2'.
IWorkspacePropertiesProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceProperties'.
IWorkspacePropertyProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IWorkspaceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspace'.
IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfoProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo'.
IWorkspaceStatusProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IWorkspaceStatus'.
IXMLFilterDefProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexTagProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexTagsProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexTemplateManageProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IXMLIndexTemplateManage'.
IXMLIndexTemplateProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXMLIndexUtilProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IXMLIndexUtil'.
IXmlPropertySet2Proxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXmlPropertySetEditProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXmlPropertySetProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXYEvent2FieldsPropertiesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXYEventPropertiesProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXYEventSourceNameProxy | Deprecated
Internal use only.
IXYEventSourceProxy |
Internal use class
Proxy for COM Interface 'IXYEventSource'.
JSONConverterGdb |
COM Class 'JSONConverterGdb'.
JSONDeserializerGdb |
COM Class 'JSONDeserializerGdb'.
JSONSerializerGdb |
COM Class 'JSONSerializerGdb'.
JunctionConnectivityRule |
COM Class 'JunctionConnectivityRule'.
JunctionFeatureSource |
COM Class 'JunctionFeatureSource'.
MemoryRelationshipClass |
COM Class 'MemoryRelationshipClass'.
MemoryRelationshipClassFactory |
COM Class 'MemoryRelationshipClassFactory'.
MemoryRelationshipClassName |
COM Class 'MemoryRelationshipClassName'.
MetadataCopyHelper |
COM Class 'MetadataCopyHelper'.
MetadataSynchronizer |
COM Class 'MetadataSynchronizer'.
MosaicDatasetName |
COM Class 'MosaicDatasetName'.
Names |
COM Class 'Names'.
NamesEnumerator |
COM Class 'NamesEnumerator'.
NetworkAttributeParameter |
COM Class 'NetworkAttributeParameter'.
NetworkConstantEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkConstantEvaluator'.
NetworkDatasetName |
COM Class 'NetworkDatasetName'.
NetworkDirections |
COM Class 'NetworkDirections'.
NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluator'.
NetworkElementSet |
COM Class 'NetworkElementSet'.
NetworkFieldEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkFieldEvaluator'.
NetworkFunctionEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkFunctionEvaluator'.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory |
COM Class 'NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory'.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator'.
NetworkScriptEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkScriptEvaluator'.
NetworkSourceDirections |
COM Class 'NetworkSourceDirections'.
NetworkTransitEvaluator |
COM Class 'NetworkTransitEvaluator'.
NetworkTravelMode |
COM Class 'NetworkTravelMode'.
NetworkTravelModeParameterValue |
COM Class 'NetworkTravelModeParameterValue'.
NetworkTravelModeType |
COM Class 'NetworkTravelModeType'.
ObjectClass |
COM Class 'ObjectClass'.
ObjectClassEvents |
COM Class 'ObjectClassEvents'.
ObjectClassName |
COM Class 'ObjectClassName'.
ObjectClassSchemaEvents |
COM Class 'ObjectClassSchemaEvents'.
ObjectClassValidator |
COM Class 'ObjectClassValidator'.
Objects |
COM Class 'Objects'.
OwnershipBasedAccessControl |
COM Class 'OwnershipBasedAccessControl'.
PlugInWorkspaceFactory |
COM Class 'PlugInWorkspaceFactory'.
Pnt |
COM Class 'Pnt'.
QueryDef |
COM Class 'QueryDef'.
QueryFilter |
COM Class 'QueryFilter'.
QueryTableName |
COM Class 'QueryTableName'.
RangeDomain |
COM Class 'RangeDomain'.
RasterBandName |
COM Class 'RasterBandName'.
RasterCatalog |
COM Class 'RasterCatalog'.
RasterCatalogClassDescription |
COM Class 'RasterCatalogClassDescription'.
RasterCatalogHelper |
COM Class 'RasterCatalogHelper'.
RasterDatasetName |
COM Class 'RasterDatasetName'.
RasterDef |
COM Class 'RasterDef'.
RasterStorageDef |
COM Class 'RasterStorageDef'.
RasterValue |
COM Class 'RasterValue'.
Record |
COM Class 'Record'.
RecordArray |
COM Class 'RecordArray'.
RecordNumberSet |
COM Class 'RecordNumberSet'.
RecordSet |
COM Class 'RecordSet'.
Relationship |
COM Class 'Relationship'.
RelationshipClass |
COM Class 'RelationshipClass'.
RelationshipClassEvents |
COM Class 'RelationshipClassEvents'.
RelationshipClassName |
COM Class 'RelationshipClassName'.
RelationshipRule |
COM Class 'RelationshipRule'.
RelQueryCursor |
COM Class 'RelQueryCursor'.
RelQueryTable |
COM Class 'RelQueryTable'.
RelQueryTableFactory |
COM Class 'RelQueryTableFactory'.
RelQueryTableName |
COM Class 'RelQueryTableName'.
RelQueryTableSelectionSet |
COM Class 'RelQueryTableSelectionSet'.
RowBuffer |
COM Class 'RowBuffer'.
SelectionSet |
COM Class 'SelectionSet'.
SimpleDataConverter |
COM Class 'SimpleDataConverter'.
SimpleRelationship |
COM Class 'SimpleRelationship'.
SpatialFilter |
COM Class 'SpatialFilter'.
SQLCheck |
COM Class 'SQLCheck'.
Table |
COM Class 'Table'.
TableName |
COM Class 'TableName'.
TableNameSet |
COM Class 'TableNameSet'.
TableQueryName |
COM Class 'TableQueryName'.
TableSort |
COM Class 'TableSort'.
tagesriTopologyParent |
COM Struct 'tagesriTopologyParent'.
tagFieldValue |
COM Struct 'tagFieldValue'.
ThumbnailInfo |
COM Class 'ThumbnailInfo'.
Tin |
COM Class 'Tin'.
TinDataElementFilter |
COM Class 'TinDataElementFilter'.
TinEdge |
COM Class 'TinEdge'.
TinEdgeArray |
COM Class 'TinEdgeArray'.
TinEdgeEnumerator |
COM Class 'TinEdgeEnumerator'.
TinEdgeTypeFilter |
COM Class 'TinEdgeTypeFilter'.
TinImporter |
COM Class 'TinImporter'.
TinName |
COM Class 'TinName'.
TinNativeType |
COM Class 'TinNativeType'.
TinNode |
COM Class 'TinNode'.
TinNodeArray |
COM Class 'TinNodeArray'.
TinNodeEnumerator |
COM Class 'TinNodeEnumerator'.
TinNodeSourceFilter |
COM Class 'TinNodeSourceFilter'.
TinPolygon |
COM Class 'TinPolygon'.
TinPolyline |
COM Class 'TinPolyline'.
TinSurfaceElement |
COM Class 'TinSurfaceElement'.
TinTriangle |
COM Class 'TinTriangle'.
TinTriangleArray |
COM Class 'TinTriangleArray'.
TinTriangleEnumerator |
COM Class 'TinTriangleEnumerator'.
TinTriangleFilter |
COM Class 'TinTriangleFilter'.
TinValueFilter |
COM Class 'TinValueFilter'.
TNTracerService |
COM Class 'TNTracerService'.
TopologyName |
COM Class 'TopologyName'.
TopologyRule |
COM Class 'TopologyRule'.
TrafficData |
COM Class 'TrafficData'.
TrafficDataManager |
COM Class 'TrafficDataManager'.
TrafficFeedDirectory |
COM Class 'TrafficFeedDirectory'.
TrafficFeedGPService |
COM Class 'TrafficFeedGPService'.
TransformGroup |
COM Class 'TransformGroup'.
TransitData |
COM Class 'TransitData'.
TurnFeatureSource |
COM Class 'TurnFeatureSource'.
UNAsset |
COM Class 'UNAsset'.
UNCondition |
COM Class 'UNCondition'.
UNFunction |
COM Class 'UNFunction'.
UNFunctionBarrier |
COM Class 'UNFunctionBarrier'.
UnknownDatasetName |
COM Class 'UnknownDatasetName'.
UNLocation |
COM Class 'UNLocation'.
UNNearestNeighbor |
COM Class 'UNNearestNeighbor'.
UNOutputFilter |
COM Class 'UNOutputFilter'.
UNPropagator |
COM Class 'UNPropagator'.
UNResultType |
COM Class 'UNResultType'.
UNResultTypeField |
COM Class 'UNResultTypeField'.
UNSubnetworkManagerService |
COM Class 'UNSubnetworkManagerService'.
UNTraceConfiguration |
COM Class 'UNTraceConfiguration'.
UNTracerService |
COM Class 'UNTracerService'.
UtilityNetworkName |
COM Class 'UtilityNetworkName'.
VersionEvents |
COM Class 'VersionEvents'.
VersionInfo |
COM Class 'VersionInfo'.
Workspace |
COM Class 'Workspace'.
WorkspaceEditEvents |
COM Class 'WorkspaceEditEvents'.
WorkspaceEditEvents2 |
COM Class 'WorkspaceEditEvents2'.
WorkspaceExtension |
COM Class 'WorkspaceExtension'.
WorkspaceFactory |
COM Class 'WorkspaceFactory'.
WorkspaceHelper |
COM Class 'WorkspaceHelper'.
WorkspaceName |
COM Class 'WorkspaceName'.
WorkspaceProperty |
COM Class 'WorkspaceProperty'.
XMLFilterDef |
COM Class 'XMLFilterDef'.
XMLIndex |
COM Class 'XMLIndex'.
XMLIndexTag |
COM Class 'XMLIndexTag'.
XMLIndexTags |
COM Class 'XMLIndexTags'.
XMLIndexTemplate |
COM Class 'XMLIndexTemplate'.
XmlPropertySet |
COM Class 'XmlPropertySet'.
XmlPropertySetEdit |
COM Class 'XmlPropertySetEdit'.
XYEvent2FieldsProperties |
COM Class 'XYEvent2FieldsProperties'.
XYEventSource |
COM Class 'XYEventSource'.
XYEventSourceName |
COM Class 'XYEventSourceName'.