Demonstrates the creation of a simple electric distribution report. It traces downstream from a given point and adds up the count of customers and total load per phase.
Use case
You can use a load report to display the customers per phase as well as the load per phase based on a chosen starting point in a utility network. Load reports are used for electric load restoration and balancing.
How to use the sample
Choose phases to be included in the report. Click 'Run Report' to initiate a downstream trace on the network and create a load report. Click 'Reset' to clear the phases and start over.
How it works
- Create and load a
with a feature service URL, then get an asset type, tier, network attributes, and category by their names. - Create a
from the asset type to use as the starting location for the trace. - Get a base condition from the
. - Create
passing inUtilityTraceType.downstream
and the default starting location. Set itsUtilityTraceConfiguration
with theUtilityTier.traceConfiguration
. - Create a
where"Service Point"
category exists. - Reset
with a newUtilityTraceFunction
adding aService Load
network attribute where this category comparison applies. This will limit the function results. - Set
with this category comparison to limit the element results. - Populate the choice list for
using the network attribute'sCodedValueDomain.codedValues
. - When the "Add Phase" button is clicked, add the selected
to a phases list. - When the "Run Report" button is clicked, run a trace for every
in the phases list. Do this by creating aUtilityTraceOrCondition
with the base condition and aUtilityNetworkAttributeComparison
where the "Phases Current" network attribute does not include theCodedValue.code
value. - Display the count of "Total Customers" using
and the result of "Total Load", the first and onlyUtilityFunctionTraceResult.functionOutputs
Relevant API
- UtilityAssetType
- UtilityCategoryComparison
- UtilityDomainNetwork
- UtilityElement
- UtilityElementTraceResult
- UtilityNetwork
- UtilityNetworkAttribute
- UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison
- UtilityNetworkDefinition
- UtilityNetworkSource
- UtilityTerminal
- UtilityTier
- UtilityTraceConfiguration
- UtilityTraceFunction
- UtilityTraceParameters
- UtilityTraceResult
- UtilityTraceType
- UtilityTraversability
About the data
The Naperville electrical network feature service, hosted on ArcGIS Online, contains a utility network used to run the subnetwork-based trace shown in this sample.
Additional information
Using utility network on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 requires an ArcGIS Enterprise member account licensed with the Utility Network user type extension. Please refer to the utility network services documentation.
condition barriers, downstream trace, network analysis, subnetwork trace, trace configuration, traversability, upstream trace, utility network, validate consistency
Sample Code
// Copyright 2023 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Data;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Security;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UtilityNetworks;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ArcGIS.WinUI.Samples.CreateLoadReport
name: "Create load report",
category: "Utility network",
description: "Demonstrates the creation of a simple electric distribution report. It traces downstream from a given point and adds up the count of customers and total load per phase.",
instructions: "Choose phases to be included in the report. Click 'Run Report' to initiate a downstream trace on the network and create a load report. Click 'Reset' to clear the phases and start over.",
tags: new[] { "condition barriers", "downstream trace", "network analysis", "subnetwork trace", "trace configuration", "traversability", "upstream trace", "utility network", "validate consistency" })]
public partial class CreateLoadReport
private const string FeatureServiceUrl = "";
// Default starting location.
private const string NetworkSourceName = "Electric Distribution Device";
private const string AssetGroupName = "Circuit Breaker";
private const string AssetTypeName = "Three Phase";
private const string TerminalName = "Load";
private const string GlobalId = "{1CAF7740-0BF4-4113-8DB2-654E18800028}";
// Default trace configuration.
private const string DomainNetworkName = "ElectricDistribution";
private const string TierName = "Medium Voltage Radial";
private UtilityTraceConditionalExpression _baseCondition = null;
// Compute total customers.
private const string ServiceCategoryName = "ServicePoint";
// Compute total loads.
private const string LoadNetworkAttributeName = "Service Load";
// Varying attribute.
private const string PhasesNetworkAttributeName = "Phases Current";
private UtilityNetworkAttribute _phasesNetworkAttribute = null;
private List<string> _phases = new List<string>(new[] { "A", "B", "C" });
private UtilityNetwork _utilityNetwork = null;
private UtilityTraceParameters _traceParameters = null;
private ObservableCollection<PhaseSummary> _phaseSummaries = new ObservableCollection<PhaseSummary>();
public class PhaseSummary
public PhaseSummary(string phase)
Phase = phase;
public string Phase { get; private set; }
public double TotalCustomers { get; set; }
public double TotalLoad { get; set; }
public CreateLoadReport()
_ = Initialize();
private async Task Initialize()
// Handle the login to the feature service.
AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(async (info) =>
// WARNING: Never hardcode login information in a production application. This is done solely for the sake of the sample.
string sampleServer7User = "editor01";
string sampleServer7Pass = "S7#i2LWmYH75";
return await AccessTokenCredential.CreateAsync(info.ServiceUri, sampleServer7User, sampleServer7Pass);
catch (Exception ex)
await new MessageDialog2(ex.ToString(), ex.GetType().ToString()).ShowAsync();
return null;
ReportView.ItemsSource = _phaseSummaries;
Phases.Text = $"Phases: {string.Join(",", _phases)}";
_utilityNetwork = await UtilityNetwork.CreateAsync(new Uri(FeatureServiceUrl));
// Create default starting location.
UtilityNetworkSource networkSource = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetNetworkSource(NetworkSourceName);
UtilityAssetGroup assetGroup = networkSource?.GetAssetGroup(AssetGroupName);
UtilityAssetType assetType = assetGroup?.GetAssetType(AssetTypeName);
UtilityTerminal terminal = assetType?.TerminalConfiguration?.Terminals?.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == TerminalName);
Guid globalId = Guid.Parse(GlobalId);
if (assetType != null && terminal != null)
var startingLocation = _utilityNetwork.CreateElement(assetType, globalId, terminal);
// Get base condition and trace configuration from a default tier.
UtilityDomainNetwork domainNetwork = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetDomainNetwork(DomainNetworkName);
UtilityTier tier = domainNetwork?.GetTier(TierName);
_baseCondition = tier?.GetDefaultTraceConfiguration()?.Traversability?.Barriers as UtilityTraceConditionalExpression;
// Create downstream trace with function outputs.
_traceParameters = new UtilityTraceParameters(UtilityTraceType.Downstream, new[] { startingLocation });
_traceParameters.TraceConfiguration = tier?.GetDefaultTraceConfiguration();
// Create function input and output condition.
UtilityCategory serviceCategory = _utilityNetwork.Definition.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == ServiceCategoryName);
UtilityNetworkAttribute loadAttribute = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetNetworkAttribute(LoadNetworkAttributeName);
_phasesNetworkAttribute = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetNetworkAttribute(PhasesNetworkAttributeName);
if (serviceCategory != null && loadAttribute != null && _phasesNetworkAttribute != null)
UtilityCategoryComparison serviceCategoryComparison = new UtilityCategoryComparison(serviceCategory, UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator.Exists);
UtilityTraceFunction addLoadAttributeFunction = new UtilityTraceFunction(UtilityTraceFunctionType.Add, loadAttribute, serviceCategoryComparison);
_traceParameters.TraceConfiguration.OutputCondition = serviceCategoryComparison;
if (_phasesNetworkAttribute.Domain is CodedValueDomain codedValueDomain)
PhasesList.ItemsSource = codedValueDomain.CodedValues;
catch (Exception ex)
await new MessageDialog2(ex.ToString(), "Error").ShowAsync();
private void OnAddPhase(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (PhasesList.SelectedItem is CodedValue codedValue && !_phases.Contains(codedValue.Name))
Phases.Text = $"Phases: {string.Join(", ", _phases)}";
private void OnReset(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Phases.Text = $"Phases:";
private async void RunReportButton_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (_phasesNetworkAttribute?.Domain is CodedValueDomain codedValueDomain)
foreach (CodedValue codedValue in codedValueDomain.CodedValues)
if (!_phases.Contains(codedValue.Name))
if (_baseCondition != null)
UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison phasesAttributeComparison = new UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison(_phasesNetworkAttribute, UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator.DoesNotIncludeAny, codedValue.Code);
_traceParameters.TraceConfiguration.Traversability.Barriers = new UtilityTraceOrCondition(_baseCondition, phasesAttributeComparison);
IEnumerable<UtilityTraceResult> results = await _utilityNetwork.TraceAsync(_traceParameters);
PhaseSummary phaseSummary = new PhaseSummary(codedValue.Name);
foreach (UtilityTraceResult result in results)
if (result.Warnings.Count > 0)
await new MessageDialog2(string.Join("\n", result.Warnings), "Trace Result Warnings").ShowAsync();
if (result is UtilityElementTraceResult elementResult)
phaseSummary.TotalCustomers = (from element in elementResult.Elements select element.ObjectId).Distinct().Count();
else if (result is UtilityFunctionTraceResult functionResult)
phaseSummary.TotalLoad = Convert.ToDouble(functionResult.FunctionOutputs.FirstOrDefault()?.Result);
_phaseSummaries.Insert(0, phaseSummary);
catch (Exception ex)
await new MessageDialog2(ex.ToString(), ex.GetType().ToString()).ShowAsync();