ArcGISGrid QML Type

Represents options to display a grid on top of a map. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0


Inherited By:

LatitudeLongitudeGrid, MGRSGrid, USNGGrid, and UTMGrid




Detailed Description

Supported grid types are:

This class allows customization of the grid by setting:

  • Whether to show the grid
  • Whether to show labels
  • Label offsets
  • Label position

Each grid has a number of resolution levels. Each level is displayed at a predetermined scale range that you cannot change. For each level of the grid, you can specify the symbols used for text and lines. The number of levels may be determined by the levelCount property. Integers used specify a level increment starting from zero.

Property Documentation

gridType : Enums.GridType

Returns the type of this grid (read-only).

See also Enums.GridType.

labelOffset : double

The grid text label offset device-independent pixels (DIPs) from the edge of the map view.

labelPosition : Enums.GridLabelPosition

The positioning option used for all grid text labels.

See also Enums.GridLabelPosition.

labelsVisible : bool

Whether grid labels are visible.

levelCount : int

Returns the number of levels of resolution supported by the grid (read-only).

visible : bool

Whether the grid is visible.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the labelOffset property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelOffsetChanged.


Emitted when the labelPosition property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelPositionChanged.


Emitted when the labelsVisible property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelsVisibleChanged.


Emitted when the visible property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onVisibleChanged.

Method Documentation

Symbol lineSymbol(int level)

Returns the line symbol used for the grid lines at the given resolution level.

See also setLineSymbol().

void setLineSymbol(int level, Symbol lineSymbol)

Sets the line symbol used for the grid lines at the given resolution level to lineSymbol.

See also lineSymbol().

void setTextSymbol(int level, Symbol textSymbol)

Sets the text symbol used for the grid labels at the given resolution level to textSymbol.

See also textSymbol().

Symbol textSymbol(int level)

Returns the text symbol used for the grid labels at the given resolution level.

See also setTextSymbol().

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