PortalInfo QML Type

Information about a portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0



Detailed Description

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Portal information includes the name, logo, featured items, supported protocols (HTTP or HTTPS) for this portal, and so on.

If the accessing user is a member of an organization, the details pertain to that organization. If the accessing user is not a member of an organization then then the details pertain to the Portal instead. Information includes the name and logo for the portal or organization, query information for the featured groups and content, and other customizable aspects of the Portal for an organization.

See also JsonSerializable and Portal Self (ArcGIS REST API).

Property Documentation

access : Enums.PortalAccess

Returns the level of access to your organization for anonymous users (read-only).

If set to Enums.PortalAccessPrivate, only members of the organization can access your site. Enums.PortalAccessPublic allows public access.

See also Enums.PortalAccess.

allSsl : bool

Returns whether the organization is using SSL (read-only).

If true, all calls made against resources that belong to the organization will require SSL.

basemapGalleryGroupQuery : string

Returns the query that identifies the group containing the web maps that display in the basemap gallery for the map viewer (read-only).

bingKey : string

Returns the Bing key to use for web maps that use Bing Maps (read-only).

canSearchPublic : bool

Returns whether public items, groups and users are included in search queries (read-only).

When false, no public items outside of the organization are included in searches. However, public items that are part of the organization are returned.

canShareBingPublic : bool

Returns whether the Bing key can be shared to the public.

If the portal is accessed anonymously, this property will always be false.

canSharePublic : bool

Indicates whether the members of the organization can search content outside of the organization.

When false, no public items outside of the organization are included in searches. However, public items that are part of the organization are returned.

commentsEnabled : bool

Returns whether comments are enabled for the organization (read-only).

created : Date

Returns the date and time the organization was created (read-only).

culture : string

Returns the organization's locale information, such as en_us (read-only).

customBaseDomainUrl : string

Returns the portal's custom base URL (read-only).

This is the portion of the host component of the URL that identifies a specific organization subscription within the portal.

For example, https://organizationSubdomain/customBaseDomain/

defaultBasemap : var

Returns the default basemap displayed in the map viewer (read-only).

defaultExtent : Envelope

Returns the organization's default extent for the basemaps (read-only).

developerBasemapGalleryGroupQuery : string

A query that identifies the group containing developer basemaps (read-only).

This expression can be used as the query string parameter to find the group that contains the developer basemaps of the Portal.

Developer basemaps are basemaps that are accessible and metered via API keys.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

See also Portal::fetchDeveloperBasemaps.

featuredGroupsQueries : list<string>

Returns a list of query strings that can be used to find the featured groups for the organization.

Each string specifies the title and owner of a group and sometimes also the ID of the group.

featuredItemsGroupQuery : string

Returns the query that identifies the group containing features items for the gallery (read-only).

helperServices : PortalHelperServices

A PortalHelperServices object of various services needed by client applications.

See Portal Self (ArcGIS REST API) for a list of helper services.

homePageFeaturedContentCount : int

Returns the number of featured items (up to 100) that can be displayed on the home page (read-only).

homePageFeaturedContentGroupQuery : string

Returns a query string that can be used to find the group containing featured content to be displayed on the home page (read-only).

ipCountryCode : string

Returns the country code of the calling IP (ArcGIS Online only) (read-only).

isPortal : bool

Returns whether the portal is on premises (read-only).

isReadOnly : bool

Returns whether the Portal is in read-only mode.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

json : jsobject

The JSON representation of the PortalInfo.

livingAtlasGroupQuery : string

The query that identifies the group containing the Living Atlas layers (read-only).

This expression should be used as the query string parameter to find the group.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

See also Portal::findGroups() and PortalQueryParameters.

modified : Date

Returns the date and time the organization was modified (read-only).

organizationBannerUrl : url

Returns the URL of the banner image of the organization (read-only).

organizationDescription : string

Returns the description of the organization (read-only).

In the case of non-organizational users of ArcGIS Online or a multi-tenant portal, this will be empty.

organizationId : string

Returns the organization ID (read-only).

organizationName : string

Returns the organization's name (read-only).

In the case of non-organizational users of ArcGIS Online or a multi-tenant portal this will be empty.

organizationSubdomain : string

Returns the organization's subdomain.

The portion of the URL's host component that identifies a specific organization subscription within a portal.

For example, https://organizationSubdomain/customBaseDomain/.

portal : Portal

Returns the portal (read-only).

portalMode : Enums.PortalMode

Returns portal's mode (read-only).

This indicates whether the portal is single or multi tenant. A multi tenant portal supports organization subscriptions, but a single tenant does not.

See also Enums.PortalMode.

portalName : string

Returns portal's name (read-only).

portalThumbnailUrl : url

Returns a URL to the portal's thumbnail (read-only).

readOnly : bool

Indicates if the portal is currently in read-only mode (read-only).

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

See also PortalInfo::readOnlyMessage.

readOnlyMessage : string

If the portal is currently in read-only mode, this is an explanatory message that can be displayed to the user (read-only).

This will be empty if PortalInfo::readOnly is false.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

showHomePageDescription : bool

Returns whether the organization's description appears on its home page (read-only).

stylesGroupQuery : string

A query that identifies a group of styles.

This expression can be used as the query string parameter to find the styles group. Each style contains references to symbols that can be used in the ArcGIS platform (read-only). Instead of providing your own query, you can use the helper method Portal::fetchStyles to fetch the items in the styles group.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

See also Portal::findGroups() and PortalQueryParameters.

subscriptionInfo : SubscriptionInfo

Information about the portal user's subscription (read-only).

null if the portal is accessed anonymously.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

supportsOAuth : bool

Returns whether OAuth authentication is supported (read-only).

symbolSetsGroupQuery : string

A query that identifies the symbol sets group (read-only).

This expression can be used as the query string parameter to find the symbol sets group. Instead of providing your own query, you can use the helper method Portal::fetchSymbolSets to fetch the items in the symbol sets group.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

See also Portal::findGroups() and PortalQueryParameters.

thumbnailUrl : url

Returns a URL to the organization's thumbnail (read-only).

unknownJson : jsobject

Returns the unknown JSON from the source JSON.

See also JsonSerializable.

unsupportedJson : jsobject

Returns the unsupported data from the source JSON.

See also JsonSerializable.

urlKey : string

Returns the prefix selected by the organization's administrator to be used with the customBaseURL (read-only).

user : PortalUser

Returns user information for the accessing user (read-only).

This is only returned only when a token is passed in. Group information is not given.

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
