UtilityAssetType QML Type

The second-level categorization of a UtilityNetworkSource. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.6



Detailed Description

UtilityAssetType is the second-level categorization of a UtilityNetworkSource. (UtilityAssetGroup is the first-level categorization.)

Examples of utility network asset types include:

  • The UtilityAssetType for a transformer UtilityAssetGroup in an electric distribution domain network could be StepTransformer, PowerTransformer, or DistributionTransformer.
  • The UtilityAssetType for a line feature class in a water distribution domain network could be PVCPipe, ClayPipe, or CastIronPipe.

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

Property Documentation

associationDeletionSemantics : Enums.UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics

The update applied to UtilityAssociation objects when deleting an object of this UtilityAssetType (read-only).

This determines the behavior that occurs when attempting to delete features with this asset type.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

associationRole : Enums.UtilityAssociationRole

Returns whether the UtilityAssetType is a container, a structure, or neither (read-only).

See also Enums.UtilityAssociationRole.

categories : list<UtilityCategory>

Returns the list of UtilityCategory objects (read-only).

This is a collection of system-provided network categories that incorporate semantics of the utility network for subnetwork management and tracing operations.

code : int

Returns the attribute domain value code of the UtilityAssetType (read-only).

containerViewScale : double

Returns the container view scale of the UtilityAssetType (read-only).

If the utility asset type is a point container, this property is the appropriate display scale (zoom level) for displaying the container when it is opened. For other utility asset types, this property defaults to 0.0.

name : string

Returns the name of the UtilityAssetType (read-only).

terminalConfiguration : UtilityTerminalConfiguration

Returns the terminal configuration of the UtilityAssetType (read-only).

Only asset types whose network source is a device can have a terminal configuration.

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