An operation that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly processing. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: |
Detailed Description
Examples of RasterFunctions include Hillshade, Stretch, Colormap, Mask, and ShadedRelief, among others.
RasterFunctions in ArcGIS Runtime work very similarly to the ArcGIS REST API. The following workflow is a common way to render a raster using a raster function:
- Create a raster function via JSON. For example, the following JSON could be used for a Pansharpen function:
{ "raster_function":{"type":"Pansharpen_function"}, "raster_function_arguments": { "weights":{"double_array":[0.10000000000000001,0.5,0.40000000000000002,0.29999999999999999],"type":"Raster_function_variable"}, "pansharpen_type":{"pansharpen_type":"gram_schmidt","type":"Raster_function_variable"}, "pan_raster":{"name":"pan_raster","is_raster":true,"type":"Raster_function_variable"}, "raster":{"name":"raster","is_raster":true,"type":"Raster_function_variable"}, "type":"Raster_function_arguments" }, "type":"Raster_function_template" }
For documentation on the ArcGIS Runtime JSON format and syntax for the different raster functions, please see the Guide topic Add raster data.
- Construct a RasterFunction object with the JSON created in step 1.
- Get the RasterFunctionArguments with arguments.
- Add rasters to the RasterFunctionArguments.
- Create a new Raster object with this RasterFunction.
- Create a new RasterLayer with the Raster object.
- Add the RasterLayer to a map or scene.
For further details on raster functions, please see the ArcGIS Desktop documentation
Use an ImageServiceRaster as an argument for a raster function:
// create raster function const rasterFunction = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("RasterFunction", {path: dataPath + "/hillshade_simplified.json"}); // get the arguments const rasterFunctionArguments = rasterFunction.arguments; // set the raster rasterFunctionArguments.setRaster("raster", imageServiceRaster); // create the raster from the raster function const raster = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("Raster", { rasterFunction: rasterFunction }); // create raster layer from raster const rasterLayer = ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.createObject("RasterLayer", { raster: raster });
You can see the complete code in the QML sample Raster Function Service.
See also Loadable.
Property Documentation
arguments : RasterFunctionArguments |
Returns the arguments of this raster function (read-only).
The path to the local RasterFunction JSON file.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the path property changes.
Note: The corresponding handler is onPathChanged