EncViewingGroupSettings QML Type

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) viewing group settings object. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2





Detailed Description

// sets ENC settings using QML declaration
EncLayer {
    encEnvironmentSettings.displaySettings.viewingGroupSettings.boundariesAndLimits: true

// sets ENC settings using JS function
function setupEncEnvironmentSettings() {
    EncEnvironmentSettings.displaySettings.viewingGroupSettings.boundariesAndLimits = true;

Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.

See also EncLayer.

Property Documentation

allIsolatedDangers : bool

A value indicating whether "all isolated dangers" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 13, which includes viewing groups 34050 and 34051.

archipelagicSeaLanes : bool

A value indicating whether the "archipelagic sea lanes" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 9, which includes viewing group 26260.

boundariesAndLimits : bool

A value indicating whether the "boundaries and limits" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 4, which includes viewing groups 23030, 26050, 26220, 26240, and 26250.

buoysBeaconsAidsToNavigation : bool

A value indicating whether the "buoys, beacons, aids to navigation" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 3, which includes viewing groups 21020, 22200 – 22240, 27000, 27010, 27011, 27020, 27025, 27040, 27050, 27070, 27080, 27200, 27210, 27230, 27030, and 27060.

buoysBeaconsStructures : bool

A value indicating whether the "buoys, beacons, structures" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 3.1, which includes viewing groups 21010, 21020, 22200 - 22240, 27000-27050, 27080, 27200 – 27230, 27030, and 27060.

chartScaleBoundaries : bool

A value indicating whether the "chart scale boundaries" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 6, which includes viewing group 21030.

depthContours : bool

A value indicating whether the "depth contours" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 15, which includes viewing group 33020.

dryingLine : bool

A value indicating whether the "drying line" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 2, which includes viewing group 22010.

lights : bool

A value indicating whether the "lights" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 3.2, which includes viewing group 27070.

magneticVariation : bool

A value indicating whether the "magnetic variation" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 14, which includes viewing group 31080.

otherMiscellaneous : bool

A value indicating whether the "other miscellaneous" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 18, which includes viewing group 30000-39999.

prohibitedAndRestrictedAreas : bool

A value indicating whether the "prohibited and restricted areas" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 5, which includes viewing groups 2600, 26010, and 26040.

seabed : bool

A value indicating whether the "seabed" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 16, which includes viewing groups 34010, 34020, and 33040.

shipsRoutingSystemsAndFerryRoutes : bool

A value indicating whether the "ships' routing systems and ferry routes" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 8, which includes viewing groups 25010-25060.

spotSoundings : bool

A value indicating whether the "spot soundings" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 11, which includes viewing group 33010.

standardMiscellaneous : bool

A value indicating whether the "standard miscellaneous" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 10 under the "standard display" viewing group, which includes all objects not covered by viewing groups 20000-29999.

submarineCablesAndPipelines : bool

A value indicating whether the "submarine cables and pipelines" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 12, which includes viewing groups 34030 and 34070.

tidal : bool

A value indicating whether the "tidal" view group should be visible.

Per IHO S-52 Annex A, controls viewing group layer 17, which includes viewing groups 33050 and 33060.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the allIsolatedDangers property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onAllIsolatedDangersChanged.


Emitted when the archipelagicSeaLanes property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onArchipelagicSeaLanesChanged.


Emitted when the boundariesAndLimits property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBoundariesAndLimitsChanged.


Emitted when the buoysBeaconsAidsToNavigation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBuoysBeaconsAidsToNavigationChanged.


Emitted when the buoysBeaconsStructures property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onBuoysBeaconsStructuresChanged.


Emitted when the chartScaleBoundaries property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onChartScaleBoundariesChanged.


Emitted when the depthContours property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDepthContoursChanged.


Emitted when the dryingLine property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onDryingLineChanged.


Emitted when the lights property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLightsChanged.


Emitted when the magneticVariation property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMagneticVariationChanged.


Emitted when the otherMiscellaneous property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onOtherMiscellaneousChanged.


Emitted when the prohibitedAndRestrictedAreas property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onProhibitedAndRestrictedAreasChanged.


Emitted when the seabed property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSeabedChanged.


Emitted when the shipsRoutingSystemsAndFerryRoutes property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onShipsRoutingSystemsAndFerryRoutesChanged.


Emitted when the spotSoundings property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSpotSoundingsChanged.


Emitted when the standardMiscellaneous property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onStandardMiscellaneousChanged.


Emitted when the submarineCablesAndPipelines property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onSubmarineCablesAndPipelinesChanged.


Emitted when the tidal property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onTidalChanged.

Method Documentation

void resetToDefaults()

Resets all S-52 view group properties to their default values.

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