SyncGeodatabaseParameters QML Type

The parameters to sync data of a sync-enabled geodatabase. More...

Import Statement: import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15
Since: Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0




Detailed Description

SyncGeodatabaseParameters are used with GeodatabaseSyncTask::syncGeodatabase to sync the data of sync-enabled geodatabases with their supporting ArcGIS Feature services.

Note: Rather than constructing one of these directly, consider using the convenience method GeodatabaseSyncTask::createDefaultSyncGeodatabaseParameters. It will create a GenerateGeodatabaseParameters object initialized with appropriate parameters based on the capabilities supported by the ArcGIS Feature service and how the geodatabase was configured when it was generated.

This QML type supports the following default properties. A default property may be declared inside another declared object without being assigned explicitly to a property.

TypeDefault Property
SyncLayerOptionlayerOptions (appends to list)

Property Documentation

geodatabaseSyncDirection : Enums.SyncDirection

The direction in which the entire geodatabase must sync changes with the service.

This property only applies if the geodatabase uses a sync model of Enums.SyncModelGeodatabase. Otherwise, use the layerOptions property.

See also Enums.SyncDirection.

keepGeodatabaseDeltas : bool

Indicates whether or not the upload or downloaded server delta geodatabases will be removed at the end of the sync job.

A delta geodatabase is a file that contains the changes that have occurred since a mobile replica Geodatabase was last synchronized with its feature service. See for an overview of the delta files used in synchronization. There are two types of delta geodatabase:

  • Local edits, performed on the user's device, are exported as an "upload" delta delta that is applied to the originating feature service.
  • Online edits, performed by other users are requested as a "download" delta which is then applied to the local replica geodatabase.

Delta geodatabases allow you to troubleshoot sync problems. For example, you can inspect the geodatabase changes or you could send the file to the administrator of the feature service.

You can choose to retain both the uploaded and downloaded delta geodatabases once the sync job has completed. Set to true to retain both delta geodatabases and set to false to have them deleted at the end of the sync job. Deltas will be retained regardless of whether the job succeeds or fails. Note that when this property is set to true, the upload delta geodatabase will only be available if there are changes to upload and the sync direction is Enums.SyncDirectionUpload or Enums.SyncDirectionBidirectional. The download delta geodatabase will only be available when there are changes to download and the sync direction is Enums.SyncDirectionDownload or Enums.SyncDirectionBidirectional. The default value is false.

This property was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

[default] layerOptions : list<SyncLayerOption>

The options specifying the direction in which individual layers in the geodatabase must sync changes with the service.

Not all layers need to be included in the sync operation. Some of them can be excluded by leaving them out of this list. This property only applies if the geodatabase uses a sync model of Enums.SyncModelLayer. Otherwise, use the geodatabaseSyncDirection property.

rollbackOnFailure : bool

Whether all edits are rolled back if a failure occurs while importing edits from the geodatabase onto the server.

If this property is false, then failed edits are skipped. Other edits are still applied.

Note: This property only applies to edits uploaded by the client to the server. It does not apply to edits imported by client from the server.

Signal Documentation


Emitted when the geodatabaseSyncDirection property of this SyncGeodatabaseParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onGeodatabaseSyncDirectionChanged.


Emitted when the keepGeodatabaseDeltas property changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onKeepGeodatabaseDeltasChanged.

This signal was introduced in Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.10.


Emitted when the layerOptions property of this SyncGeodatabaseParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onLayerOptionsChanged.


Emitted when the rollbackOnFailure property of this SyncGeodatabaseParameters changes.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRollbackOnFailureChanged.

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