This class represents results of a groups query performed on a portal. More...
Import Statement: | import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.15 |
Since: | Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: |
- groupResults : PortalGroupListModel
- nextQueryParameters : PortalQueryParametersForGroups
- queryParameters : PortalQueryParametersForGroups
- totalResults : int
Detailed Description
Note: You cannot declare or create a component of this type in QML code.
A "pageable" search performed on a portal may yield a large number of results. The number of results in a PortalQueryResultSetForGroups is limited by the results limit field of the PortalQueryParametersForGroups used to make the query. By default, only the first ten result values are returned. The PortalQueryResultSetForGroups allows clients to retrieve results in batches. Use nextQueryParameters to get a PortalQueryParametersForGroups object to fetch the next batch of results.
See also Portal, PortalQueryParametersForGroups, and PortalGroup.
Property Documentation
groupResults : PortalGroupListModel |
Returns a list of PortalGroup objects which satisfy the query.
See also PortalGroup.
nextQueryParameters : PortalQueryParametersForGroups |
Returns the parameters used to select the next set of results.
If the full set of groups identified by the original query is too large, this property will contain the query which should be used to make a further call to findGroups on the portal. If this property is empty, no further groups are available.
See also Portal and PortalQueryParametersForGroups.
queryParameters : PortalQueryParametersForGroups |
Returns the parameters used to select the groupResults
The parameters are based on the original PortalQueryResultSetForGroups used to call findGroups on the portal. However, if the total set of results is too large, the parameters will be refined to select only a subset of the records - i.e. those contained in groupResults.
See also PortalQueryParametersForGroups.